

Lilliputian version of the American flag

These divides aren’t “new”, per se. But Blue America’s intolerance for the rest of the country started becoming a serious problem after the 2000 election. And the other Americas started paying it back after 2010, when the establishments of both parties teamed up to slander the Tea Party – the most egalitarian, civil mass movement in recent history – back into the shadows. (Wanna know where Trump came from? Shut up about Racism, Putin, Xenophobia and Misogyny – millions of good-hearted Americans saw what coloring inside the lines and playing nice got you).

Likee APK for Android

Likee is a free app for creating and editing photo and videos. Likee also serves as a broad platform for sharing media worldwide via messaging and live streaming. Easy to use and incredibly accessible, Likee also features a personalized feed and video effects, letting users of all ages express themselves, show off their talents, explore, and connect with other people.

Originally known as LIKE until mid-2019, Likee was founded by Jason Hu, an entrepreneur from Singapore. From humble origins in the Chinese company JOYY Inc, Hu’s tool is now owned by a Singaporean tech firm, BIGO Technology, and grown into a dominating presence on iOS and Android. The app now has over 600 million downloads, with 1.5 billion users spanning 150+ countries in 40+ languages.

Designed as a short video creation and sharing platform, Likee is brimming with an array of unique filters, stickers, and special effects. The easy interface combined with cutting-edge special effects tools makes it simple for users to experiment and express themselves creatively. From creating and posting videos to recording memorable moments, Likee’s goal is to thin the gap between your imagination and the finished product.

Likee is not the only multimedia editing app on the market, but what makes it stand out from other platforms is the sheer volume of effects at the content creator’s disposal. The app goes far beyond simple color-changing filters and sound effects. Likee can utilize 4D, magically change your hair color, and even conjure superhero effects reminiscent of something you’d see in theaters.

Powerful video making and editing tools are literally at your fingertips, and for anyone looking to make a splash on social media, this is the ace up the sleeve: Full synchronization with your music and audio means you can use the app to shoot creative music videos. Use the Supermix feature to make a blockbuster video in under a minute, or face swap with movie stars.

Likee vs TikTok

The most similar app to Likee on the market is the incredibly popular TikTok. While the latter is the more known of the two, Likee is a growing competitor. The number of editing tricks and options are pretty comparable for both platforms, and, though it has fewer users, Likee’s user base is large enough to make browsing worth it.

TikTok is still the dominant video creation platform, and if you’re looking to dive in more mainstream, populated waters, it’s the better choice. Likee does pull ahead, however, when it comes to localized content. Kids can better use this service to livestream to their close fanbase, and can even use the service to turn a profit.

Create, edit, and share your talent

TikTok is PGC, or ‘Professionally Generated Content,’ meaning that the app prioritizes content consumers. A popular video on TikTok would get a high volume of views and likes. There aren’t many ways to monetize those videos unless you make a career out of it. Likee, on the other hand, allows fans to send virtual gifts to favorite content creators.

Special themed events allow kids to receive gifts and generate income by accruing likes. If they do well enough they can even earn a living through Likee’s Creator Reward feature. If they’re talented and invested enough, they can also elect to receive professional training from Likee’s Creator Program, working their way up to becoming the next Internet sensation.

Likee endeavors to push its content creators to make better, more professional videos, and it accelerates this individual improvement with the time-tested golden rule: Who better to incentivize users to make better videos than the user’s own friends and family? To make it as easy as possible to share content with people you know, Likee incorporates a ‘live broadcast’ and a ‘nearby’ function.

When He’s Right…

Posted on October 25, 2021 by Mitch Berg

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

In which I find myself nodding as Russian President Vladimir Putin describes the decline of Western Civilization, and wondering why America can’t find leaders who talk like that.

In Paul Johnson’s classic history of the 20th century, Modern Times, the pivotal chapter, about the moral collapse underway in the 1970s, combined with the peak of communism‘s fortunes around the world, was called “the Suicide of the West“.

The first edition of the book was written just as Reagan had been elected, and after Margaret Thatcher had been on the job for about a year at trying to fix things, so that 80s as we know them today were just the faintest wisp of hope as Johnson wrote the history at the time.

And as awful as that era was, things are far worse today. I don’t think the term “suicide of the west“ is inappropriate.

Posted in Western Civilization | 7 Replies


Posted on August 18, 2021 by Mitch Berg

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Richard Fernandez writes an insightful column about The Garden Administration’s stunning reversal of fortune. From the economy to the border to foreign affairs to the culture war, we’re losing everything, everywhere, and all at once. On the bright side, they may have killed the last, best hope for freedom in the world; but their pronouns are up-to-date.

Joe Doakes

As someone who was there (albeit very young, and very Democrat), this feels an awful lot like the 1970s.

