

Painting glass containers with acrylic paint

Get inspired with this fairy-themed glass bottle painting that’s nice enough to hang outdoors to add muted lighting on your porch, especially when entertaining friends.

How to Paint Glass Bottles – Step-by-Step Glass Decorating Guide

How to Paint Glass Bottles

Glass bottles and jars are incredibly versatile objects with many different uses. Painting on glass can be a great way to customize and personalize your home and kitchenware. Many people are also consciously choosing to take sustainable routes by using glass over plastic. In this tutorial, we will guide you through how to paint glass bottles, how to prepare and preserve your glass bottle painting, as well as cover some other great glass bottle decoration ideas.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Preparation Needed for Glass Bottle Painting
    • 1.1 Selecting and Preparing Your Glassware
    • 1.2 Which Paint Is Used for Bottle Art?
    • 1.3 Setting Up Your Workspace
      • 1.3.1 Other Materials, Tools, and Techniques You Can Use for Easy Glass Painting
      • 2.1 List of Tools and Materials
      • 2.2 Preparing Your Glass Bottles
        • 2.2.1 Step 1: Rinse Your Glass Bottles in Hot Water
        • 2.2.2 Step 2: Dry Your Glass Bottles With a Cloth
        • 2.2.3 Step 3: Clean and Wipe Down Your Glass Bottles With Rubbing Alcohol
        • 2.3.1 Step 1: Test Your Handwriting Using an Acrylic Marker
        • 2.3.2 Step 2: Continue Writing the Labels on Each Bottle
        • 2.3.3 Step 3: Seal the Labels by Using a Spray, Fixative, or Varnish
        • 2.4.1 Step 1: Sketch the Basic Outline of Your Stencil Design
        • 2.4.2 Step 2: Begin Cutting Out the Stencil Design Using a Craft Knife
        • 2.4.3 Step 3: Test Your Stencil
        • 2.4.4 Step 4: Allow Your Stencil Print to Dry
        • 2.5.1 Step 1: Apply the First Layer of Paint
        • 2.5.2 Step 2: Apply the Second Layer of Paint
        • 2.5.3 Step 3: Mix Your Paints for Acrylic Bottle Painting
        • 2.5.4 Step 4: Begin Adding More Details to Your Glass Bottle Painting
        • 2.5.5 Step 5: Turn the Glass Over and Continue Adding Detail
        • 2.5.6 Step 6: Seal Your Glass Bottle Painting With a Few Layers of Fixative
        • 2.6.1 Personalized Gifts
        • 2.6.2 Decor Items
        • 2.6.3 Host a Glass Bottle Painting Evening
        • 3.1 Which Paint Is Good for Bottle Art?
        • 3.2 Is Painting on Glass Easy?
        • 3.3 How Do You Prepare Glass for Acrylic Painting?

        Preparation Needed for Glass Bottle Painting

        Glass bottle painting can be a great way to spice up your kitchen decor. You can also create bottle art to hold a bouquet, label food, and preserves, as well as feature them as decor pieces within your home space. There are just a few preparations you will need to make before you start learning how to paint on glass bottles.

        Painting Glass Bottles 16.2

        Begin the process by selecting the glassware you want to paint based on what you hope to use the decorated object for.

        Selecting and Preparing Your Glassware

        Most glass bottles and jars can be upcycled from previous food products, such as tomato sauce bottles or jam jars. You could also purchase brand new glassware, such as Mason jars, but we recommend cleaning and repurposing glass bottles that you already have. It is important to clean the bottles well and remove any labels with hot soapy water before you start the painting process. You can also use rubbing alcohol, or acetone, to remove any sticky marks on the bottle. This will also ensure that the paint sticks and binds well to the glass.

        Clean Bottles with Acetone

        Which Paint Is Used for Bottle Art?

        There are many different paints you can use for glass bottle painting. You could use spray paints, chalk paints, or acrylics, but which paint is used for bottle art, and which paint type is best? It is recommended to use acrylic enamel paint if you plan on creating detailed designs on your glass bottle. Acrylic enamel is a premium acrylic finish that is designed to dry fast and preserve well with excellent coverage. It is also easy to wipe and clean while it is still wet.

        If you are painting text and fonts, it is suggested to use an acrylic pen or marker, especially if you are not too skilled with a paintbrush.

