

How do you gain expertise in painting?

Make your work area ergonomic and comfortable. Clean your palette before putting on fresh colors. Set up your painting area in a room with a view. Play your favorite music while you paint. Find a painting coverall you like to wear over your clothes.

Ten Ways to Improve Your Painting Skills

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As you grow in your art, you may hit a plateau. You may need a kick-start for inspiration or wonder how to improve your art skills. The good news is that there are lots of ideas to push you to the next level. Refer to the following list whenever you need a little spark to get your inner fire going.

Buy better art supplies

Possibly the easiest way to get better is to upgrade your art supplies. A well-cared-for sable brush can last your whole career and produce the same fine lines on its last day of work as on its first. A better grade of paper helps give your paintings depth and texture. More expensive paints produce richer colors.

Improve your drawing skills. Draw every day. Keep a sketchbook and use it. Set up a studio space you use only for creating art. Paint every day. Paint from life.

Study art experts

Take workshops. Watch how-to videos. Read art books. Visit art galleries. Join an art club. Subscribe to an art magazine. Look up art sites on the Internet. Take a life drawing class. Copy an old master work for study. Explore art movements in history. Read biographies of other artists.

Observe your subject and really “see” the details. Think of a title that captivates the audience even before you paint. Incorporate symbolism. Tell a story. Communicate. Create mood. Illustrate a cause. Paint what you know. Research your subject.

Practice Regularly

If you aim to boost your painting skills, the first step is to commit to practicing regularly. It’s similar to learning a new language or playing a musical instrument—the more you practice, the better you become. Here’s how you can incorporate regular practice into your painting routine:

  • Set a schedule: Dedicate a specific time each day for painting. It could be an hour each morning or a couple of hours every weekend. The key is consistency.
  • Doodle daily: Even if you don’t have time to paint a full piece, make it a habit to doodle or sketch every day. It helps keep your creative juices flowing, and it’s a great way to improve your observational skills.
  • Try different subjects: Don’t limit yourself to one subject or style. Painting a variety of subjects—from landscapes to portraits—will broaden your painting horizons and help you develop a diverse set of skills.
  • Challenge yourself: Step out of your comfort zone. If you’re used to painting with watercolors, try acrylics or oils. Or, if you’re more into realism, why not try a hand at abstract art? Embracing new challenges will help you grow as an artist.

Remember, the goal isn’t to create masterpieces every time. It’s about progress, not perfection. So, don’t be too hard on yourself if your paintings don’t turn out as you expect. The important thing is that you’re learning and improving, and that’s what counts in the grand scheme of how to improve painting for skill development.

Study Color Theory

Color is what brings life to a painting. By understanding color theory, you can learn to use colors more effectively in your artwork. Understanding color theory can seem a bit daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll see a notable difference in your work. Here are some steps to get you started:

  • Learn about primary, secondary, and tertiary colors: Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. By mixing these, you get secondary colors—green, orange, and purple. Mixing a primary color with a secondary one gives you tertiary colors. It’s like a magical color creation process!
  • Discover the color wheel: A color wheel is a vital tool for understanding color relationships. It shows you how colors blend together and how they contrast, helping you make informed color choices for your paintings.
  • Understand warm and cool colors: Colors can be warm (like red, orange, and yellow) or cool (like blue, green, and violet). Using them strategically can affect the mood of your painting.
  • Explore color values: Color value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. Playing with color values can add depth and dimension to your artwork.

By studying color theory, you’re not only learning how to improve painting for skill development but also how to communicate more effectively through your art. After all, colors can evoke emotions and set the tone of a painting. So, delve into the fascinating world of colors and watch your painting skills flourish!

Explore Different Painting Techniques

Are you stuck in a painting rut? It’s a common scenario. You find a painting technique you like, and before you know it, it’s the only thing you’re doing. While it’s great to master a technique, exploring different ones can significantly expand your painting skills. So, let’s dive into some ways you can do this.

  • Experiment with brush strokes: The way you apply paint to your canvas can drastically change the look of your artwork. Try out different brush strokes—long, short, circular, zigzag, or anything else you can think of. You might be surprised how much variety you can get with just a few tweaks.
  • Try different painting styles: Realism, impressionism, abstract, pop art—the list goes on. Each style offers a unique approach to painting and can teach you something new. Don’t worry about being perfect. The goal here is to learn and grow.
  • Play with texture: Texture can add a whole new level of interest to your paintings. You can create texture with different brush strokes, by layering paint, or by using mediums like gesso or modeling paste.
  • Experiment with mediums: Watercolor, acrylic, oil—each medium has its own characteristics and techniques. Trying out different mediums can not only challenge you but also help you find the one that best suits your style.

Exploring different painting techniques is an excellent way to improve painting for skill development. It can push you out of your comfort zone, inspire creativity, and make painting even more fun. So, pick up that brush and see where your curiosity takes you!


You need to accept what you’re lacking to improve it. Find your area of weakness and look for ways to address it. Taking lessons on your limitations and memorizing them while painting or simply practising and studying can improve your skills.


You can be sure of reaching your goal perfectly if the channel you are using is worth the journey. By learning how to mix two different textures, having information about the material you are using, and how to make the best of your tools, you are creating your very own painting language. Your eyes and mind on the canvas should be more expressive before your hands to get your desired results as you will know what to do next.

Ask For Help

Benefits of art

You can be benefited many times from the advice given to you by more experienced artists than yourself. Being criticized can be painful, but an honest review of your work will give you the idea and a vision for your future paintings to be masterpieces.


Colour mixing

Different perceptions lead to unique results depending on different factors like light and reflection play an important role in creating a more realistic painting. Colour mixing makes your painting unique and truly yours. Every basic that you learn brings you closer to a more extraordinary result and a great reason to keep on learning and improving.

Rooftop offers guided workshops and master classes that make painting flow through your easily. With our expert artist, you will experience how art can be fun and healing. So don’t miss on a golden opportunity and join us to tap into the deepest elements of art and improve your painting skills.

For more art-related content join us on Instagram: @rooftop_app or download our app available for both iOS and Android devices.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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