But there is no Herb Brooks warming up in the wings. R

on DeSantis has a chance of being well Reagan, at least.

Posted in Culture War, Democrat Party, Western Civilization | 4 Replies

Last Day

Posted on February 22, 2021 by Mitch Berg

Liberals insist their beliefs are the only acceptable beliefs and anybody who thinks differently is insane, their children should be taken away and sent to Re-education Camps, and the parents should be ‘cleansed’ from America.

Assume Liberals are not lying this time and actually go through with it. If you knew that today was your last day of freedom before the authorities broke down your door to put you on the train heading Way Up North where you’ll spend a life sentence in a gulag counting the birches as a political prisoner, how would you spend your day?

I sat at my computer updating work instructions and form templates for the person who will replace me. The work won’t go away, only I will go away. But I’m leaving good notes and a clean desk instead of taking the day to goof off and leaving a mess for the new person.

In the Bad Old Days, that’s what was known as ‘being a White Man about it.’ You made your bed. You picked up your stuff. You chopped wood for the next camper. You returned the borrowed car full of gas, the lawn mower washed. You told the grocery clerk when she undercharged you and paid the difference so her till would balance. You did things that nobody else noticed and you wouldn’t have been punished for failing to do because . . . it was the right thing to do.

Nowadays, of course, it’s hateful and racist and sexist to expect people to act like responsible adults, so they don’t; they burn police stations and occupy hotels and form communes called Autonomous Zones. I’m not convinced the new way is better which is why I’ll be on the train, soon. Best of luck to you all. Spend your last days wisely.

Joe Doakes

The conventions that made Western Civilization – which is dependent not on skin color, but on a set of ideals commonly observed – is the enemy these days, and they don’t care what they have to do or who they have to step over to destroy them.

Posted in Progressive Tyranny, Western Civilization | 2 Replies

  • Is Biden’s Easy Money Stimulus Plan Dead or Alive?

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Steve in TN
12 hours ago

What should bother Democrats & independents is that if Joe is reelected & he can’t physically finish his term then Kamala Harris is the president. I’m not sure what this woman is capable of accomplishing – and I’m being charitable.

1 day ago

“Both Parties are trying desperately to lose the election.”

That is the political generalization of the week. Maybe of the year. I’m a life-long (85 yo) Democrat. I will *never* vote Republican for *anyone* for *any* office *ever*. But sweet Jesus, Biden needs to meet people where they are, not where macroeconomic statistics say they are. And he needs to take on Trump frontally. Trump is a fraud and a criminal. Biden needs to say so. Repeatedly. Again and again and again. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Last edited 1 day ago by Omicron
1 day ago

Greatest-Democracy-Ever [Trump | Biden ] (* Again)

1 day ago

….Bidens democratic coalition should in fact have splintered last year already, particularly over its war against a Russian military superpower that according to US News and World Report is even the world’s n° 1 superpower,… and practically debtless on top of that ! Biden is not merely senile he s fc kn CRAZY and so is the corrupt criminal gang that surrounds him, dominates him rather !

1 day ago
1 day ago

I could never vote for an Anti-Semitism party that supports terrorism and criminals.
BTW, almost everyone I know pretends to be independent.

Last edited 1 day ago by Billy
1 day ago
Reply to Billy

You are speaking of the Dems?

1 day ago
Reply to Jojo

Democrats support criminals by defunding the police, decriminalizing, reducing categories of crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, forcing DAs not to prosecute criminals.
The politicians who support the terrorist attacks on Israel and refuse to denounce attacks on Jews in Israel are all Democrats.
I know these facts may seem obvious but they aren’t to half of our country.

20 hours ago
Reply to Billy

“ The politicians who support the terrorist attacks on Israel and refuse to denounce attacks on Jews in Israel are all Democrats.”

But there are just a few of them. You know that every group has its disagreements and dissenters. Now go lay down for your nap Billy.

9 hours ago
Reply to Jojo

I find it pathetic that you, and Democrats as a whole, are making excuses for these actions.

1 day ago

Last week the mayor of Burbank CA, said he would not endorse Adam Schiff for US. senator, as he had not supported peace in the current Gaza conflict. Said he would support Schiff, if he changed his stance.

Micheal Engel
1 day ago

US envoy Amos Hochstein in Lebanon.

Micheal Engel
1 day ago

Taliban, Rashida Talib…will rule the country along with Michelle

Stuki Moi
1 day ago
Reply to Micheal Engel
Micheal Engel
1 day ago

Mark Levine and James Comer are more stupid than Hakeem. If they impeach Biden, Michelle will take over and beat Trump.

