

The captivating painting Starry Night by Van Gogh

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Revisiting Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night

Though the artist known as Vincent Van Gogh has an arsenal of masterpieces to his name, few would argue that his most celebrated piece is Starry Night. Painted from his first-floor room at an asylum, where he had committed himself after a mental breakdown (during which he famously cut off part of his own ear), it depicts the night sky as seen from his window. The largest of the stars, scientists have now determined, is more likely the planet Venus . Van Gogh added the village from his own imagination because he felt it was needed.

starry night stars

Interestingly, considering the enduring popularity of Starry Night, Van Gogh wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic about his work. He described it to his brother Theo as a “failure” and is reported to have written: “All in all the only things I consider a little good in it are the Wheatfield, the Mountain, the Orchard, the Olive trees with the blue hills and the Portrait and the Entrance to the quarry, and the rest says nothing to me.” Rather than disagree, like so many art enthusiasts who have come after, his brother is said to have returned: “I clearly sense what preoccupies you in the new canvases like the village in the moonlight… but I feel that the search for style takes away the real sentiment of things.”

Unfortunately, Van Gogh would never experience the love and captivation art lovers would feel for his most beloved work. Only in death did his paintings receive widespread notoriety. Starry Night, now displayed in New York’s Museum of Modern Art , is by far his most popular piece and is visited by thousands of art enthusiasts every year.

But what is it about Starry Night that has left audiences captivated for the decades since Van Gogh’s death?

The Appeal of Starry Night

Like any great piece of art, explaining why it is so popular is difficult to do. Great art speaks to different people in different ways. It may have to do with the mystery and madness that surrounds Van Gogh’s life. There is something enthralling about someone on the brink of madness. The tortured artist who was Vincent Van Gogh is perhaps one of history’s most prime examples of a misunderstood genius – only appreciated after his life was long over. His entire life, and career, was marred by struggle and critics who did not appreciate his work. Starry Night was created during the height of his creation, but during a time when he was enduring major psychological issues. This fact alone makes Starry Night a captivating painting, because one cannot help but wonder what went on in Van Gogh’s mind during the painting. Starry Night, like many of Van Gogh’s paintings, was done in an impressionist style. This was in contrast to other painters of the time, who focused on more realistic and photographic paintings. Van Gogh, instead, focused on an idealist version of what he saw, and the feelings a place or item evoked within him. This also meant that he had the freedom of adding creative embellishments, which is what he did with the addition of the cypress tree in the foreground.

starry night cypress trees

The cypress tree was a source of fascination for Van Gogh (as you can see from his painting Wheat Field With Cypresses pictured above), and one might wonder what feelings its addition was meant to create in the painting’s viewer. Cypress trees were most commonly known as symptoms for death, which would lead one to believe that Starry Night was a sad or even ominous depiction of a village before daybreak. Perhaps the morning was harbinger of death, or perhaps the impending sunrise represents hope of a new day after the dark night of loss.

A deeper look at how Van Gogh himself viewed death hints that the cypress tree’s presence is a symbol of hope, however. He is quoted as saying: Looking at the stars always makes me dream. Why, I ask myself, shouldn’t the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France? Just as we take the train to get to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to reach a star.” Here, it appears that he may have viewed death as a starting point toward something brighter and more beautiful than mortal life can provide.

Captivating Brush Strokes

Still some are drawn to Starry Night because of its style. Van Gogh used thick brush strokes and a stunning contrast of colors in a way that is abstract enough to draw the viewer in and invites him to come up with his own interpretations of what the dark cypress looming ominously over the small village or the swirls of bright stars and heavenly bodies could possibly mean. Even so, it is also realistic enough that the viewer can tell what each item is meant to represent in the real world and offers them a new way of looking at the night sky out their own windows.

One may suppose that part of Starry Night’s enduring appeal is that these captivating colors, brush strokes, and textures were inspired by something as common as the night sky. That Van Gogh took something so seemingly simple and unremarkable and turned it into something of such beauty allows each of us to look at the world with a new lens to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

starry night mova globes

If you’d like to enjoy the classic beauty of Starry Night in your own home, check out our Van Gogh Starry Night MOVA Globe for a truly unique interpretation of Van Gogh’s most iconic painting.

