

Beginner level oil painting tutorial

Easy oil painting is a brushstroke away. Don’t wait — use the above oil painting for beginners tips and classes, and start painting today!

A Beginner’s Guide to Oil Painting

What does oil painting for beginners look like? It’s a fun, meditatiative activity that exercises your imagination. It’s also a fulfilling way to spend free time, an excellent medium to express your creativity and a great confidence builder.

You can’t go wrong — anyone can learn oil painting basics. Oil painting on canvas is simply a matter of learning shading and brushstroke techniques, color mixing, layering and other basic skills.

The oil painting tutorial below explains what oil painting materials you’ll need, offers oil painting tips and recommends how to set up your oil painting space. Read on to learn everything you need to know about oil painting for beginners!

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  • Learn Oil Painting Basics
  • Easy Oil Painting for Beginners
  • Set Up Your Oil Painting Space
  • Oil Painting Materials
  • Oil Painting on Canvas
  • Oil Painting Tips

The most effective way to begin your oil painting journey is with fun, interactive oil painting for beginners classes. In painting classes, talented artists explain oil painting basics: brushstrokes, blending, layering and scumbling. You’ll learn how to create beautiful works using basic oil painting materials.

You can even make a splash by adding your favorite beverage to your art session with fun paint and sip in Chicago, paint and sip in Los Angeles, paint and sip in NYC, or paint and sip near you. For those who prefer to learn from the comfort of home, online painting classes are always a great option!

Oil painting takes practice. With the help of a qualified teacher, novices can paint pieces that will impress friends, family and most importantly: yourself. Practicing art is deeply satisfying and has many positive benefits.

In fact, according to the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, “artistic self-expression helps people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness, and achieve insight.” Wow! When it comes to oil painting for beginners, there are really no downsides.

woman with paintbrushes and laptop holding cell phone

Easy Oil Painting for Beginners

Oil Paint

The first step when learning how to start oil painting is to understand your paint. Oil paint consists of a pigment, oil as a binder and a solvent. This painting medium allows for a versatile array of colors, shades and thickness.

The result is stunning artwork. History’s most revered painters — Van Gogh, Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt — all preferred oil paint.

The Basics of Oil Painting for Beginners

Experienced oil painters recommend painting the furthest away objects — those that require darker but thinner colors, such as skies or shadows — first. Then you should progressively layer on the more intricate details with lighter but thicker paint.

For instance, if painting a woman sitting in a park, the painter should first paint the sky and other background material using long brushstrokes. As the painting progresses, layer on thicker, brighter colors using smaller brushstrokes.

The intricate contours of the woman’s face should be painted last with tiny brushstrokes. This method is referred to as “light over dark” — and it’s a great rule of thumb for oil painting for beginners.

The painting class instructor will further elaborate on shading techniques, color combinations, brushstroke tricks and other oil painting basics. Oil painting for beginners doesn’t need to be hard. With the right teacher, you’ll be whipping up beautiful pieces in no time.

oil painting for beginners

Best Oil Painting Tutorials Every Beginner Needs

Best Oil Painting Tutorials

When you’re a beginner at learning any new skill, there are going to be various ups and downs that may shake your inspiration and determination just a bit.

One moment you’ll be feeling energized and confident, feeling like you’ve got the hang of things but then the next painting comes along that will have you wondering if a kid could paint better than you.

And to be honest, you’re going to have this experience many, many times!

Learning to oil paint can be one of the most challenging skills you can learn but the payoff is incredible. If you’ve recently decided to learn how to oil paint, you’ve probably done your usual Google or Youtube search of trying to find the best oil painting tutorials for a beginner.

However, from my personal experience, this can get somewhat confusing and frustrating.

Depending on your skill level and how much you know about oil painting, this can also make it quite tricky.

best oil painting beginner tutorials

This is why I had to create this compilation of the best oil painting tutorials for beginners that I personally found encouraging and made it way easier to get the hang of oil painting.

You’ll find tutorials that will help you grow, expand your skills, and gain more experience. There’s also a few additional tutorials that challenge what you know.

With that said, go through this list and watch out for the ones that call out to you the most. They’re ranged from low to high in terms of difficulty and skills but don’t feel shy to attempt any of these tutorials as many times as you need.

Let’s get straight to it.

Beginner-Friendly Oil Painting Tutorials

The Essentials

Beforer we get into the awesome tutoirals, there’s a few things every beginner should become familiar with. They are as follows:

Mixing Colors

best oil painting guides

Learning to mix accurate colors is basically the crucks of painting. This can help you achieve a sastifying end product espeically if you know how and which colors to mix to match that of your reference.