        Acrylic Paint for Glass Bottles

        Setting Up Your Workspace

        This is an important step to prepare when setting up your workspace for easy glass bottle painting. Ensure that you are working in a well-ventilated area because the acrylic enamel paint can become quite overwhelming in small closed spaces.

        Also, make sure to cover your desktop with newspaper or plastic sheeting.

        At first, bottle art painting and working on the glass surface can be quite tricky. You will most likely make a bit of a mess and make a few mistakes in the process, but there is something simply fantastic about learning a new process and shaping your skillset just that much more.

        Other Materials, Tools, and Techniques You Can Use for Easy Glass Painting

        This is where you can start experimenting with different materials, tools, and techniques to create a truly unique glass bottle painting. You could include and mix in a variety of other mediums and embellishments, such as glitter, paper materials, string, metallic paints – you name it! You can also use a glue gun to create interesting textures or stencils to create interesting repeat patterns, outlines, and layers.

        Embellish Glass Bottles

        Another funky option is to paint the inside of your glass bottle by pouring paint into the bottle and swirling it until the inside is fully coated.

        Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Paint Glass Bottles

        This tutorial will guide you through how to paint glass bottles, as well as the preparation needed before the paint application process. Although these are a few simple steps for how to start the process of glass bottle painting, you are encouraged to experiment and explore different techniques to bring your glass bottle decoration ideas to life!

        List of Tools and Materials

        Once you have set up and covered your workspace, you can gather all the necessary tools and materials below before you begin your acrylic bottle painting project. You do not need all of these materials below to create a bottle art painting, but you are encouraged to simply use what you have to paint the design you desire to create!

        Bottle Art 1

        Spray sealants prevent smudging and provide a clear, durable finish to your artwork. The best, affordable sealant or varnish is the Krylon Workable Fixatif which adds an extra seal layer to the paintwork for your bottle art painting. Although fixatives provide a solid sealant layer, it does not mean that they will prevent your paintwork from chipping or cracking.

        Preparing Your Glass Bottles

        Whether you are using upcycled glass bottles or new ones, it is always recommended to clean and wipe down your glass materials. This will ensure that the acrylic paint will adhere and translate well onto the glass surface.

        Step 1: Rinse Your Glass Bottles in Hot Water

        Begin your preparations by rinsing your glass bottles in hot water. Try your best not to let the inside of the bottle get wet as this may affect the length of time it takes to dry. To do this, dip the bottle in a full sink of hot water and make sure to leave the top of the bottleneck out of the water.

        Bottle Art 2

        Step 2: Dry Your Glass Bottles With a Cloth

        To speed up your drying process, you can dry each bottle with a soft cloth. Make sure that your glass bottles are completely dry before you move forward with the next process. Once they are dry, you can move them to your working space.

        Bottle Art 3

        Step 3: Clean and Wipe Down Your Glass Bottles With Rubbing Alcohol

        To ensure that there are no remnants of labels, dust, or sticky adhesive, clean and wipe down your glass bottles with rubbing alcohol or acetone (nail polish remover). You will only need to use a little bit of rubbing alcohol on the cotton balls or paper towels because it does tend to spread quite well.

        Set your glass bottles aside to dry. This should only take a few seconds.

        Bottle Art 4

        Writing Fonts and Text on Glass

        Before you begin the process of glass painting on bottles, it is recommended to loosen your hand by attempting to write and draw fonts and texts on a scrap piece of paper or spare glass bottles and jars. This could be a good chance for you to look into your kitchen and label your pantry goods. In these next few steps, you will learn how to write clean text for easy glass bottle painting.

        Step 1: Test Your Handwriting Using an Acrylic Marker

        Start by testing your handwriting on any open bottle or jar. Hold the glass bottle with your non-writing hand, find the center, and give it your best shot by loosely writing the label in your choice of font style and capitalization. In this tutorial, the artist has experimented with labeling and writing white fonts on jars filled with a variety of legumes and other pantry goods.

        The best way to learn how to paint on glass bottles is to experiment and become used to the surface of working onto the glass.

        Bottle Art 5

        Step 2: Continue Writing the Labels on Each Bottle

        Work your way through each jar by writing the necessary label required. Try and work systematically with a lot of space set aside for the process of drying the bottles. Once you have labeled all of your bottles or jars, set them aside to dry properly.

