

Will acrylic paint stay on wood?

Acrylic paint is the most popular paint for art projects by far. Mainly because it dries very quickly and because it is easy to use and to come by. It also doesn’t let off any fumes or toxins, so you can use this to paint inside, or in an enclosed area with no issues whatsoever. I personally use acrylic paints for a lot of different projects and on a wide variety of different materials. But in this article, I want to answer in-depth if acrylic paint works on wood, how to prepare the wood for painting, and how to seal the paint afterward.

How To Paint On Wood With Acrylics

How to paint on wood with acrylics

Acrylic paint, known for its versatility, is a popular choice among artists for various surfaces, including wood. The combination of textures and visual appeal in painting on wood with acrylics results in eye-catching artwork. This medium encourages artists to explore different techniques, colours, and styles while appreciating the natural charm of wood. Both seasoned artists and beginners can find painting on wood with acrylics an engaging and fulfilling creative experience. To achieve the best results, it’s essential to consider specific factors when working with acrylic paint on wood.

  • Apply a primer: Using a primer on the wood surface prior to painting enhances acrylic paint adhesion and ensures more uniform coverage.
  • Smooth the surface: By sanding the wood surface, you can improve paint adhesion and achieve a finer finish.
  • Opt for thin, multiple layers: Applying several thin coats of acrylic paint, rather than one thick layer, and allowing each coat to dry thoroughly before the next application will yield optimal results.
  • Apply acrylic paint directly on unprepared wood: Without proper preparation, acrylic paint may not adhere well to the surface, leading to chipping and peeling.
  • Use water-based acrylics on oil-rich woods: Water-based acrylic paints may struggle to bond with oily woods like teak. In these cases, opt for oil-based acrylic paints for better adhesion.

Choosing the Wood to Paint On

When painting with acrylics on wood, it’s crucial to choose the right type of wood. Different woods react differently to paint, with hardwoods being more porous and absorbing paint easily, while softwoods offer a smoother surface and need fewer coats for full coverage. Plywood and particle board are also popular choices, but thorough sanding is essential to ensure proper paint adhesion.

Selecting a Suitable Type of Wood

Plywood – Plywood is an affordable and versatile option for painting with acrylics. Choose a higher-grade plywood with minimal knots and imperfections for a smooth surface.

MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) – MDF is another cost-effective option. It has a smooth surface and is less prone to warping compared to plywood.

Hardwoods – Hardwoods like oak, maple, and birch provide a durable and high-quality surface for painting. However, they can be more expensive and may require additional preparation.

Basswood – Basswood is a popular choice among artists due to its fine, even grain and light colour. It’s easy to work with and provides a good surface for acrylic paints.

Preparing the Wood Surface

To ensure successful acrylic painting on wood, surface preparation is vital. Begin by sanding the wood for a smooth finish, and, on rougher surfaces, apply a primer before painting.


Clean the wood surface with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt. Allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step.


Sand the surface with fine-grit sandpaper (around 220 grit) to create a smooth and even surface. Sand in the direction of the wood grain, and wipe away any dust with a damp cloth.

Applying Primer

Apply a layer of primer, such as gesso or acrylic primer, to seal the wood and prevent the paint from soaking into the fibres. This will also help the colours appear more vibrant on the finished piece. Allow the primer to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Applying Additional Coats

If necessary, apply additional coats of primer, sanding lightly between each coat for a smoother surface. Once you are satisfied with the surface, you can begin painting with acrylics.
Remember to use thin coats of paint and build up layers for the best results. Enjoy the process of creating your artwork on wood!

Gathering Supplies

Gathering supplies is an important step in any creative endeavour. When it comes to painting, you’ll need a variety of essential materials

Acrylic Paints

Choose high-quality acrylic paints that offer good coverage and a wide range of colours to bring your artwork to life.

Brushes and Painting Tools

Select an assortment of brushes in various sizes and shapes, as well as painting tools like palette knives and sponges for different techniques and textures.

Sandpaper, Primer, and Sealant

Prepare the wood surface with fine-grit sandpaper and apply a primer to ensure proper paint adhesion. After completing your artwork, use a sealant to protect and preserve the painting.

Preparing the Wood Surface

Preparing the wood surface is an essential step before starting any wood-based project. It involves ensuring that the wood is clean, smooth, and ready for further treatment or finishing.

Sanding the Wood

Use fine-grit sandpaper (around 220 grit) to create a smooth and even surface. Sand in the direction of the wood grain.

Wiping Down the Surface

Clean the wood surface with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt. Allow it to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Applying a Coat of Primer or Gesso

To ensure acrylic paint adheres to wood, apply a primer or use an all-in-one acrylic paint and primer. Follow the product label instructions for application.

