

Warm tint blues vs cool tint blues

You must have heard a lot about blue light and its negative effects in recent times. Like ultraviolet rays, even this brightest visible light is quite dangerous.

Do blue light glasses have a yellow tint?

Living in an ever increasingly digital age, you’ve probably heard of the term blue light and the negative effects it can have on our overall health. With digital devices so heavily ingrained in our daily routines, we are often overexposed to blue light emitted from our screens, and without even realising it, we are making ourselves vulnerable to digital eye strain and accompanying issues.

Over the past few years blue light glasses have become a very hot topic, with society taking digital wellbeing into their own hands and ensuring that their digital consumption is done in a healthy and protected manner.

What is blue light?

To put it simply, blue light is a short, high-energy wavelength in the visible light spectrum. This electromagnetic spectrum is made up of wavelengths of varying lengths, seen as colours by the human eye. Every wavelength is represented by a different colour: violet, indigo, green, yellow, orange, red or blue.
Blue light is the highest frequency visible to the human eye. It is positioned at the top of the light spectrum and is very close to Ultraviolet light – well known for causing damage.

It’s important to note, blue light in its natural form isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Blue light is natural and can be found everywhere, with sunlight being the main source of exposure. Blue light has the ability to naturally boost attention, supports your memory, increases your reaction times and lifts your mood. However, the problem lies when we are overexposed to artificial blue light due to our high consumption of digital devices.

Blue light glasses are designed with a blue light filtering pigment embedded into the lenses, filtering out some of the highest energy wavelengths known to cause digital-eye strain. There are various percentages of filtration, so it’s important to read the fine print when finding the right pair for you.

Do all blue light glasses have a yellow tint?

One big question that is commonly asked is whether all blue light glasses have a yellow tint. The simple answer is, no. However, this is all dependent on your own unique digital requirements.

Depending on what kind of protection you’re after and how you use your digital devices, the colour of your lenses may vary, with everything from clear, to yellow and orange lenses found on the market. Making this decision will depend on your personal digital use. It’s important to consider things like the time of day you consume your content, plus the amount of time and type of protection you require.

For day time use, Baxter Blue has a range of clear lens blue light glasses that filter out the high energy blue light and are designed to alleviate the symptoms of digital eye strain and reduce glare completely, resulting in better contrast, crisper visuals, and more enjoyable digital optics. Their Blue+ ™ technology goes deeper than competitors where the blue light filter is not a surface layer or coating with the blue light pigment technology embedded right into the lens, filtering out as much as 80% of the highest energy wavelengths known to cause digital-eye-strain. This blue light filtering pigment gives the lenses a very slight yellow tinge.

For evening use Baxter Blue have a range of sleep glasses that filter out more blue light. These glasses are designed to be worn when the sun goes down with their amber Blue+™ sleep lenses specifically developed to filter out the 450-500nm blue-light wavelengths that impact the release of melatonin – and subsequently, a good night’s sleep! These are good for anyone who finds themselves using their screen throughout the evening, particularly for gaming.

If you want the next level of protection, you may want to look into investing in a pair of orange or amber tinted glasses. Like yellow tinted glasses, these are good for anyone who finds themselves using their screen throughout the evening, particularly for gaming. Orange and amber tinted glasses tend to block out 100% of blue light from your screen, and in some cases are classified as “blue light blocking glasses”.

Picking the perfect pair of blue light glasses is a very personal choice and depends on when you plan on wearing your blue light glasses. It’s always a good idea to speak to the company you are purchasing from if you are unsure and ask what options they have for your circumstances.

Do all blue light glasses have a yellow tint?

The straightforward answer to this question is NO!

Probably, it is the most common dilemma of people while selecting a pair of blue light blocking glasses. Some blue light blockers have yellow tint while some don’t, this confuses the buyers. The eagerness to know the purpose and the science behind yellow-tinted computer glasses is quite reasonable. We will debunk it.

Benefits of blue light glasses with a yellow tint

Yellow tinted blue light glasses block over 50% of blue light.

Tech geeks, gaming enthusiasts who spend hours and hours in front of digital screens can enjoy great clarity and comfort while gazing, wearing the yellow-tinted glasses. It filters out the harmful light rays that cause eye strain and damage. It eliminates the blue part from the light spectrum and enhances your screen viewing experience.

Yellow tint offers optimal clarity. It also enhances contrast and depth perception.

People with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) , suffering from anxiety, depression can also embrace this colour therapy as the yellow tint is proven to improve mood and reduce stress.

If it’s not yellow, is it useless?

Though yellow-tinted glasses were introduced as the best option to block the blue light from entering the eyes, it is not the only option. Blue blockers without the yellow tint can also protect your eyes from the electronic devices.

There is not just one lens type that will filter out the dangerous blue light. If you are planning to buy a pair of blue blockers for yourself and are not much comfortable with yellow glasses then you surely have some alternatives.

Blue light glasses with clear lenses

It just looks like your regular glasses! It is now possible to find clean lenses with the blue light filter. The light filtering technology infused in the lenses blocks almost 50% of blue light. These glasses may appear clear but whenever somebody looks at them, it will have a purple, green or blue reflection. Such clear blue light glasses are popularly known as computer glasses.

Many glass wearers believe that clear and transparent lenses help them feel more comfortable and work better. There is almost no colour difference while viewing and offers the best visual experience.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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