        Bottle Art 6

        Step 3: Seal the Labels by Using a Spray, Fixative, or Varnish

        To ensure that your labels do not rub off easily, use a spray sealant, fixative or varnish to coat and protect your writing. This will add an extra coat which will stop the text from smudging or fading. However, this does not mean that the paint is permanent.

        Do not scrub the glass bottles or put them in the dishwasher.

        Bottle Art 7

        Creating Stencils and Patterns on Glass

        Stenciling is a great technique to use if you are a beginner at painting. You can create your stencils by drawing them up yourself or you can purchase pre-cut stencils online. In this tutorial, the artist makes use of hand-drawn stencils to create interesting imprints of branches and leaves.

        Step 1: Sketch the Basic Outline of Your Stencil Design

        Prepare your stencil by sketching the basic outline of your design with a pencil. This should be a very simple sketch of the image you would like to outline and print onto the glass bottle.

        It is recommended to use thicker weighted paper so that the paper material can be used multiple times and does not disintegrate across a few uses.

        Glass Bottle Painting 8

        Step 2: Begin Cutting Out the Stencil Design Using a Craft Knife

        Begin cutting out the stencil design by pressing through the paper using a sharp craft knife and cutting board. Press and cut through your stencil by following the outline drawn in your pencil planning. This step may take some time, so be patient and consistent with your crafting until you are happy with the desired outcome for your stencil design.

        Glass Bottle Painting 9

        Step 3: Test Your Stencil

        Test your stencil by experimenting on a scrap piece of paper first. Press your stencil to a surface and then use a paintbrush, and your choice of paint color, and run the brush over the stencil until all gaps are filled with paint. Carefully peel away the stencil working from one side to the next to reveal the outline of your design.

        Once you feel comfortable enough with your stenciling technique, pick up a glass bottle, and go ahead and test your process.

        Glass Bottle Painting 10

        Step 4: Allow Your Stencil Print to Dry

        Once you are happy with how your stencils are translating onto the bottle or jar, set them aside to dry properly. You can also apply a layer of fixative if needed.

        Acrylic Bottle Painting

        Now that you have tested a few different techniques on glass, you can go ahead and put your painting skills to the test. In this tutorial, the artist chose to paint a landscape scene on a glass jar with the idea of using the jar as a flower vase.

        You are encouraged to use custom designs and add your creative flair by painting any scene or design you would like to!

        Step 1: Apply the First Layer of Paint

        Begin by mixing your acrylic paints. Then, pick up your glass bottle, or jar, and place your non-writing hand inside the glass. This will help you handle the bottle better when you apply the wet paint. Using a wide paintbrush, or a sponge, add your first coat of paint and work your way around the glass. Leave the base of the bottle free of any paint. Place the jar on the table, with the bottom of the jar facing down, and leave to dry for 30 minutes or so.

        Glass Bottle Painting 11

        Step 2: Apply the Second Layer of Paint

        Once the first coat of paint has dried and is not sticky, you can add the next layer of paint. Insert your non-writing hand inside the glass and begin painting the surface consistently. You should not require more than two layers of acrylic, but if there are still streaks in places, go ahead and apply that third coat once the second coat has dried.

        Then paint the base of the glass bottle and turn it onto its lid-side to dry.

        Glass Bottle Painting 12

        Step 3: Mix Your Paints for Acrylic Bottle Painting

        Now you can start mixing your paints according to your desired color palette. It is recommended to use high contrasting tones and a variety of colors to create a striking glass painting on a bottle.

        Painting Glass Bottles 13

        Step 4: Begin Adding More Details to Your Glass Bottle Painting

        Start by working on the front-facing side of your glass bottle or jar.

        Painting Glass Bottles 14.1

        Now begin adding more details to your painting. You can paint your background layer first then any other elements that feature in your design.

        Painting Glass Bottles 14.2

        Allow the painted side to dry properly before the next step.

        Painting Glass Bottles 14.3

        Step 5: Turn the Glass Over and Continue Adding Detail

        Turn the glass over and continue adding detail to your painting on the opposite-facing side. Once you have added all the elements you wish to include in your painting, allow the glass bottle painting to dry fully.

