

Different purple shades RGB codes

There’s no retirement for an artist, it’s your way of living so there’s no end to it. Henry Moore

Color Reference

Components in React Native are styled using JavaScript. Color properties usually match how CSS works on the web. General guides on the color usage on each platform could be found below:

React Native has several color APIs designed to allow you to take full advantage of your platform’s design and user preferences.

  • PlatformColor lets you reference the platform’s color system.
  • DynamicColorIOS is iOS specific and allows you to specify which colors should be used in light or Dark Mode.

Color representations​

Red Green Blue (RGB)​

React Native supports rgb() and rgba() in both hexadecimal and functional notation:

  • ‘#f0f’ (#rgb)
  • ‘#ff00ff’ (#rrggbb)
  • ‘#f0ff’ (#rgba)
  • ‘#ff00ff00’ (#rrggbbaa)
  • ‘rgb(255, 0, 255)’
  • ‘rgb(255 0 255)’
  • ‘rgba(255, 0, 255, 1.0)’
  • ‘rgba(255 0 255 / 1.0)’

Hue Saturation Lightness (HSL)​

React Native supports hsl() and hsla() in functional notation:

  • ‘hsl(360, 100%, 100%)’
  • ‘hsl(360 100% 100%)’
  • ‘hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 1.0)’
  • ‘hsla(360 100% 100% / 1.0)’

Hue Whiteness Blackness (HWB)​

React Native supports hwb() in functional notation:

  • ‘hwb(0, 0%, 100%)’
  • ‘hwb(360, 100%, 100%)’
  • ‘hwb(0 0% 0%)’
  • ‘hwb(70 50% 0%)’

Color ints​

React Native supports also colors as an int values (in RGB color mode):

  • 0xff00ff00 (0xrrggbbaa)

This might appear similar to the Android Color ints representation but on Android values are stored in SRGB color mode (0xaarrggbb).

Named colors​

In React Native you can also use color name strings as values.

React Native only supports lowercase color names. Uppercase color names are not supported.

transparent ​

This is a shortcut for rgba(0,0,0,0) , same like in CSS3.

Color keywords​

Named colors implementation follows the CSS3/SVG specification:

