

Procedures for transferring paint out of a can

If you’ve ever wondered how to dispose of paint or where to throw away old paint cans, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 868 million gallons of architectural paint are sold annually in the United States. That means there is likely a lot of leftover paint for reusing, recycling, or disposing. One look at your garage and basement shelves will reveal a bevy of near-empty paint cans sitting (not so pretty). Tossing a can of paint into household trash may seem like the simplest thing to do, but that means the bucket will end up in a landfill—not the best final destination for latex or oil-based paint. In fact, being careless with household hazardous waste (HHW) can contaminate your community and may actually be illegal in some municipalities.

How to store paint

When you finish decorating, you’ll probably have leftover paint. And, if it’s stored carefully, you can use it for future projects and save yourself some money and waste. But if you don’t know how to store paint, don’t worry; we’re here to help. We’ll show you how to store any surplus paint in original cans or storage containers, plus how to store paint brushes.

Want to find out how to store paint quickly and easily? Follow this step-by-step guide for storing paint in its original can or tin. This method is best when you’ve got large amounts of paint left over. If you’ve only got a small amount of paint left, decanting it into a smaller container is better. See the ‘re-packaging used paint’ section below for more information.

Step 1: Clean the rim of the paint can

Paint must be stored in an airtight container, so any paint left around the lid of the can must be cleaned away so that there’s a tight seal when you put the lid back on. To clean the can, wipe away damp paint with a wet cloth and use something metal, such as a straightened wire hanger, to scrape away dried paint. Take care not to let any dry paint fall into the can.

Step 2: Cover the can’s opening with plastic

Placing plastic over the can before closing the lid will help keep the paint airtight. You can use cling film or cut a circle out of a plastic bag. Pull it over the opening so it’s slightly stretched, but make sure it doesn’t tear; otherwise, air will get in and spoil the paint.

Step 3: Replace the lid of the can

Put the can lid on and press it down with your hands. Then place a block of wood over the top and hit it with a hammer, mallet, or the end of a screwdriver, to firmly set the lid in place. (mind your fingers!) Try to use a piece of wood that’s roughly the same size as the lid, and don’t be tempted to hit the lid directly, as that could cause it to get out of shape and not seal properly.

Step 4: Label the paint

Our memories aren’t always the most reliable when it comes to remembering things we did several years ago. So, it’s a good idea to grab a permanent marker and write some notes on the lid of the can. Note down which room the paint was used in, and, if it’s not already on the tin, the colour and where you bought it from. This will make it easy to get more if you need to. You could also add a dab of paint to the tin before you seal it, so you can see the exact colour at a glance. It’s also helpful to add a date of when you used the paint (you can also see if it is too old to use at any time in future!)

Step 5: Where to store paint

To prevent paint cans from rusting or the paint becoming unusable, store them in a cool, dry place where the temperature is above freezing. Place the can on a shelf rather than on the floor to prevent it from getting wet, ensuring it’s not in direct sunlight.

A water-based paint tightly sealed and stored correctly can last up to 10 years. And an oil-based paint can last up to 15. So, it’s well worth making an effort.

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Paint doesn’t last if it’s exposed to extreme temperatures. In those conditions, it can dry up or separate and become unusable. So, storing paint in garages or sheds isn’t ideal. Instead, keep paint indoors in a utility room or under stairs cupboard, away from radiators and direct sunlight.

How to store paint brushes

Correctly cleaning and storing paint brushes will help them last for years and stop you from paying out for new brushes for every paint job. Here’s how to do it: ● Scrape off as much excess paint from the brush as possible using a paint brush and roller cleaning tool.
● If you have used water-based paint, soak them in warm water for a couple of hours. For oil-based paints, soak them in white spirit or a specialist solvent-based brush cleaner for a couple of hours. You can use a glass jar or a specialist paint brush clean and store pod for this.
● Rinse the brushes and dry them with an old cloth.
● Store the dried paint brushes in a clean, dry place.

If there’s only a small amount of leftover paint in a large can, it’s easier to transfer it to a smaller container. This will help prolong its life and reduce the storage space needed. For this, you can use any clean glass jar or plastic storage container with an airtight lid. Once the paint has been transferred, cover the opening of the container in cling film or plastic before putting the lid on securely. Then label the paint and store it in an appropriate place, as per steps four and five above.

What do you do with paint you want to throw away?

Proper paint disposal will vary from place to place (more on that below), but it’s always best to make sure your paint is dry or hardened before disposal. “It is important that [paints] are solidified before disposal, so that they don’t increase the likelihood of a spill,” Walters says. “Garbage trucks are outfitted with a special blade that compacts waste in the back of the truck: If a can of liquid paint is compressed, chances are the can will pop open, causing the paint to potentially seep out of the truck and onto the street. When you take the time to dry these paints out, you will eliminate the risk of a spill in your community.”

Walters also points out that you should always leave paint in its original container. “When disposing of any hazardous waste materials, it’s crucial to always keep them in their original containers, never combine them with any other hazardous waste materials, and always follow the labeled disposal instructions to avoid injury and environmental harm.” There are a few methods for drying out paint:

Let oxygen get to work

If a paint can is nearly empty, leaving it with the lid off until the paint inside hardens is an easy, cost-free solution. Moving it outdoors to a sunny spot can help speed up the process as well. These methods work best when the amount of paint to dispose of is small.

Buy a paint hardener

A paint hardener, like Krud Kutter, is available on Amazon and most home improvement and hardware stores where paint supplies are sold. This crystal-like product hardens into a solid piece in under 30 minutes when mixed with old paint. A packet, which should be enough to harden a can of paint that is 60% full won’t cost more than $5.

Sprinkle kitty litter

Cat owners likely have extra kitty litter on hand, and using it to deal with paint disposal is an easy solution. Pour the cat litter into a can of paint and let it absorb, then allow it to harden.

How do I dispose of paint in Illinois, New York, or wherever I happen to live?

How you dispose of paint is going to be largely dependent on where you live. Individual towns and counties all have their own requirements. Some may allow you to put hardened paint or empty cans out with your regular trash for curbside pickup or recommend that you hold onto them for a designated hazardous waste collection day, while others may require you to take them to a local household hazardous waste disposal facility. To determine what you need to do, place a call to your local waste management agency—someone will point you in the right direction.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website directs those looking for safe ways to dispose of hazardous waste to the Earth911 database. With this website, you can enter your zip code to find recycling options and guidelines for where you live.

How do I get rid of old paint near me?

If you have a decent amount of usable paint, donating it might be a valid option to pursue. Organizations like Habitat for Humanity Restore, your local community center, or another nonprofit organization are good places to check with. They may have an easy curbside drop-off site nearby or a collection event that repurposes leftover paint in a much better way than sending it to a landfill. Paint recycling programs, such as PaintCare, is a stewardship that follows HHW laws and will help find a solution in your area.

Yes, all types of paint will go bad eventually. While the lifespan will vary from brand to brand, an unopened can of water-based paint has the potential to last up to 10 years. A latex paint will last about half that time. If paint smells off or the texture doesn’t improve with stirring, it’s likely old paint gone bad.

Once opened, however, everything changes. The longer paint is exposed to air, the more susceptible it is to damage, which is why it’s so important to properly seal paint cans after any DIY project. Where you keep the leftover paint matters too. The best way to store paint is indoors, away from light and extreme temperature changes. If the amount of paint left is about half a can, place plastic wrap over the top before securing the lid back on. This helps keep air out and prevents the formation of that thick layer of film on the top.

You may have heard that to store paint upside down is a good idea, but this practice no longer makes sense. And for good reason: It can lead to spills and a mess no amount of cat litter will help.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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