        Painting Glass Bottles 15

        Step 6: Seal Your Glass Bottle Painting With a Few Layers of Fixative

        Once your painting has dried, hold your fixative spray about a few inches away from the jar and spray consistently while turning the jar.

        You are encouraged to add two layers of sealant or fixative to protect your artwork as best as possible.

        Painting Glass Bottles 16.1

        Other Glass Bottle Decoration Ideas

        There are many uses for glass painting on bottle surfaces. You can repurpose and add a unique touch to glass by adding embellishments such as beads, string, glitter, buttons, paper cut-outs, fabrics, ribbons, and many other decorations.

        Personalized Gifts

        A bottle art painting can be a great gift to someone. You can select a palette of colors you know the person receiving the gift will love. The time and consideration it takes to create something so unique and considered make a glass bottle painting a really wonderful present!

        Decor Items

        An acrylic bottle painting can also feature as a signature piece in your kitchen or lounge. You can upcycle glass by painting a range of colors on the bottle and inserting fairy lights. This will transform the bottle to act as a comforting light in a reading corner.

        You can simply use glass bottles to label pantry goods, as shown in this tutorial.

        Painting Glass Bottles 17

        Host a Glass Bottle Painting Evening

        Another fantastic idea for upcycling glass bottles is to gather guests and host a glass bottle painting evening. A chance for you to share your interests with friends, engage one another in playful experimentation and have a whole lot of fun in the process! You could guide your guests through the process of glass bottle painting by using this tutorial and introducing them to a new skill.

        At the end of the paint sessions, you could even trade your glass bottle paintings with one another.

        Painted Glass Bottle Gifts

        Now that you know the ins and outs of bottle art painting, this could be your new favorite craft! It is a truly wonderful way of upcycling and repurposing materials, as well as a unique way of decorating your home space. With the right materials and a bit of experimentation, you will know just how easy glass bottle painting can be. Dive in and follow the steps in the tutorial above to create your very own glass bottle painting.

        What You’ll Need

        • Glass bottle
        • White vinegar
        • Mild dishwashing soap
        • Glass cleaner
        • Acrylic enamel paint
        • Paper towel or lint-free rag
        • Paintbrushes
        • Painter’s tape
        • Foam brush
        • Sponge daubers

        1. Clean the glass bottle

        Clean the glass bottle with glass cleaner, white vinegar, or rubbing alcohol and a paper towel. You can also wash it with warm water and mild dishwashing liquid.


        If the bottle has a label, you can soak the bottle in warm, soapy water or activate the glue using a heat gun so you can remove the label easily.


        After washing, rub the glass bottle with a clean paper towel or lint-free rag to remove any watermarks or prints from your hand before painting.

        2. Paint the base coat

        Apply the base coat or background to your glass bottle. The base coat is the paint you apply before painting the actual design and is not visible to distinguish the two. For base coats, use white for lighter paints and black or gray for darker paints.

        On the other hand, the background is visible to the viewer and contrasts the painting, so it pops out. If the painting is dark, use a lighter background and a dark background if the painting is light.

        3. Add the details

        After adding the base coat or background, add the details. You can use several styles for your painting – mandala, landscape, still life, anime, etc.


        You may also use 3D outliners for dimensional effects on your glass bottle paintings.

        4. Embellish the painted glass bottle

        Painting Bottles with Acrylics

        Night & Day Landscape on Glass Bottle

        Night & Day Landscape on Glass Bottle – Image by Content Arts


        This glass bottle depicts the night and day landscapes. Use painter’s tape to delineate these paintings. You can add a fairy light inside the bottle. The unpainted line along the side of the bottle makes the light inside visible.

        What You’ll Need

        • Glass bottle
        • Rubbing alcohol
        • Paper towel
        • Acrylic paint
        • Paintbrushes
        • Acrylic clear coat


        1. Clean the glass bottle with rubbing alcohol and a paper towel.
        2. Line opposite sides of the bottle with painter’s tape, about 1/2 to 3/4 inch wide.
        3. Paint your day landscape on one side of the bottle and the night landscape on the other side.
        4. Seal the glass bottle painting with a clear acrylic spray.

        Dot Mandala on Wine Bottles

        Dot Mandala on Wine Bottles

        Dot Mandala on Wine Bottles – Image by Lydia May

        Dot mandala is one of the easiest yet most complex designs because you need to create a proportion for your design. However, it does not require special tools since you can use a pencil, Q-tip, or toothpick to make your mandala pattern.