After priming, keep the following tips in mind while painting:

● Apply thin coats of paint to avoid bubbling and ensure even coverage.

● Let each coat dry fully before adding another layer.

● If your acrylic paint isn’t self-levelling, sand between coats for a smooth finish.

Applying the Acrylic Paint

After the primer dries, begin painting with high-quality acrylic paints to ensure proper adhesion and prevent peeling or chipping. Recommended brands include Matisse, Winsor & Newton, Reeves, and Liquitex.

Work with thin paint layers and build up the colour gradually to avoid cracking or flaking. Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next colour.

Painting Techniques

Painting techniques encompass a wide range of methods used to apply paint to a surface, creating different effects and textures.

Applying Base Layers

Start by laying down a base layer of paint, which will serve as the foundation for your artwork. This helps to establish the overall colour scheme and mood of your piece.

Building Up Layers and Blending Colours

Gradually build up layers of paint, allowing each one to dry before applying the next. Use blending techniques to create smooth transitions between colours and add depth to your work.

Using Different Brush Strokes and Techniques

Experiment with various brushstrokes, brushes, and painting tools to achieve different textures and effects. This can enhance the visual interest of your artwork and give it a unique, personal touch.

Finishing Your Artwork

Finishing your artwork is the final step that brings your creation to completion. It involves various processes to enhance and protect the artwork.

Letting the Paint Dry

Allow the paint to dry completely, following the manufacturer’s recommended drying time, to ensure the colours and textures are set properly.

Applying a Protective Sealant or Varnish

To achieve the best results when painting with acrylics on wood, it’s essential to follow a few key steps. Ensure you use a primer, sand the surface, and apply multiple thin coats for optimal coverage. Once satisfied with your artwork, protect it using an acrylic sealant specifically designed for use with acrylic paint. By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll create stunning and durable pieces that showcase your artistic talents.

Displaying or Storing Your Artwork

Choose how to display your finished piece, whether on a wall or in a frame. If storing, place it in a secure and dry location to prevent any damage or deterioration.

Should you Prepare your Wood Before Painting on it?

You should prepare any wooden surface before you paint on it if your paint job is supposed to last for a long time. It is not necessary to prepare the surface before painting on it but it will ensure the longevity of the paint if the surface is properly prepared with a primer.

This is especially true if the painted project is going to be either outside in the elements or if it is used or touched a lot.

A primer prepares the surface of the wood in such a way, that paint will stick especially well and permanently to it.

So if your project requires a very robust and resilient paint job then applying a primer before painting the wood is an absolut must.

How to Prepare a Wooden Surface for Painting Properly

In order to properly prepare your wood for painting you first have to clean the surface correctly.

So use a damp cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the surface. Don´t use too much water for cleaning your wood.

The wood has to be dry before you can move on to the next step. So if you use too much water then you will have to wait quite a long time before the wood is dry enough for the priming.

Next, you have to apply the primer evenly to the surface of your wood.

Simply apply a thin layer of the primer of your choice with a brush or a roller to the surface of your wood. I recommend using a roller if you want to have a really even and smooth finish over a paint brush.

If the first layer wasn´t enough to cover the whole surface completely simply apply another thin layer. Continue to apply layer after layer until the primer is covering the wood completely.

Leave the primer to dry overnight.

You can paint your project once the primer has completely dried.

After painting, you can further protect your paint job with a sealer. This is especially important if your project is going to sit outside in the elements.

How to Seal Acrylic Paint on Wood

You don´t always have to seal acrylic paint afterward but it is recommended to do so to ensure the longevity of your paint job. A top coat will prevent the paint from scratching and peeling off and it will protect the paint from liquids and dirt. So if you want your paint job to last then sealing the paint with a sealer or a varnish is recommended.

All paint chips and peels away eventually – but the painted wood, particularly outside where it is exposed to the elements, is especially prone to this.

So to protect your paint job applying a sealant is mandatory.

If your wooden project is supposed to sit outside, where it is exposed to the elements, or if it could get wet, like a table, then sealing it with a clear varnish is the best way to go.

Varnish is a sealant, that can be bought at any hardware store. It is easy to apply, simply brush it on with a paintbrush or with a roller, and it is very robust and resilient.

It will protect your paint job from water, UV-rays, scratches, and more while not altering the vibrancy of the colors in any way.

Varnish should be applied in multiple thin layers and you should let each layer dry fully before adding the next one.

This will ensure, that the varnish can dry well while staying transparent.

To achieve the best results you should always prepare the surface with a primer before painting and seal the paint job afterward.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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