The thing is with mixing colors, you don’t have to get it idenitcal to that of the reference.

But having it in the same value or close enough should still look good in the end. I think for most artists, mixing accurate colors is definitely a big goal and with enough practice, you’ll eventually get the hang of it.

Here’s a few awesome tutorials on how to mix colors you’ll absolutely love.

Honestly, these two videos have been the most helpful to me in understanding and getting better at color mixing!

How to mix colors by Paint Coach:

How to match any color by Draw Mix Paint:

Cleaning Up

Cleaning up your supplies and workspace is just as essential. Taking care of your tools, supplies, and workspace will make sure you have everything you need for the next time you get started.

I recently did a full guide on How To Clean Up After Oil Painting.

It’s a fairly simple process and eventually, this too will become a simple habit you’ll find yourself following after each painting session.

Your First Still Life

Starting off with this still life tutorial will grasp the fundamentals and essentials of oil painting.

This tutorial breaks down the process of painting a pear which ultimately can be understood and used for painting just about anything.

Chris from Paint Coach is a wonderful teacher and I’ve learned so much from watching his videos. I honestly think watching any of his tutorials will extremely useful to you as well.

Watch the video from start to finish and then go ahead and paint this pear yourself.

Painting of An Apple

Here’s another classic beginner-friendly oil painting tutorial that involves painting of an apple.

Yupari goes really slow in explaining the entire process and you can pick up on the great ways how he goes about mixing the colors and laying down paint to achieve this realistic apple painting.

The background is the easiest thing in this painting but you can learn so much from following this tutorial.

If there’s one outstanding feature or skill to learn from this tutorial, it’s the ability to capture the form of an object and this is why it’s one of the best oil painting tutorials to try.

An Ocean Sunset

You may not be totally game for only banging out still life paintings, so it’s probably a good idea to change things up.

Here’s a beautiful and simple seascape painting you can do in just a few minutes or so.

This one might be way easier than any of the other tutorials on the list and if you’d like, you can start with this tutorial instead.

Over here, you’ll learn how to create a stunning and seamless blended sky and then create the illusion of waves.

I found that adding the final details, like the sunshine on the waves, was definitely the icing on top and it really brought the entire painting together!

Artistic Coneflowers

Ever wanted to paint flowers?

Well, with this one, you can! Even if you’re just a beginner at oil painting.

Flowers do seem complicated but this tutorial makes it really easy to understand and the final result is absolutely gorgeous.

You can also explore your creative side with this tutorial and learn so much about creating in an impressionistic style.

Easy Landscape Tutorial

For a more impressionistic landscape, this 30-minute tutorial is a great place to start.

It’s easy to follow and you get to explore what’s it like to paint clouds, water, and trees.

As an introduction to landscape painting, this tutorial is worth trying out.

Bag of Lemons Sill Life

Are you ready for a full still-life painting? Then it’s time to test your skills and paint this bag of lemons.

This tutorial will show you the entire process, including color mixing to achieve this beautiful final painting which you can then hang up on your wall and admire your work.

Since you’ll be painting more than one object, you can gain tons of experience with just this one painting.

Realistic Cherries

Okay, so this one might seem a bit challenging but you’ll be able to create a realistic painting of cherries if you follow this painting tutorial.

You’ll learn how to create form, mix accurate colors, blend strokes, and establish a close enough representation to the real thing.

If you’re particularly drawn to realistic art style, this one is for you.

Cute Plushie Tutorial

Here’s another fun, cute, and gorgeous painting to try as a beginner that involves tons of detail and pretty colors.

It looks complicated but trust me, this one is quite easy.

However, if you’re someone who is overwhelmed by too much detail, then stick with simple subjects until you’re ready.

But I highly recommended painting this since you’ll be incredibly pleased after holding your final painting in your hands!

An Ocean Wave

Who doesn’t love an awesome ocean painting?

Here’s a specific one that will test your skills and help you learn how to break down a complicated subject and make it easier to paint.

The colors, brushwork, and overall style are worth taking note of and the final painting is one that is worth hanging or showing to others.

It’s definitely an oil painting that will impress and level up your painting skills.

Final Thoughts

So, there we have it. These are my absolute favorite oil painting tutorials for beginners that will help you grasp the concept and techniques of oil painting with oils.