The Symbolism of “Starry Night”

“Starry Night” is rich in symbolism, reflecting Van Gogh’s inner emotions and struggles. The swirling sky, vibrant colors, and dramatic brushstrokes come together to convey a sense of turbulence and transcendence. The stars, moon, and cypress tree have deep meanings that symbolise spirituality, loneliness, and the everlasting beauty of nature. We analyse the symbolism in the painting and discover its various meanings, as well as Van Gogh’s personal attachment to the subject matter.


The Technique and Style of Van Gogh

“Starry Night” displays Van Gogh’s unique technique, which is marked by strong brushstrokes and vivid hues. We examine the artist’s method, revealing how he uses impasto, which is the application of thick paint, to affect the texture and visual effect of the painting. When we study Van Gogh’s unique way of showing light, texture, and motion, we can understand how he was a brilliant artist and how he helped make modern art better.


The Impact of “Starry Night” Over Time

“Starry Night” is an important artwork in history and has influenced many artists who came after it. We explore how the painting impacted the world of art, from its first reactions to its lasting fame. “Starry Night” is a famous painting by Van Gogh that has inspired many artists. It combines emotions, techniques, and symbols to create a unique work of art. The painting’s imagery has become a symbol of Van Gogh’s artistic legacy. We also examine how the painting has been honoured in mainstream media, solidifying its position as a legendary work of art.

The painting “Starry Night” can be interpreted in many ways and can have personal meaning for different people. We talk about how people have connected with the painting, feeling comfort, motivation, and amazement from its captivating pictures. “Starry Night” is a painting that has captured the attention of many people, from experts in art history to those who simply enjoy looking at it. Its ability to convey strong emotions and create a sense of depth is what makes it so captivating. We also explore the ways in which technology and digital platforms have allowed for greater accessibility and appreciation of Van Gogh’s work, making it accessible to audiences worldwide.

“Starry Night” by Van Gogh is a famous and impressive work of art that attracts both art lovers and people who are not very familiar with art. The use of symbols, the way it was made, and the feelings it evokes have made it an important part of the history of art. By examining “Starry Night,” we can better understand Van Gogh’s talent as an artist and how he expressed strong feelings through his work. To truly understand the importance of “Starry Night” as a masterpiece that still captivates people today, we need to appreciate its symbols, study Van Gogh’s methods, and recognise its lasting impact.


Recommended 1 recommendation Published in Artworks, Blogs

The Moon and the Stars

Starry Night Close-up

Astrophysicists have established that the moon and stars depicted in Van Gogh’s sky match published astronomical observations in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence on May 25th, 1889. Capella was particularly bright when Van Gogh painted the sky in 1889, which is why we can see a much larger and more luminous star in his work. The moon, juste like the stars, produces an enormous amount of light, which is accentuated in the painting due to the use of concentric circles. However the light remains in the sky, it does not spread to the edges of the painting as the ground remains dark.

The Bell Tower and the Village

Close-up of Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh

According to the layout of the asylum at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Van Gogh could only see a small plot of land from his room. Unlike the stars, the bell tower and village were not directly observed by the artist. Rather, he recreated them from his imagination. These two elements are at the bottom of the work, taking up just one third of the space. The houses have a quality of movement, and the dark outlines give the painting a stained-glass quality. The bell tower and church allow Van Gogh to accentuate the mystical and cosmic power of the sky.

The Cypress Tree

Cyprès la nuit étoilée Van Gogh

Finally, the cypress is also a major feature of the work and quite possibly one of the most important. Thick, tormented and rising like a flame, it bridges together the two halves of the painting: the sky and ground. Van Gogh’s decision to place it in the foreground was significant. The cypress is traditionally a tree associated with death, and according to Van Gogh, it was the only way of accessing a life beyond earth.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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