        For this project, you will paint inside the bottle to keep it smooth on the outside.

        What You’ll Need

        • Clean glass bottle
        • Flow Medium
        • Multi-surface acrylic paint
        • Pencil
        • Q-tip
        • Toothpick
        • Dot stylus (optional)
        • Acrylic clear coat (optional)


        1. Mix acrylic paint of your choice and flow medium into a plastic cup. Mix well.
        2. Pour the mixture inside the bottle, then swirl the paint inside to cover all the sides.
        3. Once dry, see if there are translucent areas inside the bottle. Add more acrylic paint and flow medium mixture to achieve an even coating.
        4. Add the mandala pattern on the bottle using the makeshift tools or the dot stylus. It is best to have a printout of the reference image, especially if you’re new to mandala painting.
        5. You may seal the glass bottle painting with a clear acrylic coat.

        Expert Tips to Correctly Use Acrylic Paint on Glass

        Beautifying glass items, such as ordinary ornaments, vases, and bowls, with acrylic paints is a fairly easy job that provides great results. In this ArtHearty article, we will look at the best ways to use and maintain acrylic paint on glass, which can increase the aesthetic appeal of your office or home.

        Home / Uncategorized / Expert Tips to Correctly Use Acrylic Paint on Glass

        Tips to Use Acrylic Paint on Glass

        Beautifying glass items, such as ordinary ornaments, vases, and bowls, with acrylic paints is a fairly easy job that provides great results. In this ArtHearty article, we will look at the best ways to use and maintain acrylic paint on glass, which can increase the aesthetic appeal of your office or home.

        Lily flower on glass

        Did You Know?
        The coloring of glassware was first done in Egyptian and Roman cultures around the 1st and 2nd centuries, by adding various earthly minerals such as manganese to the molten glass. However, the practice of painting glass items externally did not begin until the 7th and 8th centuries, on glass vessels of Roman origin.

        Painting is a great way to relax, and also to add some color and brightness to your surroundings. Painting on glass makes it even more so, because it is usually a very smooth canvas surface and effectively reflects light off the colors. Acrylic paints are one of the best options to paint glass objects, especially wine/martini glasses, jewelry, plates, glass panes, etc.

        It is always good to know the requirements and the processes needed to turn blank glass into an artistic masterpiece. Most acrylic paints and other supplies are easily available in all arts and craft stores. So, let’s learn some important tips to utilize glass as a canvas for your imagination to run wild in the most effective ways possible.

        Choosing the Acrylic Paint

        To get the best results, you should make sure that the paint that you use has the following qualities.

        • Check for the color range and transparency of the paints. Usually, you get darker and opaque colors when opting for acrylic paints. Also, check if the paint gives a glossy or frosty finish, depending on your requirement.
        • Purchase paints after checking their true colors, as color charts can be very misleading.
        • Find out if you are getting extra accessories such as stencils along with the paints, as this will make your job much easier. Also, the application of these colors by using a paintbrush should not be difficult.
        • According to your preference, purchase either permanent or washable acrylic paint.
        • Acrylic enamel paint works best on glass and other smooth surfaces.
        • Unless you are looking to experiment and play around with these interesting colors, stay away from cheaper paint varieties. The high-grade paints apply very easily, look more bright and vibrant, and last for longer, giving the object a professional finish.
        • Choosing the appropriate paintbrush is also important. While synthetic brushes give nice, visible brush strokes, natural-hair versions provide a smooth finish.

        Painting Procedure

        1. Thoroughly clean the glass and see to it that there is no dust or oil on the surface. Using rubbing alcohol and a paper towel is a good option. It is best to wear latex gloves while working on this project, to prevent body oils from your hands depositing onto the glass.
        2. Read all instructions mentioned on the paint products so that you will learn if you need any undercoat or overcoat during this process. Not following these directions can lead to the creation of a flawed result.
        3. Either using stencils or by freehand, create your desired outline on the glass. You can use a permanent marker for this purpose.
        4. Use a pipette or syringe to slowly put drops of paint on the glass within the outline. Use a pin or toothpick to remove any air bubbles you may find.
        5. Now, use your brush to carefully fill the outlines with the desired colors. If you are painting a large surface in one color, you can use a sponge to spread the paint in a uniform manner. You might need to add water if you find the paint too thick.
        6. Use rubbing alcohol to get rid of any mistakes.
        7. While using acrylic paint on wineglasses, make sure that you don’t paint near the rim, as some paint varieties are toxic. Using a masking tape to cover this area, will protect it effectively.

