

Tricks for obscuring sharpie ink

Don’t worry if you unintentionally used a permanent marker to write something on your whiteboard; it can be easily removed. It will require some extra effort, but removing these types of marks is not more difficult.

How to Remove Permanent Marker From Any Surface

Permanent markers are essential in every craft room and household. They’re great for creating lasting memories through artwork, writing labels on metals and plastics to help keep your home organized and even covering up scuffs on shoes.

Although the name suggests otherwise, if you accidentally get permanent marker on a surface you didn’t intend, or one ends up in the hands of a very young, but very inspired creative, there are ways to remove it.

You can remove permanent marker from a variety of surfaces using basic household cleaners and materials. So, grab an old towel or washcloth that you don’t mind a stain potentially transferring onto, and follow the instructions below to learn how to remove marker marks from any surface.

How to remove permanent marker from plastic

If you used a permanent marker to label plastic containers and now want to alter the labels, you can use a dry-erase marker to remove the writing. A dry-erase marker works well for getting permanent marker stains off of plastic because it contains rubbing alcohol.

Follow these steps:

  1. Color over the permanent marker with the dry-erase marker
  2. Wipe away
  3. Repeat the process if needed

There are a couple of other methods you can use on plastic if you don’t have a dry erase marker lying around. Rubbing a pencil eraser over the marker can sometimes do the trick. Isopropyl alcohol also removes permanent marker from plastic. Simply wet a cotton ball with alcohol and rub it in circular motions until the stain disappears.

How to remove permanent marker stains from clothes

If you get a permanent marker stain on one of your favorite clothing items, don’t fret. There are a number of different methods you can use to get it out of different fabrics, especially if you don’t have stain removers on hand. Below are tips for removing permanent marker stains from cotton, leather and wool.


Hairspray is an effective way to remove permanent marker from cotton. Be sure that the hairspray contains alcohol, as not all hairspray products do. This component is critical for removing the stain.

Follow these three steps to clean your cotton item:

  1. Apply hairspray to the area until it feels wet
  2. Let it sit for 15 minutes
  3. Put clothing item in the washing machine without other items in case the stain bleeds
  4. Run on warm with detergent

It’s important that you don’t touch the marker before you put it into the washing machine, or else you risk rubbing the stain deeper into the fabric.


You can clean permanent marker from leather without damaging the fabric using white vinegar as a stain remover.

Follow these three steps to clean your leather item:

  1. Dab vinegar onto the stain with a cloth
  2. Let it sit for a few minutes
  3. Use the same cloth to wipe off the stain using a circular motion


Hairspray is also an effective way to remove permanent marker from wool. Instead of tossing the item in the wash after setting the stain with hairspray, you can hand-wash it to prevent damage to the item.

Follow these steps to clean your wool item:

  1. Apply hairspray to the area until it feels wet
  2. Let it sit for 15 minutes
  3. Hand wash the item with cold water

Soak the pen

If your pen has dried out, one of the first steps you should take is soaking the pens in hot water. This will help to dissolve any dried ink that might be causing your pen to stop working.

Simply blowing a little air down the pen could then perhaps force ink to the end of the pen and perhaps get it to work.

Scraping method

If that doesn’t work, you should then remove the dried ink that is clogging up the nib by rubbing your pen on the bottom of your shoe, a damp cloth or an emery board.

You need to be care when doing this step as you could melt the pen and ruin it. Therefore, when doing this, gently hold your pen tip to a lighter flame for just a few seconds to try melt the dried ink in the ballpoint pen.

Rod it out

Use a straightened out paper clip and a drop of nail varnish remover to clear out the dried ink clogging up the ink cartridge.

If you’ve tried all those steps and your pen still won’t it might then be time to invest in a new pen, but at least you know, you’ve tried everything.


Permanent marker stain

Have you ever had a permanent marker stain your hands while you were writing?

