

Convenient method for drawing flowers with step-by-step instructions

1-The line value, this will be different depending on what we are drawing, for example for the base drawing line, you can use a brush size greater than the one used to give details to the petals (axis on screen, base drawing 7px and the details 5 px)

How to draw flowers and use them in illustrations


hello! It is ‘LYPS (Lips)’. Today, I’m going to do a tutorial on ‘flowers’, a subject and material I often use. Depending on what kind of work we are drawing, there are times when we need a scene with flowers blooming on tree branches, but in line with this month’s theme, I will focus more on flowers and teach you my own method of depicting them and how to use them in illustration work. !

Collect data

Do you like flowers? The photo above is a photo I took myself and is of the ‘plum blossom’ that blooms around March every year. Usually, when I find a subject I want to draw, I take a photo and save it. This is to increase observation of things around you, draw a more realistic picture, or obtain information as data when necessary.

Q. Why should I refer to photos?

There is some difference between what we draw from data and what we don’t. This is because small details affect how naturally the materials in a work blend together. To do this, it will be helpful to first know the structure of an actual flower and draw it.

In particular, flowers often appear in romantic scenes, and various flowers have various stories and meanings, so they are a good material for giving a special message to character illustrations. If you experience drawing various flowers through this tutorial, you will improve your ability to use them to make your illustrations more colorful.

Structure of a flower

2-1 Learn about the structure

A flower basically has a calyx that supports the flower, a pistil and stamen, and petals that surround the pistil and stamen. There are slight differences depending on the type and shape of the flower, but they generally have a similar or identical structure. If we look at the larger structure, it is as follows.

-Pistil: The main reproductive organ of the flower, located in the center of the flower.

-Ovary: The part that surrounds the ovary and belongs to the detailed organ of the pistil (not shown in the picture)

-Ovule: A seed inside an ovary. This is the part that becomes pulp later.

-Stamen: It is the reproductive organ of a flower and produces pollen.

-Petal: A thin leaf surrounding a flower. It is a nutritional organ and is characterized by its bright colors to attract pollinating insects such as butterflies and bees.

-Sepal: A flower’s nutritional organ that, like petals, serves to surround the reproductive organs.

There are more detailed parts and names, but since we don’t need much knowledge about flowers to draw, we simply looked at the structure. If you know the actual structure, you can adjust the deformation to suit your style or draw various flowers.

2-2 Drawing

2-1. Set the layer’s opacity to 50% and draw a line on it to create a simple shape of the flower.

(At this time, you can draw on the photo or draw on another canvas.)

2-2. Figure out the number of petals of the flower in the diagram and draw a line to see in which direction each stamen extends from the center of the stamen.

2-3. Connect with a round line along the line from the center outward, and finish by drawing long stamens and flower branches.

To reduce accessibility, we used flowers with small petals, but more complex petal structures can also be understood using this method. In addition to learning various shapes, it will be helpful to use the above method to shape other flowers as well.

Flower Structure!

As I see it, a petal has 3 parts: the base, the tip, and the middle.

The base is what will be connected to the center of the flower, this is usually the narrowest part of the petal, the tip faces outwards, this is usually wider than the base and its shape is usually rounded or pointed depending on which flower we are drawing, the middle part is usually the part where the petal is wider than the rest, this can vary but in general it is what I usually follow when drawing petals.

The main attribute of the petals is that they are curved not straight, there is always inward or outward curvature.

The petals are not usually perfect shapes, they tend to have indentations and slight bends.

b. Basic perspectives for drawing petals

Front: this is the simplest we simply draw the petal without much complexity, taking into account the center of the flower and the direction of the petal, usually the petals are not, as I said before, straight or stiff, they have curves.

From the side, in this case the petal is made up of two main lines, a straighter part and a more curved part, when we have the base we can begin to give it slight undulations to make it look more organic, we can also play with the position of the petal to to see the inside.

We can Imagine as if it were a sheet of paper to better visualize

from above, in this case it is also made up of two lines, both are curved although one is straighter than the other, the first can vary greatly depending on the point of the petal of the flower we are drawing, the second curve usually has the same way, it only varies if it is in or out.

c. How to draw flower buds

The structure of the flower buds is very simple, there are 4 parts:

the bud, the stem, the leaves and the receptacle.

The cocoon that is oval in shape, like an egg, the stem is just a line with a smooth curve, there are also the leaves that wrap around the bottom of the petals, which is very similar in shape to the petals, only these are usually shorter and with pointed tips unlike the petals that are rounded, and finally between the stem and the leaves, there is a small lump which is called a receptacle, it has a shape between oval and cylindrical.

To draw a bud is very simple because what the petals and leaves do is follow the oval shape, yes, no straight lines, just smooth curves, all very compressed and overlapping each other, the leaves on the other hand do not overlap but they wrap the petals then we just make the receptacle and the stem, and that’s it, to draw it in different perspectives we just follow our structure.

Several things to take into consideration:

1- The shape of the oval can vary from flower to flower, but these are usually the ones I draw most often:

2- It does not necessarily have the bud that is super compressed, you can play with this and draw buds starting to open, in this case, moving the petals a little away from each other and leaving an empty space in the middle, which does not have to be very exaggerated , it will do the effect.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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