

Use a brush to paint a fence

Here’s how to paint your fence with a brush!

Summer DIY – How to paint a fence

Summer is almost over, but there might still be some opportunities to get a few key outdoor projects done before winter settles in. One big job that’s sure to raise your curb appeal and change the whole look and feel of your place is giving the fence a fresh coat of paint or stain. So we created a DIY guide with all you need to know.

Before you can start to swing the paint brush there is some important prep work to be done that will guarantee your paint job to look better and last longer.


Depending on whether your fence has been previously painted or this will be it’s first paint job the prep work varies a little bit.

Working with older painted fences the first step is to check to quality of the paint. Is it racking or peeling? Is most of the paint still firmly on? If the old paint is peeling in many areas and cracking badly, the old paint should be removed with a scraper and sandpaper before continuing with the general cleaning of then fence.

Once all old paint is sanded down, grab a dry brush with hard bristles to brush of and dried on dirt, spider webs etc before moving on to the fence washing. To thoroughly wash the fence a mould and moss killer/ remover product should be used and applied to the fence. Soak the fence well and leave on before rinsing it off.

After the mould treatment has been washed off the fence should be left to dry. Finally mix up a timber wash solution and scrub the fence with a hard bristle brush to really clean off any left over grime and dirt still hanging on. Once finished, rinse well and leave the fence to fully dry.

The better the clean up is done, the longer the fence and the paint job will last.

Finish the Prep work by taping off areas where the fence is close to the house, gates or areas you want to keep paint free. If painting close to the driveway or paving stones, put down a drop sheet to protect the ground from accidental paint splatters.

Open and stir your paint thoroughly (if you are using an oil-based paint, tip the sealed can upside down before turning it back over and opening it. This way the oil will have already started to mix and stirring will be a bit quicker.


Tip 1: If there was a lot of mould present and the fence is going to be painted NOT stained, a Zinsser Primer Sealer can be applied before the two top coats to keep the mould from breaking back through.

Georgia from Moochstyle painting her Christchurch fence using Haydn

Apply the Primer or 1 st Top Coat with a rough roller/ mini roller and small paint brush (under 50mm). Use the paint brush to get into the valleys and do all the cutting in jobs before switching over to the roller to get the main panels coated.

Tip 2: If you have a large area to cover, work in small sections to ensure the paint dries evenly. Plan the painting steps in advance and check the weather forecast to ensure there is enough rain free time for the paint to be applied and dry fully. Otherwise rain could partially wash of or alter the appearance of your paint job. Also leave a few hours in the afternoon for the last paint of the day to dry before the sun goes down.

Use Brush Baggies for Rollers and Brushes that are not in use, and during breaks to keep the paint from drying in and ruining the brush.

Wait for the first coat to be fully dried before repeating the process for the second coat.

Note: The first coat often requires a lot more stain/ paint then the second coat.

Once all coats are done, remove the painter’s tape and drop cloth and wash out the painting tools (use turpentine with oil-based paints and stains).

What do you need to paint a fence?

Painting a fence can be done via brushing or spraying. Although spraying may require the need for smaller brushes to cover the little nooks and crannies.

Fence spraying

If you’re choosing to paint a fence with a sprayer, make sure you have sprayable fence paint. The weather is arguably more important when it comes to this painting method too. Such elements like wind can cause the paint to fly in a different direction and land on other features of your garden. So prepare accordingly.

Fence paint brushing

Painting a fence with a brush can take a long time. So this method is preferable for those smaller or more difficult sections of the fence to paint. This could be anything from edges to corners, fencing near windows you don’t want to risk covering in spraying paint and other areas that aren’t typically easy to cover.

What is the best way to paint a wooden fence?

This will truly depend on the size of the task and the difficulty of the job. So approach the project with suitable planning and review whether the job can be done more easily via paint spraying, paint brushing or both.

How to prepare for fence painting

Before painting, you will need to make sure you have protective equipment, especially when spraying paint, as this can risk splashes into the eyes and clothing stains. However, if you have any old clothes you can wear without being concerned about stains then this is fine.

Here’s how to prepare your fence for painting!

Step one: If you have any plants or foliage you want to protect, you will need to make sure they’re dealt with. You can do this by covering them with a plastic sheet or dust sheet, trimming back the plants or tying any foliage back with string. You can also use masking tape and/or newspaper to cover any handles or metal hinges etc to protect them from the paint.

Note: If there are any other garden features nearby the fence you want to protect, make sure to cover those also.

Step two: Clean and clear the fence of debris. Preferably use a brush to remove dirt or splintering bits of wood. For algae or any other similar dirt substance, you can use a damp cloth with a general cleaner to clean the wood – be careful of splinters by wearing gloves!

Step three: If there are any sections of the fence that are rotten, make sure to replace them.

Note: Smaller sections with damage can be repaired with a wood filler.

Step four: If there are any old nails or screws sticking out of the fence panels, make sure these are removed and replaced where needed to ensure a cleaner and safer appearance.

Step five: Sand down the wood to ensure any splintery or rough sections are smooth and that any newly placed sections of the fence are flush with the older pieces of fence.

Step six: Prime the fence with a suitable wood primer and let it dry. Letting the primer dry allows the end result to last longer on top of improving the final paint appearance.

Note: It is advised to do a patch test of the paint prior to total painting as this can give an idea of what the colour will look like when it dries.

How to paint a fence with a sprayer

Here’s how to paint your fence with a sprayer!

Step one: When using a sprayer to paint, it will most likely make covering the fence evenly much easier. Make sure to paint in the direction of the wooden pains as this ensures a smoother appearance. It also allows you to cover a lot of the surface area easily without having to continuously go back and forth with the paint spray.

Step two: Using a brush, ensure any smaller sections that have not managed to be covered by the paint are painted over. This could be between the panels and the posts or any other awkward areas that couldn’t be reached by the spray.

You can also use the brush to make sure that the top of the fence posts are covered by gently dabbing the brush against the wood to ensure it goes on top of it.

Note: If a second coat is needed then do so only when the first layer is dry, but typically fence paint can be applied once.

Step three: Wait for the paint to dry on the fence and clean any brushes you’ve used to ensure they’re not damaged for future use.

There you have it! A newly painted fence with the help of a fence sprayer!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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