  • Makeup remover wipes: Makeup wipes are gentle on the skin than domestic any other chemical-based removers. Apply with a cotton ball and massage for several seconds in a circular motion over the spot. Thoroughly rinse with warm water.
  • Nail polish remover: Nail polish remover, just like rubbing alcohol, contains acetone, which can help dissolve the ink. Gently massage the stained area with a cotton ball or paper towel dipped in nail polish remover.
  • Oil: You can use coconut oil, baby oil, or vegetable oil to help remove the ink stain. Apply a small amount of oil to the area, then wait a few minutes before wiping it off. After that, use a paper towel to carefully wipe the ink away.
  • Scrub with sea salt: Natural exfoliating qualities are found in sea salt. When combined with warm water, it can be used to form a light scrub that exfoliates the top layer of skin. To make a paste, combine equal parts salt water and warm water. Massage the scrub into your skin, but don’t rub it in.
  • Sunscreen: Apply a heavy coating of sunscreen on the permanent marker stain and rub it in a circular motion with your fingertips. Continue rubbing on sunscreen until all of the marker has been dissolved. After that, simply rinse everything with warm water and you’re ready to go.

The Writing on the Wall

Marker stains on the wall

If your child has gotten his or her hands on a permanent marker, you might end yourself with more wall decorations than you planned for.

  • Lemon and oil: Lemon essential oil is excellent for removing permanent markers from painted walls. The oil and the acidic lemon combine to gently coax the stain from the surface without damaging the paint. It also smells fantastic! Pour the oil onto a clean washcloth and firmly rub the marker stains. If the cloth is soaked with ink, discard it and grab a fresh one, to avoid smearing the ink. Repeat until the marks are gone.
  • Toothpaste: Apply a small amount of white toothpaste to the mark using a towel or a clean cloth. Do not use gel-based toothpaste; instead use a white toothpaste as it deliver better results. You can also dilute the toothpaste by mixing it with a little water in a cup and applying it on the affected area.
  • Hand sanitiser: Simply apply some sanitiser to a cotton ball or a cloth and gently rub on the stain. The alcohol present in the sanitiser should dissolve the ink and make it easier to remove. Hand sanitiser or other alcohol-based products, can sometimes remove paint, so be sure to test on a small area first.
  • Soapy Water: Dish soap mixed with warm water is another useful cleaning tool. To use this procedure, soak a sponge in dissolved dishwashing liquid detergent from a 3/4 bowl of warm water and gently scrub your walls with it. Dish soap isn’t powerful enough to ruin your wall’s paint, but it is efficient at erasing dry-erase marker stains.


Stains on the wooden surface

When it comes to wooden surfaces, removing permanent marker stains can be extremely frustrating due to their notoriously difficult removal process. Fortunately, permanent marker stains on wooden surfaces can be removed with a few simple procedures. Before attempting to remove the stain, determine the type of wood and finish on the surface. Certain cleaning solutions can damage some finishes, so it is essential to use a procedure that is suitable for the wood surface.

  • Toothpaste and baking soda: Toothpaste can not only remove stains from your teeth, but it can also remove stains from your wooden furniture or flooring. It’s preferable to add a little baking soda to your toothpaste. Apply a nice amount of toothpaste and baking soda to a dry cotton makeup remover pad and rub gently, going with the grain of the wood.
  • Rubbing alcohol: Use a cotton cloth and a dab of isopropyl alcohol to loosen and lift permanent marker markings from the wooden surface. Dab lightly to moisten the area, then wipe away the residue with a damp towel. If a faint mark persists, repeat the process.
  • White vinegar and olive oil: In a mixing bowl, combine equal parts vinegar and olive oil. Rub the mixture gently over the permanent marker stain with a soft cloth. Rinse with water and pat dry with a clean towel. Scrubbing with an abrasive pad or brush can damage wood surfaces. Use a microfiber cloth or soft sponge to scrub on the stained spot.
  • Hairspray: Simply spray the stain with hairspray and wipe the residue away using a clean cloth. The stain should start to fade quickly. Repeat the process until it disappears completely.
  • Magic eraser and oil: Alternatively, for stubborn marks, put some oil on a magic-eraser-type sponge, but go easy to avoid scratches. The citric acid in the oil pulls up the ink and leaves no damage or discolouration to the wood finish.
Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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