  • aliceblue ( #f0f8ff )
  • antiquewhite ( #faebd7 )
  • aqua ( #00ffff )
  • aquamarine ( #7fffd4 )
  • azure ( #f0ffff )
  • beige ( #f5f5dc )
  • bisque ( #ffe4c4 )
  • black ( #000000 )
  • blanchedalmond ( #ffebcd )
  • blue ( #0000ff )
  • blueviolet ( #8a2be2 )
  • brown ( #a52a2a )
  • burlywood ( #deb887 )
  • cadetblue ( #5f9ea0 )
  • chartreuse ( #7fff00 )
  • chocolate ( #d2691e )
  • coral ( #ff7f50 )
  • cornflowerblue ( #6495ed )
  • cornsilk ( #fff8dc )
  • crimson ( #dc143c )
  • cyan ( #00ffff )
  • darkblue ( #00008b )
  • darkcyan ( #008b8b )
  • darkgoldenrod ( #b8860b )
  • darkgray ( #a9a9a9 )
  • darkgreen ( #006400 )
  • darkgrey ( #a9a9a9 )
  • darkkhaki ( #bdb76b )
  • darkmagenta ( #8b008b )
  • darkolivegreen ( #556b2f )
  • darkorange ( #ff8c00 )
  • darkorchid ( #9932cc )
  • darkred ( #8b0000 )
  • darksalmon ( #e9967a )
  • darkseagreen ( #8fbc8f )
  • darkslateblue ( #483d8b )
  • darkslategrey ( #2f4f4f )
  • darkturquoise ( #00ced1 )
  • darkviolet ( #9400d3 )
  • deeppink ( #ff1493 )
  • deepskyblue ( #00bfff )
  • dimgray ( #696969 )
  • dimgrey ( #696969 )
  • dodgerblue ( #1e90ff )
  • firebrick ( #b22222 )
  • floralwhite ( #fffaf0 )
  • forestgreen ( #228b22 )
  • fuchsia ( #ff00ff )
  • gainsboro ( #dcdcdc )
  • ghostwhite ( #f8f8ff )
  • gold ( #ffd700 )
  • goldenrod ( #daa520 )
  • gray ( #808080 )
  • green ( #008000 )
  • greenyellow ( #adff2f )
  • grey ( #808080 )
  • honeydew ( #f0fff0 )
  • hotpink ( #ff69b4 )
  • indianred ( #cd5c5c )
  • indigo ( #4b0082 )
  • ivory ( #fffff0 )
  • khaki ( #f0e68c )
  • lavender ( #e6e6fa )
  • lavenderblush ( #fff0f5 )
  • lawngreen ( #7cfc00 )
  • lemonchiffon ( #fffacd )
  • lightblue ( #add8e6 )
  • lightcoral ( #f08080 )
  • lightcyan ( #e0ffff )
  • lightgoldenrodyellow ( #fafad2 )
  • lightgray ( #d3d3d3 )
  • lightgreen ( #90ee90 )
  • lightgrey ( #d3d3d3 )
  • lightpink ( #ffb6c1 )
  • lightsalmon ( #ffa07a )
  • lightseagreen ( #20b2aa )
  • lightskyblue ( #87cefa )
  • lightslategrey ( #778899 )
  • lightsteelblue ( #b0c4de )
  • lightyellow ( #ffffe0 )
  • lime ( #00ff00 )
  • limegreen ( #32cd32 )
  • linen ( #faf0e6 )
  • magenta ( #ff00ff )
  • maroon ( #800000 )
  • mediumaquamarine ( #66cdaa )
  • mediumblue ( #0000cd )
  • mediumorchid ( #ba55d3 )
  • mediumpurple ( #9370db )
  • mediumseagreen ( #3cb371 )
  • mediumslateblue ( #7b68ee )
  • mediumspringgreen ( #00fa9a )
  • mediumturquoise ( #48d1cc )
  • mediumvioletred ( #c71585 )
  • midnightblue ( #191970 )
  • mintcream ( #f5fffa )
  • mistyrose ( #ffe4e1 )
  • moccasin ( #ffe4b5 )
  • navajowhite ( #ffdead )
  • navy ( #000080 )
  • oldlace ( #fdf5e6 )
  • olive ( #808000 )
  • olivedrab ( #6b8e23 )
  • orange ( #ffa500 )
  • orangered ( #ff4500 )
  • orchid ( #da70d6 )
  • palegoldenrod ( #eee8aa )
  • palegreen ( #98fb98 )
  • paleturquoise ( #afeeee )
  • palevioletred ( #db7093 )
  • papayawhip ( #ffefd5 )
  • peachpuff ( #ffdab9 )
  • peru ( #cd853f )
  • pink ( #ffc0cb )
  • plum ( #dda0dd )
  • powderblue ( #b0e0e6 )
  • purple ( #800080 )
  • rebeccapurple ( #663399 )
  • red ( #ff0000 )
  • rosybrown ( #bc8f8f )
  • royalblue ( #4169e1 )
  • saddlebrown ( #8b4513 )
  • salmon ( #fa8072 )
  • sandybrown ( #f4a460 )
  • seagreen ( #2e8b57 )
  • seashell ( #fff5ee )
  • sienna ( #a0522d )
  • silver ( #c0c0c0 )
  • skyblue ( #87ceeb )
  • slateblue ( #6a5acd )
  • slategray ( #708090 )
  • snow ( #fffafa )
  • springgreen ( #00ff7f )
  • steelblue ( #4682b4 )
  • tan ( #d2b48c )
  • teal ( #008080 )
  • thistle ( #d8bfd8 )
  • tomato ( #ff6347 )
  • turquoise ( #40e0d0 )
  • violet ( #ee82ee )
  • wheat ( #f5deb3 )
  • white ( #ffffff )
  • whitesmoke ( #f5f5f5 )
  • yellow ( #ffff00 )
  • yellowgreen ( #9acd32 )

