

Exceptional online acrylic painting education

And in general, the students in our online art courses have to use technology in order to get access to their classes at all. All of these elements of online education help students bridge the digital divide and teach them how to survive in the career world of the 21st century. Even as traditionally-based artists, they must have tech skills, and online art classes help them develop those skills.

3 Ways That Tech Makes Online Art Ed Better Than In-Person Classes (In Many Cases…)

Art education has taken a heroic leap in recent years. It has joined the online art school revolution, and it’s changing art students’ lives. It’s all thanks to advances in tech, which makes online painting and drawing classes available to art students worldwide.

But many would-be art students rightfully ask if the education they’re getting through an online art school offers the same levels of excellence that in-person art instruction does.

We would argue that the answer to this question is a resounding “yes!” And there are lots of reasons why this is the case.

If you’re an art student trying to choose between a brick-and-mortar art school and an online art school, here are three reasons why tech has made online art classes better than in-person ones (in many cases).

1. Art Education Is Open to Students Worldwide

Many exceptional art schools exist in the world. Not all of them are within easy reach of exceptional art students. Online art schools allow students with a fearless vision to get training in the arts, including teaching them how to become professional artists.

Our own Mastery Program , which provides professional-level training for artists, reaches students worldwide. While many of our students do reside right here in the US, just as many live abroad in places like the UK, Australia and India.

For these and many other would-be art students, distance normally represents a HUGE barrier to getting an art education. Even those who possess a great deal of willpower and dedication can be sidelined by the access factor, or more specifically, the lack thereof.

However, anyone with a camera and a web connection can gain access to the best art schools in the world, without ever leaving their homes. In this way, art students around the world gain access to world-class art education, because educational technology has given them access to these online art classes and certificate programs.

2. New Tech Allows for File-Sharing for High Quality Images & Sound

According to Inside Higher Ed , fine arts education poses some challenges that other subjects do not when it comes to moving classes online. Student progress in courses, like math or science, can be tracked with multiple-choice tests. General online education works well with this kind of format.

However, art education requires instructors to grade and critique highly individualized work. For online painting and drawing students, this means the instructor must not only look at factors, like line, form and composition, but also at finer details, too, like pencil or brush strokes.

Nowadays, many educational technology platforms allow students to transcend these difficulties by allowing them to upload uncompressed files. This in turn preserves the integrity of the original work.

For many students, this beats having to carry finished art pieces to a classroom so that their professors can critique and grade them. Tech has provided students with some exceptional tools to help them share their work and in turn, allows them to make their art dreams come true.

Exceptional online acrylic painting education

Fun, Easy and Rewarding Lessons At Three Learning Levels

My Beginning Acrylic Painting videos show you how to develop basic painting skills, starting with the materials you will need.

If you have done some painting with acrylic paints before and need a refresher for your skills, my Intermediate Acrylic Painting videos will help you develop your skills further.

If you have completed the Intermediate Learn Acrylic Painting Lessons or are well acquainted with the acrylic medium and want to strengthen your personal skills and style Advanced Acrylic Painting is for you!

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Dear Mrs. DeWitt

What fun we had with acrylic painting! My ladies church group decided that we should all take a painting class. Most of us voted for acrylics because they are easier to work with and not so messy.

We meet in the church basement and each of us brings an object. Then we put the our stuff together into a still life (not all of it!)

We work for two hours then have coffee. Everyone is doing really well and we watch your videos over and over until we get it right!

Thanks for making your classes available to us and God bless,

Wendy, Elvy, Kaye, Betty Ann and Joan

To answer your questions, I live in Detroit, Michigan. I was doing alot of web browsing on the yahoo search engine looking for free art classes because right now, I cannot afford to pay to go to art school. So I was looking for free art lessons for the time being that would still provide the same kind of lessons to assist in my growth as an inexperienced artist. I came from a family of artists and the natural gift was passed down to me, however, I never took advantage of going to an art school to improve my craft. I look forward to your lessons filling that gap.

So far the online lessons I have made it through have been extremely informative and helpful, not just the techniques, but general information on how to not ruin your brushes, waste paint, etc. I thank you soooo much for making this available for people like me who can’t get out and go to art lessons often enough to count, :p I do these when I get off work and have time and it’s not stressful trying to work around my already hectic schedule, so thank you again. Kayla M. Gray

I’m 60 and just getting back into art. My mother was an artist and I always wanted to be one too. I like the (acrylic) painting and I’m just finishing up the Intermediate! Never though I could paint so good! Eleanor Fuller

The beginning of a good painting.

starts with a good drawing. That is why I teach beginning painting students how to draw. I find that acquiring drawing skills not only makes beginning painting easier and less challenging, but also gives students the confidence they need to progress at a good rate through the lessons!

Above is a simple drawing of a still life that I did to show my students how to begin painting a still life. Once the forms are put down with lines, the basic colors can be put in. When the canvas is fully painted, an environment is created (elimination of the white canvas is important, as it acts as a block between the painted colors’ interaction.)

From the basic colors, light and shadow can then be put in to create volume and make the composition dimensional.

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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