

Parent and child painting ideas

This dabbing art is extremely easy and so enjoyable! Pour some paint on a paper plate and hand your child a piece of sponge. Then, guide them to dip the sponge in the paint and dab it on a piece of paper to create their very first sponge dab art.

10 Very Simple Art And Craft Ideas For Babies

very simple art and craft ideas for babies

Expressing through art and craft activities is one of the best things any parent could encourage their child to do. They help develop and enhance several skills, which is why they are often deemed essential for development in babies. Some of the world’s geniuses happen to be artists, like Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo. If your little one pursues arts and crafts, they are likely to become balanced and confident as they will develop the following skills in the early stages of their life:

  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Fine motor skills
  • Body control and balance
  • Sensory skills
  • Spatial sense
  • Self-expression
  • Imagination
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Creative thinking
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Focus
  • Patience
  • Planning and organisational skills

But where should you, the parents, begin? We’ve got you covered! Here are a few very simple arts and crafts projects your baby can start with.

10 Very Simple Art and Craft Ideas For Babies

These projects don’t need a lot of material and can be a great last-minute activity for kids of any age.

finger and hand painting for babies

Painting with your hands and fingers is the simplest form of sensory play that aids development in babies. All you need is a drawing sheet and some paint, and your little one can go tracing and printing to create a masterpiece!

hand and finger painting for babies and toddlers

To add variety to the same old activity, let your baby use their arms and palms to print different patterns and then fingerprint around them to create beautiful images, as in the image above. Here, the child has created a tree trunk and branches using their hand and is seen fingerprinting leaves around the branches.

Vegetable Printing

painting with vegetables for babies and toddlers

This one is a favourite among parents. You can use vegetables like potatoes, lady’s fingers, bell peppers, carrots, etc. Cut just a little of any of these vegetables, such that you get enough to hold on to and a proper shape on the side that has been cut (you can also carve out a shape if needed). Then, pour some paint on a plate and let your little one get creative printing designs and patterns on a plain sheet of paper. Then leave the paper to dry.

The Benefits of Painting for Children


Painting is Art

When kids begin to explore their talents and specialties, one of the areas some may excel in is painting. Even though painting may not be every child’s cup of tea, it sure does have benefits that both you and your child can learn from together.

Painting Benefits

Among the various aspects that painting allows you to cover, some of the greatest benefits integrated with painting are:

Painting can help your children communicate their emotions or feelings. Through the use of different colors, they can express themselves without the use of words.

Painting allows children an educational opportunity that is also fun and exciting.

Painting aids children acquire hand-eye coordination, an important skill in their age. This is developed while they learn to paint the parts that they see; making sure their hand movement is at par with their vision.

Painting aids your child develop mobility skills. Their hand muscles are being used, which allows them a scope to develop both mentally and physically.

Painting helps children acquire skills on how to focus on trivial details, painting on a canvas or a piece of paper requires varied painting skills.

Painting can be a great podium for children to progress and discover their creativity. They learn about various color mixtures and how they go together.

Painting can help children learn sizes, shapes, patterns and designs. These are all critical aspects of their curriculum during pre-school years.

Painting helps children develop their decision-making skills. They need to plan ahead as they choose which color should be used for different parts of the painting.

Painting can play the role of therapy for a child who might be feeling different emotions; whether these feelings are subtle or extreme in nature. In addition to communication, painting can help children feel better about things that they may have bottled up inside.

Perhaps the greatest benefit is the fact that painting provides you and your children a great platform to bond and spend valuable time together.

These are just a few benefits your child can acquire from painting. Painting can be a significant part of your child’s overall development and upbringing. Making it a point to take some time out once in a while to paint with your child can prove to be very rewarding in the long run.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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