

What dyes mix to create purple?

Once you’ve selected your overdye bath color using the above sections as a reference, the dyeing process will depend on the type of dye you want to use, and the type of fabric your garment is made from. We’ve created some resources that encompass how to dye with box dyes like Rit, Dylon, and iDye as well as specialist dyes like fiber reactive dyes and acid dyes. You can find more information on how to have a successful dye day in these posts:

Overdye 101: How to Dye Colored Fabric + Color Mixing Chart

“Overdye” is the word dyers use to describe layering dye baths on top of each other. This could mean that you use multiple dye baths one after another to build a depth of color, but it could also mean dying an existing non-white garment to a new color. Aside from adding depth, texture, and new tones, it’s also an incredibly useful way to breathe new life into old garments, disguise stains, and update garments to a color you’ll actually wear.

In natural dyeing, Overdyeing is used to create colors with dyes that might interact badly with each other if they were mixed directly, and it’s also used to update colors that fade over time.

Is it easy to overdye fabric and clothes?

It is no more complicated to overdye fabrics than it is to dye white items. You still have the same choices of dye depending on the fiber content of your garment or fabric, and you still need the same supplies as you would with any other dye bath. The added layer of complexity comes only in the planning stage. If you’re starting with a garment or fabric that has a color already, and you’re trying to arrive at a particular color, you’ll need to do a bit of planning (and potentially testing!) to figure out what color you need to use for your overdye bath.

We’ll break down some of the key things to look for when planning an overdye project, but ultimately the biggest trick you can use is to test your color mixing before dyeing your entire garment. Dyes can occasionally behave in surprising ways – some colors are mixes of different pigments and these pigments can absorb at different speeds or react with the base color differently, impacting the outcome of your dyed project. If possible, you should always try to test your project with a swatch before you commit the whole thing to a dye bath.

Another thing to keep in mind – one that doesn’t add any complexity but may add one extra step – is that if you’re working with a previously worn garment, you’ll want to pay special attention to pre-washing and stain treatment. Stains that are visible or barely visible can show up in a freshly overdyed garment. You’ll want to pre-wash and stain treat thoroughly, but also keep in mind that these areas can absorb dye differently. If you have, for example, spattered oil or tomato sauce all over the front of a shirt, you may wish to consider a scrunch-dye, tie-dye, or low-immersion dye bath that will add some texture to disguise these stains, as overdyeing them in a solid color is unlikely to completely hide them, even if the stains are very light and you’re planning a very dark color.

How to choose the right dye color when overdyeing:

You probably learned something about color mixing in school – red and blue make purple, yellow and blue make green, and the difference between primary and secondary colors. Dyes, like paints, are composed of pigments, and overdyeing is essentially just mixing pigments, the same way you’d mix paint.

It’s easy enough to understand that a red shirt in a blue dye bath will result in a purple shirt, but what happens if you’re not starting with a primary color, or when there’s not a clear mix available? Unfortunately, there’s no magical overdye color that will help you turn a pair of dark brown pants neon yellow. In general, overdyeing only allows you to go darker, not lighter, and you’re always going to be limited by the color of the garment or fabric you’re starting with. If you’re set on a lighter color, you can always pre-treat your fabric or garment with bleach to lighten it, but do keep in mind that bleach can damage fabric in large quantities so always test a swatch first!

You may have a lighter-colored item that you want to be darker – a light pair of jeans to dye black, or a green shirt to dye brown. This category of overdyeing is all about adjusting your dye bath for tone. For example, if you’re overdyeing a cooler blue with red to make purple, you may need to add a bit of pink if you’re aiming for a warmer purple, or tone it down with a pinch of green if you want a darker, muddier color. This concept applies to different shades within the same color range as well – dyeing a neon yellow skirt down to mustard yellow is a careful exercise in small additions of brown and a more neutral yellow, and a lime green jacket can become olive green with some browns and darker mossy greens.

Often if you’re adjusting shades in this way, your overdye pot will contain a mix of different dyes to achieve the right color. If this is the case, it’s always best to go with a “less is more” approach! Don’t add quite as much dye as you think you need. It’s always easier to go back and add more than it is to take color away.

As an item gets darker or more saturated, it becomes more difficult to augment its color with an overdye. For example, a very dark blue t-shirt overdyed in red is very likely to end up looking like a slightly warmer very dark blue. Some extremely saturated reds are also difficult to “shift” – no matter what dye you use, it will always have that red tint. Conversely, very light or pale colors can sometimes be “overpowered” with a particularly saturated overdye – for example, generally yellow and blue make green, but if you’re starting with a very pale yellow base, you can in some cases achieve a navy blue that doesn’t have much, if any, green undertone. This, again, is extremely dependent on the item you’re dyeing.

What dyes mix to create purple?

Violet Vixen Splat 10 Wash no bleach temporary hair color

10 Wash, Temporary Hair Color, 6 oz – (Violet Vixen)

This low-commitment pink temporary hair color lets you go anywhere from pastel to bold in a matter of minutes. Simply add violet hair dye at the desired timing and then watch it fade away with each shampoo.

IDEAL FOR: Pale blonde, very light blonde, and pre-bleached hair.

**Wear and wash out depends on porosity, texture, and condition of hair.

NEW! Purple Color Conditioning Masque

Splat Purple Color Depositing Conditioner overtone

Conditioning Color Masque, 6 oz. – Purple

Semi-permanent buildable color with all the benefits of a deep conditioning treatment. The commitment-free formula adds color and shine while nourishing your strands, making them easy to manage. Perfect for a boost of added color or as a pick-me-up for your existing shade. Results in just 3 minutes!

***To achieve the maximum color result, leave on hair for 20-30 minutes.

IDEAL FOR: Pale blonde and pre-lightened hair. Overall bold color maintenance, hydration, and added shine.

Purple: Great for purples or as a color shifter. Convert your faded pinks to lavender or cool down your blues and reds.

Features and Benefits

  • Buildable semi-permanent color
  • Quickly deposits color and shine in just 3 minutes
  • Deep conditions hair
  • 4 Ways To Use
Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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