Micheal Engel
1 day ago

Pro Palestinian protest this Sat on armistice day in UK. Muslim Vikings might clash
with old marching veterans, b/c Israel crushed Hamas. Shame on Israel, Shame
on the British Empire, Shame on France and Belgium colonialism. The Muslim Vikings took over. Only their protest might save Hamas fighter, eating dates and drinking olive oil in the tunnels, while their 3 billionaire leaders live in 7 star hotels in Lebanon, Turkey and Qatar. Nasrallah might change his mind this Sat. I stopped watching EPL fanatic Muslim fans.

Alson Taylor
1 day ago

Talib said that Biden helped the Israelis to genocide the Palestinians, but she won’t vote for him unless he now calls for a cease fire. So, if he does call for a cease fire, she will vote for a genocidal president.

1 day ago

The problem is, every political candidate from either Party, and even RFK Jr., has stated their unconditional support for Israel. If one wants to see the power and scope of the Israel Lobby, it is on full display. It is doubtful that any who oppose Israel will get re-elected. It’s OK for the nutty left to tear down our culture, allow mass migration and sexulize our children, but God forbid you don’t support Israel’s lust for revenge.

1 day ago
Reply to Alex

Of course they are all going to affirm it.

But that doesn’t mean the general population supports it. More importantly, it sets up as an easy victory lap for Trump. All he has to do is come out and make one of his famous ‘I can negotiate peace in 5 minutes’ tweets to earn votes from people who want to see an end to the conflict. Doesn’t matter that he can’t do that, it just matters that he says he can. Biden is on the wrong side simply because he’s in power when this is happening (if Trump was in Power, the Dems would make the exact same claim that they would get peace negotiated if elected).

Regardless of who wins, the population is turning against Israel the longer it drags on. Eventually protests, unrest and general anger toward the government will force the US support (Western support) to end at a certain point. That’s why Israel needs to hurry up and finish their intervention ASAP.

1 day ago
Reply to TexasTim65

As the great general said “If you kill enough of them eventually they stop fighting.”

Don jones
1 day ago

As I read this, a Virus is creeping into the Presidency: it is known as the “Newsome-24 Worm Virus” – – and they hopefully have Vaccines for it. And, I am counting on it to be an mRNA version.

1 day ago
Reply to Don jones

He’ll do for the US what he did for California: turn it into a lawless, homeless shelter with human fecal stained sidewalks

1 day ago

If the Hamas attacks had been made against a US city, Palestine would be in much worse shape. And Iran’s infrastructure would mostly be rubble.

The Israeli response has been extremely measured and careful.

1 day ago
Reply to vboring

It was a false flag Why can’t you see that Just like 911 All bullshit

1 day ago

Locally gas is down to $3.05, and US oil prod is at a record, if GOP was in office they’d be crowing about these things non-stop, instead GOP is trying to whip voters into a frenzy about EVs.

Don jones
1 day ago
Reply to jeco

No one needs to whip anyone about EV’s. They are self-cancelling.

Dennis Campbell
1 day ago
Reply to jeco

We were energy independent under Trump, and gas prices were lower.

1 day ago

This meme of a bad economy simply isn’t true but credit to GOP for creating it

1 day ago

“Both Parties are trying desperately to lose the election. One of them will succeed”

Doesn’t that just say it all! Try as they may, neither party seems to be able to come together, as a cohesive Unit. Splintered is the word that come to mind.

Not picking sides, I feel as though the Republicans have a very consistent message and for the longest period of time. They just can’t seem to get galvanized. I guess one could conclude that their party is simply too far apart on a “National Agenda” to get anything on a large scale accomplished. Sad, because I do believe that they have some great ideas, and a message that resonates with the majority of Citizens.

The RINO’s have managed to get into spots of Leadership and destroyed the messaging quite nicely. Unless or Until the likes of this behavior (Ex. McConnell) is curtailed dramatically, they are just fighting amongst themselves, and hurts them both and America!

Not picking sides, I feel as though the Democrats have the most inconsistent messaging. It appears to change like the weather. They seem to run with something until it’s exhausted, and then simply drop it and move onto the next topic of the day. They just can’t seem to get on point and on message very well.
I guess one could conclude that their party is simply too far apart on any issue at all, but rather “Talking Points” of the day, or “Messaging” some would say.

Sad, because I do believe that they have some right ideas as well, and a message that resonates, at times, with the majority of Citizens too.

The Woke Culture has managed to get into spots of Leadership and destroyed the messaging quite nicely. Unless or Until the likes of this behavior (Top of the Party) is curtailed dramatically, they are just fighting amongst themselves, and hurts them both and America!

Let’s hope one of the two parties can get there collective shit together, and start getting this Country put back together and on a path to restoration of American Values, and Way of Life.

Dennis Campbell
1 day ago
Reply to Stu

There is no way the Domocrat party can put the country on a path to a restoration of American values. In fact, it opposes them.

