

Dioxazine purple color hex code

Analogous colors are located next to each other on the on the color wheel. Below are unnamed colors that are analogous to the base color you have chosen.

Lascaux Dioxazine violet light / 135 / #54348f Hex Color Code

The hexadecimal color code #54348f is a medium dark shade of blue-magenta. In the RGB color model #54348f is comprised of 32.94% red, 20.39% green and 56.08% blue. In the HSL color space #54348f has a hue of 261° (degrees), 47% saturation and 38% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 436.24 nm.

  • Inverted
  • 25% saturated
  • Grayscale
  • 25% lighter
  • Original
  • 25% darker
  • Web safe: blue
    #0000ff / #00f
  • 25% desaturated
  • HTML: darkslateblue
  1. Blue-magenta violet
  2. Regalia
  3. KSU purple
  4. Rebecca Purple
    #663399 / #639
  5. Dark slate blue
  1. Iron color (Tetsu-iro)
  2. Raisin black
  3. Light coral
  4. Blood red (Benihi)
  5. Thrice-dyed crimson (Jinzamomi)

  1. Lemon yellow (Crayola)
  2. Laser lemon
    #ffff66 / #ff6
  3. Calamansi
  4. White
    #ffffff / #fff
  5. Pastel yellow

#54348f to white

#54348f to black

Complement monochromatic colors

Complement colors are located opposite each other on the color wheel. There are many more unnamed than named colors. Below are monochromatic unnamed colors that are complementary to the base color you have chosen, ranked by brightness.

complement colors

Saturated and desaturated colors

Below are colors similar to the base color you have chosen, ranked from saturated to desaturated. Desaturated colors are those in which the R, G, and B values are flatter and closer to a gray tone. A perfectly desaturated color has equal values for each of R, G, and B and would be a shade of gray. White and black are also perfectly desaturated colors.

split complement colors

Split complement colors

A split complementary scheme involves three colors: the original color and the two colors on either side of the complement color. The result is a softer set of colors, less jarring than the complement.

triad colors

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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