

Are you tinged with purple?

Start checking your plants about 30 days after transplanting them into the garden. When you see a cauliflower curd about the size of an egg, it is time to blanch. The curd continues to grow rapidly, and you’ll probably need to adjust the positioning of the leaves covering the curd as this happens.

Purple Period Blood Explained: Causes & Treatment,

For many, the nuances of menstrual blood colors can be perplexing, and when the color changes to a shade we aren’t used to, it can spark concern. One such hue, purple period blood, particularly when one is pregnant or suspects they might be, can raise eyebrows and a flurry of questions. Is it normal? What does it signify? Is it associated with pregnancy? This article seeks to shed light on ‘purple period blood pregnant’ and provide answers for those in this puzzling situation.

The Spectrum of Menstrual Blood Colors

Your period can come in various colors, from bright red to dark brown, each with significance. The colors typically relate to the age of the blood and how long it’s been in the uterus.

  • Bright Red: A sign of fresh bleeding, typically seen at the start of one’s period.
  • Dark Red or Brown: Older blood that took longer to exit the body, often noticed at the end of menstruation.
  • Pink might indicate a lower estrogen level, leading to lighter periods.

Understanding Purple Period Blood

While not as common, a purple tinge to period blood might be observed. This is mostly due to certain proteins and factors in the blood, which can cause a purple hue when it clots.

Purple Period Blood and Pregnancy

Spotting or bleeding can sometimes be an early sign of pregnancy, known as implantation bleeding. However, if you notice purple period blood and suspect you might be pregnant, it’s essential to:

  • Take a Pregnancy Test: This is the most straightforward way to confirm or refute pregnancy.
  • Observe other symptoms: Fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness, and frequent urination are common early signs of pregnancy.
  • Consult a Doctor: Always the safest route when unsure. A healthcare professional can offer guidance tailored to your situation.

Causes of Purple Period Blood

Blood Composition and Clotting

Purple period blood can often be a result of the blood’s composition. Factors and proteins in the blood can give it a purple hue, especially when clotting occurs.

Hormonal Imbalance

Fluctuations in hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, can affect the appearance and consistency of menstrual blood. This might lead to a purple-ish tint in some cases.

Implantation Bleeding

While implantation bleeding is typically more brown or pink, some women might observe a purple hue. This happens when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus lining.

Vaginal Health Issues

Certain vaginal infections or conditions might alter the appearance of menstrual blood. For example, bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections might lead to a change in blood color or consistency.

Why Cauliflower Turns Purple

Genetically, many cauliflowers tend toward purple, red, or blue pigments. Cauliflower is a cool-weather vegetable, and when a lot of heat and sunlight hits the developing cauliflowers, they can display a purplish tinge along the edges of the heads.

Fun Fact

The edible portion of the cauliflower plant is the round head of compact flower buds called the “curd.”

The purple color in cauliflower is caused by the presence of anthocyanin, which is a harmless, water-soluble pigment in the curd. Anthocyanin is the same pigment found in red cabbage. Sun exposure exaggerates its effect on the developing cauliflower head.

Ways to Prevent a Purple Tinge

Cauliflower is usually ready to harvest within 60 days. It needs daytime temps of between 70 to 85 F to avoid turning purple. Starting cauliflower earlier can avoid sweltering temperatures; however, you have to be careful though and strike a delicate balance because if you plant too early, a late season frost can kill young cauliflower.

Also, low soil fertility can cause white cauliflower to turn purplish. Cauliflower grows best in well-drained yet moisture-retentive, fertile soil with a pH of 6 to 7. Use a pH probe to test the pH level. To ensure you have a fertile soil, enrich the soil with compost when planting. If you use a compost rich in organic matter you will not need to fertilize. If you do not amend the soil with compost when planting, you will need to fertilize monthly with a 5-10-15 NPK fertilizer.

There are several ways you can go about preventing the purple hue from occurring:

  • Schedule the development of the cauliflower for the cooler fall months.
  • Cover the head as it develops with surrounding leaves. This process is known as blanching.
  • Purchase a self-blanching variety developed to reduce tinting.
  • Use floating row covers to inhibit temperature fluctuations and direct harsh sunlight.

Blanching Cauliflower

To get perfectly white cauliflower in the garden, you need to blanch the cauliflower by covering the developing head with leaves. Even if the cauliflower is already showing a tint around the edges, you should get that head of cauliflower covered up and out of the sunlight. To blanch the cauliflower, draw the surrounding leaves up and around the head of the cauliflower. Tie the leaves with garden twine or use a rubber band to hold the leaves closed, and you won’t have to worry about any further coloring of the cauliflower curds.

Blanching cauliflower plant with large wilted leaves with brown tips

Is Purple Period Blood Normal?

It can be. If you have purple period blood, it doesn’t necessarily mean your body is making too much estrogen. Most people who experience dark purple or blue period blood only see it for a few hours during their entire period or may find traces of it on a pad.

Seeing a Doctor

If you are consistently experiencing a dark purple or bluish flow, speak to your doctor about whether your estrogen levels are too high. There may be hormonal solutions for you to decrease your estrogen levels.

Contact your doctor and schedule an appointment if you experience purple period blood with other symptoms like pain, irritation, or foul odor. You could have an infection that needs treatment.

What To Do About Purple Period Blood

Most of the time, you won’t need to do anything to combat purple period blood. If you’re only seeing it from time to time, trust that your body will regulate itself without you needing to change habits or do anything different.

If you see it consistently, consider increasing your fiber intake. Studies show that increasing your fiber intake can decrease your overall estrogen levels, which may improve the way your body produces estrogen.

Additionally, make sure you have all the period products you need to keep yourself comfortable and handle your flow. If purple period blood makes you nervous about leaks, make sure you’re using natural, holistic products like the ones available from Rael .

We have everything you need to prepare for your period, no matter what it brings your way.

Get Rael

Your period can be surprising, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Trust the team at Rael to provide everything you need for the days when your flow seems normal and when your flow seems a little strange.

With Rael, you can feel empowered by your period and trust that the products you’re using work with your body to help keep you safe, comfortable, and protected.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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