        Depending on the variety of paint, your glass item may now require baking. This will help make the acrylic paint stick permanently on the glass. Let us see how this is done.

        Baking and Sealing Acrylic Paint on Glass

        If you are having trouble with the paint sticking to the glass, it is a good idea to apply an all-purpose sealer on the area that you wish to paint, before you make the initial outlines. Leave a 24-hour gap before the painting process, to allow the sealant to dry.

        Make sure that the paint on your glass items has dried for at lead 24 hours before you look to bake them. Usually, the baking instructions will differ according to the paint varieties. So, check for the baking instructions on the paint bottles or tubes before starting the process.

        Ideally, the glass item will have to baked for half an hour in a 300 degree Fahrenheit oven. However, rather than preheating the oven before the baking process, put in the glass item when the oven is still cold, and let it gradually heat up with the oven elements. Be sure that you don’t handle the glass till it has completely cooled down.

        How to Remove Acrylic Paint on Glass

        While painted/stained glass is amazingly beautiful, an unwanted splatter or smear can turn it from a masterpiece into a disaster. Let us look at some effective methods to clean acrylic paint from glass.

        1. Use a wet cloth or spray bottle to soak the glass in some warm water. Alternatively, if the glass item is small, put it into a water-filled vessel, and leave it to soak.
        2. After a while, the paint should become soft and rubbery. Now, you can start peeling the paint off the glass surface. If you are using a knife or razor to do this, pay extra care to avoid scratching the glass, and always scrape sideways instead of downwards.
        3. If you are finding it difficult to get the paint off the glass, soak it in water for a longer period of time.
        4. This process should take off most of the paint; however, you might still have a thin film remaining on the glass surface. It is best to use a regular glass cleaning solution, and wipe it with newspapers to get a shiny clean finish.
        1. Dip the cloth/sponge in some chemical solvent such as rubbing alcohol, acetone nail polish remover, or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
        2. Very carefully and gently rub the paint off with the solvent-soaked cloth.
        3. Once all the paint is gone, finish with a wash of soap water.
        1. Prepare a solution of water and vinegar in equal amounts, and heat it till it’s almost boiling.
        2. Dip a clean rag in the hot solution and rub the paint stains you wish to remove, slowly at first, and harder after the paint starts to peel off.

        Here are some cleaning tips that will help you get better results while removing paint form glass.

        • Stubborn stains might require you to soak the glass in a warm water, soap solution.
        • Scrape the glass in a less-noticeable place to see if the surface is reacting badly to your efforts.
        • If you hear a scraping or grating sound while removing the paint, stop immediately. It is highly possible that the blade is scratching the glass.
        • Do not use this scraping process to clean mirrored or tinted glass, as they are highly susceptible to damage.
        • Never scrape the glass surface back and forth. Instead, the scraping should be done in one direction only. Lift the blade from the surface after each stroke.
        • If you are cleaning paint on outdoor surfaces, such as windows, an ammonia solution can work just as well.

        Other Tips

        • Use a white base coat inside the outlines before going for your intended shade. This will help bring out the vibrancy of the paint and save you from applying many extra coats. It also helps the acrylic paint to set on glass much better.
        • Normally, three coats of paint are needed before you get a satisfactory result. Make sure that each coat dries for at least one hour before you apply the next one.
        • If you have baked the glass item, wait at least 72 hours before you wash it and get it ready for use. However, if you do not wish to bake the glass item, leave it to dry in the air for 20-30 days before washing.
        • Food or drink items should not come in contact with the paint, due to the risk of poisoning.
        • Never, microwave a painted glass item, it will damage the colors.
        • Acrylic paints need to be kept away from children and sources of combustion.
        • Sandblasting a glass surface may also work in creating a surface that adheres to the paint easily.
        • Create a color chart of your own by painting a sheet with the various shades you have got. This will help you in choosing you future purchases.

        The above instructions and tips will help you create some very fine pieces of art, that will beautify your surroundings for a long time to come.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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