You can definitely learn so much from each and every single one of these tutorials and the artists are absolutely amazing for sharing their techniques and tips with us.

I’ve placed these tutorials in the order that I think would be best to start with but you can always go with what calls out to you.

However, the first few tutorials will help you learn to paint just about anything and the last few are somewhat more challenging and time-consuming but you can upgrade your skills in no time with all of these tutorials on the list.

Go ahead and give them a try!

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Oil Painting for Beginners – An Introductory Oil Painting Tutorial

Oil Painting for Beginners

T his article will be helpful to anyone who is starting their oil painting journey. You will get a handful of suggestions and reviews on the best oil painting brands as well as some useful techniques and rules to follow when oil painting. So, how do you get started with oil painting?

Table of Contents

  • 1 Oil Painting Basics
    • 1.1 Organize Your Space
    • 1.2 Start Small
    • 1.3 Choosing Your Oil Painting Surface
    • 1.4 The Right Oil Painting Tools
      • 1.4.1 Paintbrushes
      • 1.4.2 Oil Paints
      • 1.4.3 Easel and Palette
      • 2.1 Complete Oil Painting Set for Beginners: MEEDEN Oil Painting Set for Beginners and Students
      • 2.2 The Simplest Oil Painting Guide for Beginners: The Oil Painting Course You’ve Always Wanted by Kathleen Lochen Staiger
      • 3.1 Underpainting
      • 3.2 Scumbling
      • 3.3 Alla Prima
      • 3.4 Glazing
      • 3.5 Impasto
      • 3.6 Sfumato
      • 4.1 How to Oil Paint
      • 5.1 What Are the Basics of Oil Painting?
      • 5.2 How Do You Get Started with Oil Painting?
      • 5.3 Is There a Best Oil Paint for Beginners?
      • 5.4 What Are the Requirements for Oil Painting?

      Oil Painting Basics

      Oil paintings are more like acrylics in terms of texture and consistency. They are well known for their incredible color options and brilliant hues. Moreover, oil paints have a certain texture and technique that is compared to none.

      However, because of the oil base, these paints take a long time to dry. This means that when layering your paints, which is a fundamental part of oil painting, you will need to wait for each layer to dry before working on the next one.

      They also require the use of toxic and harsh chemicals to create effects for various painting techniques. They are quite different from acrylic paints, which are water-based and safe to use. The following are some paint basics that will help you get started with oil paints.

      Oil Painting Techniques for Beginners

      Organize Your Space

      Organizing your place is important because it will help you in ensuring that you have the right materials and tools for the job. Do not underestimate the importance of organizing your work area properly. Not only do you need the right tools and materials, but you also need the right environment and space. The right environment can be a well-lit room or a shady space under a tree outside.

      Always opt for a well-ventilated area when dealing with oil paints and solvents. You should also set a drop cloth to cover your floor from the paint mess, as oil can be hard to remove from other surfaces, especially on fabrics.

      Start Small

      It is advisable to start small if you are starting a paint project for the first time. Resist the urge to go big because of too much excitement. This is because a big start can be too overwhelming on your first try. Do your painting projects step by step until you are comfortable and familiar with the process.

      Use a small canvas to get started, and try working on different surfaces to get a feel of the right techniques, paints, and surfaces that work best for you. Once you have the best technique and method, you can then go big and try out different things with a little experience.

      Choosing Your Oil Painting Surface

      Oil paints have various uses and are suitable for a variety of surfaces such as wood, canvas, and so on. Some canvases are already primed to be suitable for oils, but you can also opt for a primer or gesso that can be bought from stores. When you buy one, you will need to do the priming yourself. A primer is quite important because it prevents chemicals and toxic substances in the paints from damaging your surface. It can provide adhesion properties that will enable your paints to effectively stick to a surface.

      It is advisable to use thicker paper when you begin oil painting. When you gain more experience and become comfortable, you can then move on to surfaces such as wood or canvas.

      The Right Oil Painting Tools

      Beginners to oil painting may not realize the number of additional tools that are needed in order to complete a painting. Along with your oil paints, you will also need some top-quality paintbrushes, an easel, and a palette.

      Oil Painting Basics


      You should invest in quality paint brushes when dealing with oil paints. However, you do not have to purchase the most expensive set as a means of getting the best quality. It is better to get at least three or five paintbrushes of different shapes and sizes when you are starting. It is also a good idea to purchase single brushes so that you can easily replace one at a time when it gets damaged. This will save you the costs of replacing a whole new set.

