

How to pin a dragonfly

Dragonflies are very beautiful insects and everyone loves to preserve them. But a delicate touch is much needed while preserving a dragonfly. That’s why you need the knowledge of how to preserve dragonflies accurately. And those who don’t know need to know the right method.

How to Pin Insects A Guide to Pin Placement for Different Specimens.

1 How to Pin Insects A Guide to Pin Placement for Different Specimens

2 Pin Height Mount the insect about 1 inch up on the pin (1/4” of pin left at the top) For large insects, there should be enough above the specimen to allow easy handling.

3 Mounting on Points Insects that are too small to pin must be mounted on points. A point is a small triangular piece of card stock. The pin goes through the thick part of the point. The insect is glued to the point of the triangle.

5 Mounting on Points Look on page 13 of your Peterson Field Guide for more information or for reference.

6 Pinning Specimens When pinning your insects, be sure that the pin goes vertically through the insect. The pin should not be angled at all. If it is angled, the insect will look off center when place on the styrofoam.

7 Pinning Butterflies, Moths, & Dragonflies You will need to pinch a few pieces out of your styrofoam to allow the body to sit in. This allows the wings to dry perfectly flat instead of angled above the body.

9 Mounting Butterflies The pin should enter the top of the thorax (just behind the head). The butterfly should be mounted 1 inch up the pin.

10 Mounting Butterflies Place the butterfly on your styrofoam and place 2 pins on each side of the body. Then, use a pin to move the forewing to perpendicular (90 degree angle) to the body-Do on both sides

13 Mounting Butterflies Place pins into the hindwing on an angle. This helps keep the wings flat. Then, place 2 pins on both sides of the abdomen to help support it. They will cross underneath the abdomen.

16 Mounting Moths The pin should enter the top of the thorax (just behind the head). The moth should be mounted 1 inch up the pin.

19 Mounting Moths When the first pin is in place, you will want to move the wings into the same position as you would with a butterfly (see Mounting Butterflies) Also, support the abdomen in the same way.

20 Mounting Dragonflies Place pin through the thorax (in between the wings). Mount the dragonfly 1 inch up on the pin.

23 Mounting Dragonflies You will need to spread the wings and support the abdomen just as you did with butterflies (see Mounting Butterflies).

24 Mounting Beetles Pin placement should be through the right elytra

25 Mounting Bees, Wasps or Flies Pin through the thorax, a little behind the forewings

26 Mounting Stink Bugs Pin through the V-shaped shield (scuttelum), to the right of middle line

27 Mounting Grasshoppers Pin through the thorax & to the right of the middle line

28 Mounting Labels Mount the location/date label 5/8” up on the pin. Mount the collector’s name about 3/8” up on the pin.

Preparation Before Preserving A Dragonfly

You will need some tools to catch the dragonfly and also need more tools to preserve and pin them. Make sure all the important tools are near your hand before catching or preserving a dragonfly.

Things you will need to preserve a dragonfly

  • An insect net to catch dragonflies
  • An airtight plastic container to keep the dragonfly
  • Acetone to preserve dragonfly
  • Butterfly spreading board or styrofoam
  • Wax paper
  • Pins to pin the dragonflies
  • envelope or display case to keep dragonfly fly

The process to preserve a dragonfly

Go outside of your house and catch some dragonflies with an insect net. You can not get to see dragonflies every time so you have to be comprehensive about the right time to catch dragonflies.

Sometimes the dragonflies come mid-morning or in before the sunset from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Make sure you are taking small steps while catching a dragonfly.

Because they hear small details around them and can fly away if there is any noise. Go slowly and put the insect net over the place where the dragonfly is sitting.

After catching the dragonfly, your next step is to kill it.

But make sure to be delicate while taking out the dragonfly because their wings are weak. Hold both wings of the dragonfly and make their abdomen straight.

Now take your airtight container and keep the dragonfly into the container. You have to place the airtight container in the freeze for 24 houses to execute the dragonfly.

You can also make a killing jar for the dragonfly to kill. Just fill the airtight container half quarter with absorbent material and Acetone (nail polish remover) until the liquids are absorbed.

Then place the dragonfly into the container. Keep in mind there should be no liquid remaining in the container while placing the dragonfly. Then leave the dragonfly inside the jar and make sure it does quickly.

After the dragonfly dies, take it out from the 1st jar and place the dragonfly into a second jar that is filled with acetone. Soak the dragonfly in the acetone for at least 8 hours.

The acetone will help to preserve your dragonfly’s colors. But make sure not to keep the dragonfly in the acetone for too long. Because soaking the dragonfly for too long in the acetone can make it brittle.

If your dragonfly is large then inject its body with acetone to make sure the dragonfly is preserved well.

After 8 hours, take out the dragonfly from the jaar and now it’s time to pin and keep the dragonfly in the envelope.

Process of Pinning The Dragonfly

People apply a lot of methods to pin the dragonfly. But there is a simple yet effective method to pin the dragonfly that you can try even if you’re an amateur.

Get a butterfly spread board or styrofoam to place the dragonfly. Then place the dragonfly on the butterfly spread board. Make sure the dragonfly is still wet when you’re pinning it.

You will need insect pins to pin the dragonfly. Get insect pins in sizes 1, 2, or 3 according to the size of the dragonfly.

Lance the dragonfly through their back in the middle between the front set of wings. Make sure to move the wings gently to get them out of the way.

Then pin the insert pin in the center trench or well of the styrofoam or spreading board. Clamp the body of the dragonfly without piercing with dressmaker pins.

You can place the legs and the wings in a certain position if you want by piecing the legs and wings.

Then take your wax paper strips to place them in between the wings of the dragonfly. And hold the wax paper delicately then keep the wings down to the edges.

Clutch the parts of the wings into directions so the left and right wings are straight. Do not pierce the wings and let the dragonfly dry accurately.

Keep in mind you have to dry the dragonfly for 3 days to 7 days and keep them away from the bugs. When the dragonfly is dry, remove the pins and wax papers.

Then unpin your dragonfly, take it away from the butterfly scoreboard. And finally, place the dragonfly in a display case or in an envelope to show.


How do you preserve the color of a dragonfly?

You need acetone to preserve the color of a dragonfly. The color of the dragonfly washes away quickly so you have to preserve the color by soaking them into the acetone for 8-10 hours.

What can I do with a dead dragonfly?

You can preserve a dead dragonfly in a display picture with some simple methods. Put the dragonfly into a kill jar then take it out after 8 hours. Then pin the dragonfly and let it dry. After that let the dragonfly dry and keep them in a display case.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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