

Army Painter paint color conversion chart

When a scratch is staring you down, you have to take action. Repair with confidence: Dupli-Color is the only brand with colors tested and approved by vehicle manufacturers for a perfect match to your original factory finish.

Customize Your Wheels

Dupli-Color Home

Customize Wheels

Let your wheels do the talking. Customize or dress up worn out wheels with Dupli-Color. Our track-tested products help protect against brake dust, chemicals, cleaning solvents, heat, and chipping. Learn More

Refinish Your Interior

Refinish Your Interior

Reinvent your interior! Let Dupli-Color help you restore or customize the interior of your vehicle with a wide variety of products from prep to the final step. Learn More

Protect Your Truck Bed

Protect Your Truck Bed

Strength is important to you, we know: you own a truck. Dupli-Color’s products for truck bed protection are the toughest around. Protect your truck with Dupli-Color, and do it in your garage. Learn More

Customize Your Engine

Startups Supported under SISFS

Phot1 energy

Agri-tech is the use of technology for farming that is developed to improve efficiency and profitability. Agri-tech aims to improve farming through information monitoring and analysis of weather, pests, soil and air temperature.

Healthcare technology, commonly referred to as “healthtech,” refers to the use of technologies developed for the purpose of improving any and all aspects of the healthcare system.

Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the way companies manufacture, improve and distribute their products. Manufacturers are integrating new technologies, including Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and analytics.

Ecommerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. It is conducted over computers, tablets, smartphones, and other smart devices.

Software as a service (or SaaS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you simply access it via the Internet.

Logistics is the management of supply and transportation to deliver the goods on time and in good shape. handling of operations is a part of the logistics industry.

IoT powered by AI generates intelligent technologies that mimic intelligent behavior and assist in decision-making with little or no human intervention.

EdTech refers to hardware and software designed to enhance teacher-led learning in classrooms and improve students’ education outcomes. In-classroom tablets, interactive projection screens and whiteboards, online content delivery, and MOOCs are all examples of EdTech.

Pharma-Tech Industry is a pharmaceutical related industrial revolution where latest technology is kept under main focus to improve efficiency and results even more fine.

Drone-tech is a vast area where the uses are limitless, it includes development & manufacturing of new drones and its payloads especially in sectors specific to defence, agriculture, survey, inspection etc.


Sanyog Tiwari

Sanyog Tiwari

The care and attention to detail paid by the whole team at AIC-Prestige is really second to none. I personally thank them for their overall mentorship & support.

Ajay Nagwani

Ajay Nagwani

Atal Incubation Centre has been a supportive platform for us, being a startup. We are facilitated with a healthy and satisfactory working space on a subsidised amount.

Vinika Chandwani

Vinika Chandwani

This is to state that VINRAK food tech pvt Itd (CHAI NETWORK) is a startup incubated in AIC-Prestige Indore. The work environment and the culture of sharing knowledge and resources by fellow startup’s and aic team is commendable.

Saniya Jeswani

Saniya Jeswani

We would like to share our immensely amazing experience of utilizing co-working space, connects and exposure provided by the Centre. We have found the efforts of mentors provided by the Centre, exposure to Industries and relevant Investors extremely helpful during our growth here.

Bhushan Pungliya

Bhushan Pungliya

Starting from validation, structuring our perspectives, providing workspace for mentorship, to industry and investor connects, AIC really helped us in becoming agile, lean and mature as a start-up.

Chandan Verma

Chandan Verma

Uoons Ecommerce Pvt Ltd

AIC Prestige is a renowned incubation center that provides startups with the necessary resources and support to help them turn their innovative ideas into successful businesses. With a team of experienced mentors, investors, state-of-the-art facilities, and a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, AIC Prestige is the perfect place for startups to launch, grow, and scale.

Ridhi Jindal

Ridhi Jindal

SS LawInternships Pvt Ltd

Since we first began as a start-up, AIC-Prestige has been tremendously helpful, from early stage, validation to providing workspace and timely guidance. AIC-Team is working tirelessly to provide all startups with expert resources and advice.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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