      Hog brushes are the most common oil painting brushes. Natural brushes can also be an option, but they are a bit expensive.

      Oil Paints

      Oil paints can be quite expensive, especially if they are from reputable and popular brands. However, you can also get cheaper options that can give you excellent results. These paints are also suitable for beginners. Paints also come in single tubes or sets of tubes.

      If you are a beginner, it is especially advisable to purchase a full set of paints. Moreover, it is a cheaper and more affordable option to get all the painting supplies in one go. This can also be cheaper when you want to top up or replace one or two colors in the long run.

      Easel and Palette

      Easels and palettes, while not completely necessary, certainly come in handy if you are dealing with long-drying paints. An easel will make your work easier as you stand and paint in a comfortable spot. Moreover, this will enable your painting to rest and dry properly between layers. Small easels are also beneficial if you would like to carry your art around with you.

      The paint palette will help you in mixing and blending colors and different shades. These palettes are usually made from wood and plastic, although yu can also opt for the ceramic type, which is quite easy to clean after use.

      Cleaning Your Brush

      It is essential to clean your brushes after every art job. It is also beneficial to clean your brushes in-between painting sessions when using oil paints. This will add more durability to your bristles and more sheen to your painting. You can use an artist soap or mixing medium to clean your brushes. Solvents can also be effective in cleaning your brushes, but they may damage them in the process. This is because solvents tend to eat away at the casings and bristles of the paintbrushes.

      While you are doing your oil painting, you can also keep the solvent and water in two cups or containers. Every time you dip your brush in the solvent or medium, use a paper towel to wipe the paint off. You can then mix it in the water cup, use the soap to rub it, and then rinse it and leave it to dry. This procedure will enhance the durability of your paint brushes.

      Oil Painting Tips

      Working with Oils, Solvents, and Chemicals

      Oil cannot be mixed with water; this also goes for oil paints. If you want to thin your paint, you should thoroughly clean your brushes and apply certain techniques. You will need to get an oil mixing medium. These mixing mediums are mostly used with oil paints such as linseed, safflower, walnut oil, and so on. These are the safest and most natural options for adding a glossy and soft sheen to your work.

      Other artists prefer stronger mediums such as paint turpentine and thinners. These are quite dangerous, and you should be cautious when handling them. Thus, you should wear protective gloves and clothes when working with these solvents. You should also monitor the solvent usage so that you can avoid over-applying, because this can either cause bubbles or your surfaces can start to eat away.

      Framing Your Oil Painting

      Framing your oil paintings is a personal choice. However, using a frame is quite beneficial in protecting your work from damages. A frame with a glass piece is a better option because it will keep your paintings safe. You can also opt for a sealant or fixative spray if you do not want to use a frame with glass. This will also prevent your art from getting smudged or being damaged in the long run.

      However, oil paintings can be tricky sometimes because they can take up to six months for certain layers to dry. So, you will have to keep your artwork in a safe place so that it does not rub on anything until it is ready for another coat or the next step. The following are some of the oil painting basics you will need to get started:

      • Always work in a well-ventilated and lit room.
      • Use a drop cloth to prevent any spills or messes.
      • Keep an easel for easy painting, whether sitting or standing.
      • Use quality oil paints.
      • Use 3 to 5 differently sized paintbrushes.
      • Work on a pre-primed surface area (or a surface that you can prime).
      • Use a chemical solvent or oil mixer to mix your colors and paints and for cleaning your brushes.
      • Keep a container for the mixer medium and a separate water container.
      • Keep a paint palette for a better coloring and mixing experience.
      • Use a frame or fixative to preserve and store your work.

      Best Oil Painting Tools for Beginners

      We have covered the tips and steps you can use to get started with oil painting; we will now focus on the products that you can use for oil painting. We will look at the best products based on popular recommendations.

      Oil Painting Tutorial

      Complete Oil Painting Set for Beginners: MEEDEN Oil Painting Set for Beginners and Students

      This painting set is suitable for beginners and comes with 24 beautiful, rich, and fully textured oil pigments. It is a 46-piece set that contains 10 brushes made with hog’s hair, a wooden adjustable easel, six plastic knives, four different canvases, and a wooden paint palette.

      This set offers the best value for money, considering all the quality it brings to your artwork. You can use this set for your artwork or as a gift option for an entry-level artist. The missing element or item from this set is the solvent or oil mixer, which you would have to purchase separately.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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