

Is there a way to enlarge a picture?

With both a free and paid service, AI Image enlarger is available on both iOS and Android. With great reviews and the ability to sharpen your images even after resizing, AI Image Enlarger is certainly capable of creating the perfect photos for your needs.

How do I enlarge—up-res—my photo? – Тренинги «Photoshop»

– A lot of times you’ll end up with an image that’s the wrong resolution. Now, there are many ways to go about resizing an image, but ultimately you have to remember that when you’re up-resing, you’re creating new pixels that don’t originally exist. This means that the computer is going to interpolate the information and do its best to come up with new pixels. Oftentimes this works pretty well, but it is not a never ending fountain of pixels. You can’t keep blowing up an image forever. Let me show you what Photoshop can do. Inside of Photoshop, you can choose Image, Image Size. This will show you the existing image and resolution. So let’s go ahead and reassign this to a resolution of 300 pixels per inch. And I see that this is about a six inch by three and a half inch print. And unfortunately, I need a larger output. I need this to be about 17 inches wide and about eight and a half inches tall. So in order to get there, I’m going to resize to 17 and let the width and height stay constrained. Now you’ll notice in doing this that that drops the resolution down. So let’s check the box here for Resample and we’ll type in the target resolution. Now when we do this, it’s going to attempt to resize the image and the preview window here will show you a simulation of what that’s going to look like so you can check the results and see if you’re getting adequate details. What you want to pay attention to is the Resample method. Automatic is designed to be sort of leave it and forget it. It is going to be used for both upscaling and downscaling. But what you’re most likely going to want to take advantage of is the ones that are specifically labeled for enlargement. You’ll notice here for example that we have Preserve Details and a newer method called Preserve Details 2.0. We also have the Bicubic Smoother which is really good if you have to enlarge an image to a very large size and you want it to softly blur it so it doesn’t look pixelated. I’m going to go with the default here for a moment, Preserve Details Enlargement. And you see that we get the ability to reduce noise in the image so that as we enlarge it, it doesn’t get noisy or grainy. That looks pretty good, let’s click OK. And there is the new image. What I would suggest is zooming in to 100% so you can really judge details. And in this case, it did a pretty good job of maintaining the details within the photo. Let’s undo for a moment. And we’ll invoke that command again. And this time we’ll go to the 17-inch print, leaving things constrained there. There we go. And we’ll type in 300. And we’ll take advantage of Preserve Details 2.0. Same thing here, the ability to reduce noise. And when you click OK, it uses the newer algorithm. And in this case, as I zoom in and check some of the details, that’s actually looking a little bit crisper to me. Some of those fine details like the rivets held up a bit better. Now, you can choose between the two methods and see which one gives you the results that you want. Now earlier I mentioned that I wanted to change the size of this image to a different shape. You earlier learned about the Crop Tool, but you can also take advantage of the Canvas Size command. In this case, I can resize the height to eight and a half. And I’m going to simply tell that to stay centered. And when I click OK, it’s going to crop the image. And you see we have the new delivery size ready for use. The use of the Resize command is pretty straightforward. The key here is to make sure you change the sampling method. If you’re going to enlarge the image, experiment with the two sharpening options that are going to be best for enlargement. I find that version 2 usually works better, but they have preserved the original in case you have an affinity for that or it gives you better results with a specific image.

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How Pixel Mapping Works

Each photo is made up of thousands of pixels, depending on the resolution. When changes are made to the image, whether it’s enlarged or shrunk, the pixels are essentially resized. How does this affect the picture quality?

When the picture is resized into a smaller image, the pixels become less visible because they become smaller. Therefore, there’s no visual quality loss.

Now, enlarging an image also means enlarging the pixels. The quality loss becomes quite evident after a certain level of zooming. This effect generally translates into a blurry or pixelated photo.

However, this doesn’t mean that there’s no way to enlarge a photo without losing quality. The solution involves compensating for all enlarged pixels in order for them to match the properties of neighboring pixels.

This is known as fractal interpolation and it’s the method used by many image editing programs.

Adobe Photoshop and Perfect Resize

Perfect Resize is a standalone software that can be used as a plug-in in Adobe Photoshop. It’s not the cheapest solution on the market, but it does premium-quality work. You may not find a better alternative if you have to resize photos often and not just as a hobby.

Perfect Resize uses fractal interpolation to its maximum potential, which is why the software is the go-to choice for most freelance photo editors as well as various high-end studios.

Once the software is installed, you can add it to your Photoshop list of plug-ins. After that, Perfect Resize appears as an option in Photoshop. You can click on the File button on the top toolbar, scroll down to Automate, and then you’ll be able to pick Perfect Resize from the list.

Doing this will open the picture in the Perfect Resize app. On the left side, you’ll find the preset menu, which allows you to pick a pre-configured selection. You can also enter the size on your own from the Document Size option.

Once you’re finished adjusting your settings, you can go to File and then click on Apply to save the changes. After that, you can export the file to any location you want. Perfect Resize will take care of all the calculations by using fractal interpolation and will render you an enlarged photo with little to no blur.


Another good piece of software used for resizing photos is Gimp. While the quality it offers doesn’t quite match Perfect Resize, Gimp is totally free, rather easy to use, and it also doesn’t need Adobe Photoshop installed. It is perhaps the best simple app designed for resizing.

To resize a photo, first you’ll have to open it in Gimp. Then go to the Image menu on the top toolbar and select the Scale Image option. This will open up a basic dimensions menu. Type in the new dimensions and also select the preferred Interpolation algorithm found under the Quality section.

Click on Scale to apply the changes. Keep in mind that the primary method used in Gimp is Sinc (Lanczos3), which isn’t really on par with what Perfect Resize can do. After you scale the image, you can export it to the web.

The quality is pretty much on par with that of standard Adobe Photoshop resizing. That’s because Photoshop uses bicubic resampling, which is not a very advanced resizing protocol and certainly not superior to the Sinc interpolation employed by Gimp. From a financial standpoint, if all you need is picture resizing and not advanced editing, Gimp is a better choice than Adobe Photoshop.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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