1 day ago

Re: Middle East vs economy, I believe there’s an old fellow who once said “It’s the economy, stupid” before hopping on the Lolita Express.

1 day ago

Hamas is the best anti-woke recruiting tool we have seen in a long time and perhaps ever. The woke end of the Democrat Party has had way too much power within the party and because of Hamas their true intentions have been uncovered. I am glad that the majority of the party made the correct decision to support Israel, but the damage has already been done to the Democrat Party. Trump or whomever runs for the Republicans will win.

I often run into people who say that support for Israel is a generational thing and that few of the younger ones do support Israel. When I was young I was like them but then I grew a brain and my opinions changed and that happens to most people so it is not a generational thing. It’s an intelligence and experience thing so I wouldn’t count on support for Israel ending soon.

1 day ago
Reply to Doug78

I am very anti woke and decidedly right wing. I am very much against what Israel is doing and against the tremendous power the Israel Lobby has over this country. Our policies should consider the US’s interests first and not some belligerent little foriegn country that was founded on terrorism and continues to terrorize its neighbors to this day.

1 day ago
Reply to Alex

You are not woke but since Russia is against Israel and for Hamas, you follow their line. Has nothing to do with woke or not but just is your political preference.

1 day ago
Reply to Doug78

It has nothing to do with Russia. It has everything to do with the power and influence of the Israeli Lobby and being against our country enabling the mass murder of innocent civilians. WI th out out military and financial support Israel wouldn’t be able to do what it does.

1 day ago
Reply to Doug78

Hey little Dougie Go to your room

Ge No
1 day ago
Reply to Alex

“I am very much against what Israel is doing”: Nazi criminals were against what US was doing in Germany in 1945. But the Nuremberg court rejected their claim. You seem to support Nazi demagoguery.

1 day ago
Reply to Doug78

I’m not sure the younger generation is going to change it’s mind. No one knows for sure since each generation is different than the one proceeding it. Remember, schools these days are teaching that white man colonization is bad (essentially what founded the US/Canada was bad). My daughter used this when affirming her support for Hamas saying that Israel were simply colonizers (because of the West Bank and the settlements) and that it needed to stop and that Hamas are freedom fighters.

That’s definitely not the teaching we got when we were young. Hence I am not sure the next generation supports Israel at all. Especially when combined with the fact there are increasingly large Muslim populations in the Western countries.

1 day ago
Reply to TexasTim65

Then it’s a nice little boomerang effect. It was the Jewish dominated Frankfurt School which introduced the idea of tearing down the culture by factionalizing society into group and setting them against the dominant group (white Christians). Nice to know that Karma is still in play.

Stuki Moi
1 day ago
Reply to Doug78

Israel has been driving itself right off a cliff for at least the past decade or two. They’d be lucky as heck, to even be able to cling on to the offer of a two state solution, the way things are currently going.

It’s simply not tenable to be dependent on bombing every airport and other infrastructure of all and any neighbouring country indefinitely; constantly being at ever escalating war with everyone else in the neighbourhood; and making themselves wholly reliant on nothing less than a full-scale internmement and Holocaust against millions, simply to keep up pretences that they are somehow “safe” and “in control” for another few months to years. All while clinging to the nonsense that narrowly courting support and “normalisation” from already despised regional dictators they can supply with a few guns and other perks; will somehow make their future any safer. When they do NOTHING to give anyone around them any reason to like them, they simply won’t ever be liked. Nor even accepted. They’re clinging on today, but only by digging themselves an ever deeper hole.

At the same time, they’re also being torn apart internally. By degenerating into an ever more invasive and paranoid police state; on account of the above belligerence. Bright people, which enabled Israel to be what it is today, have other options. And are increasingly leaving. They can live better lives elsewhere, without having to feel ashamed of horrors some belligerent freakshow claiming to “represent” them are perpetrating. Israel no doubt resonated with jews post WW2, but there are limits to what people with better options are willing to put up with, when it is becoming ever more blatantly obvious that the whole idea has been turned into little more than license for self promoting belligerents to abuse for their own, personal, narrow benefits. It’s becoming a land of loudmouth middlebrows now. Not something anyone more advanced want to associate with. At least not for any more than strictly historical, and hence waning, reasons.

Fewer and fewer outside countries will want to have anything to do with them, either; the way things are going. Why put up with these nuisances and troublemakers? They are technologically advanced, in a region near devoid of that. But with China so completely taking over as preferred supplier of nearly anything industrial and technological; why would anyone continue to put up with the baggage of dealing with comparatively lilliputian Israel?

As before, they’ll again be driven out of their promised land. You’d think they’d learn, but it sure doesn’t look that way.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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