Last updated on Sep 3, 2023

  • Color APIs
  • Color representations
    • Red Green Blue (RGB)
    • Hue Saturation Lightness (HSL)
    • Hue Whiteness Blackness (HWB)
    • Color ints
    • Named colors

    Bright Purple Color Codes

    If you are looking for the specific color values of bright purple, you will find them on this page. These values can help you match the specific shade you are looking for and even help you find complementary colors. Looking for a different shade of purple? Follow this link: Purple Color Codes

    Bright Purple
    PMS: 2582 C
    Hex Color: #AC4FC6;
    RGB: (172,79,198)
    CMYK: (41,77,0,0)

    Shades and Variations of Bright Purple

    Bright Purple Color Swatch Sample

    bright purple color swatch scaled

    Whether you’re a professional graphic designer or an amateur artist, finding the right color is essential for pulling off your graphic artwork. Though most of the time it can be easy to select the color that you desire, it’s not uncommon that you run into a situation where you need more complex and specific swatches for your task.

    A perfect example of this is the color of bright purple. This beautiful color is a popular choice for many clients and artists alike, but even with this being the case it is a complex color to create in any graphic system, and you could end up creating one of the many other types of purple if you don’t know what you’re doing.

    Luckily for you, you don’t have to go it alone. You can easily create the bright purple color using the bright purple color code specific to the type of program you’re running, and this article talks about the specific code that you need as well as the colors that make up this brilliant color. Keep reading this article to find out more!

    The Bright Purple Color Code: The HEX Code

    The HEX color system is popular in many graphic design centers, so if you work in the industry there’s a good chance you’re completing your projects based on this spectrum. Thankfully, the HEX value for bright purple is simple; the code you need to input is #AC4FC6.

    The RGB Values and Percentages for Bright Purple

    Each system has a different value, or percentage of colors, that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum, and the same can be said for bright purple.

    In the RGB (red, green, blue) system, the bright purple color percentage is comprised of bright purple in the RGB system is (172,79,198).

    The CMYK Values and Percentages for Bright Purple

    Whereas the RGB values focus on a 3-color combination, the CMYK values focus on 4-color combinations. Furthermore, the CMYK values for bright purple are (41,77,0,0) almost parallel to the actual percentages.

    The Color Experts You Can Count On

    Now that you know what values make up the bright purple color code, you can be sure that you’ll get the right swatch every time. However, if you ever need help with any other color palette, you can be sure we can help you to get what you need.

    At colorcodes.io, we are the experts in finding precise code numbers for any color that you’re looking for – and we do mean any color. This includes both the primary color (blue, red, and yellow swatches) and the secondary color (orange, purple, and green swatches) spectrums for HEX, RGB, CMYK, and PMS color codes.

    Ready to get started? Simply check out our site to begin learning more. We’re sure we have every color code for all of your needs!

    Dark purple / #301934 Hex Color Code

    The color dark purple with hexadecimal color code #301934 is a dark shade of magenta. In the RGB color model #301934 is comprised of 18.82% red, 9.8% green and 20.39% blue. In the HSL color space #301934 has a hue of 291° (degrees), 35% saturation and 15% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 555.22 nm.

    • Inverted
    • 25% saturated
    • Grayscale
    • 25% lighter
    • Original
    • 25% darker
    • Web safe: navy
    • 25% desaturated
    • HTML: midnightblue
    1. Deep purple (Kokimurasaki)
    2. Russian violet
    3. Rabbit-ear iris (Kakitsubata)
    4. American purple
    5. Navy blue bellflower (Konkikyō)
    1. Lemon yellow (Crayola)
    2. Laser lemon
      #ffff66 / #ff6
    3. Calamansi
    4. Electric yellow
      #ffff33 / #ff3
    5. Daffodil

    Color Schemes

    #301934 to white

    #301934 to black

    British Standard


    Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse

    There’s no retirement for an artist, it’s your way of living so there’s no end to it. Henry Moore

    I wish they would only take me as I am. Vincent Van Gogh

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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