

How to sketch sea turtle step by step


Draw a Sea Turtle Step by Step

Click HERE for the PDF to Draw a Sea Turtle Step by Step.

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2022
Category: Your Art

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How to Draw a Loggerhead Turtle

In this quick tutorial you’ll learn how to draw a Loggerhead Turtle in 7 easy steps – great for kids and novice artists.

The images above represent how your finished drawing is going to look and the steps involved.

Below are the individual steps – you can click on each one for a High Resolution printable PDF version.

At the bottom you can read some interesting facts about the Loggerhead Turtle.

Make sure you also check out any of the hundreds of drawing tutorials grouped by category.

How to Draw a Loggerhead Turtle – Step-by-Step Tutorial

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Step 1: First let’s draw the head of our loggerhead tutrle, a long rounded head will do nicely.

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Step 2: From the base of the neck add a long ridge line for the back, going down to the tail and then jutting up again to form the belly.

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Step 3: Now add a line for the mouth and a bold circle for the eye.

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Step 4: Add some patterns to the head and face. You might have seen one of these loggerhead turtles before – they’re all over the ocean!

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Step 5: Looking good so far, now add the front and back flippers. Long, wide fan shapes will look very good!

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Step 6: Great, let’s add the shell outline behind the head now – a curved line will do great!

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Step 7: Now draw squares along the shell and patterns on the skin of the loggerhead turtle.

Interesting Facts about the LOGGERHEAD TURTLE

The Loggerhead Turtle is a member of the reptile family and the scientific term for them is Caretta caretta. Other common names for this species are the Loggerhead Sea Turtle and the Loggerhead. They are located in all areas of the ocean between the polar regions. The color of these animals is a yellowish skin to a brownish shell. The top of this species has pointed plates on its back, and is the second largest turtle.

Did you know?

  • The animal was first documented in 1758.
  • This species can live for almost 70 years.
  • The species can travel 9,000 miles to their breeding area.
  • They prefer water temperatures of 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The creature can weigh up to over 1,000 pounds.
  • They can grow up to over 9 feet long.
  • The turtle spends 85 percent of its swim under water.
  • The animal can remain under water for 7 hours.

Generally, the warmer the water, the more likely that the female will lay eggs in that region. During migration, they swim at their top speed of almost a mile per hour. Almost half of all females have been observed laying eggs with shark bite scars on their bodies. Since there are so few of these creatures, they are endangered of becoming extinct.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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