

Document with embedded clickable links

Another thing that helps in SEO is personalized images. Use awesome personalized images from Hyperise on your website to boost your SEO and website quality.

Hyperlink! A hyperlink is a clickable link and it means linking a word, a phrase, an icon, pdf files, a logo, and even an image file to another new web page. It’s the fundamentals of how the world wide web works, your website, your link connected to a vast network. As a result, you’ll find your website better optimized for inbound traffic, if you put your link out there.

Images have a remarkable ability to capture attention and convey information more effectively than text links, making them more clickable in the digital landscape.

This phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that humans are inherently visual creatures, with our brains processing visual content much faster than text. As a result, images can create an immediate and powerful emotional response, allowing users to easily identify and connect with the content they are interested in.

Furthermore, images can break through the monotony of text-heavy pages, providing a visually appealing alternative that entices users to engage with the content. In an era where information overload is a constant challenge, the allure of images as clickable elements lies in their ability to cut through the clutter and deliver a compelling message in a fraction of a second, ultimately driving higher engagement and click-through rates.

In-short, make your images clickable!

Because the brain process images so quickly (60,000 quicker than text), when we include personalization in images, they trigger a pattern interrupt that leads to more mindshare which leads to more engagement and prospects taking your CTA in your outreach.

Make your images personalized!

Adding personalization to your images makes them even more clickable, stand out, grab attention, create stronger relationships and build trust, with humanized personalized images like this:

With Hyperise, whatever email platform your using, you can grab your personalized image code, complete with the clickable HTML code, ready to just copy straight into your message template, with no further edits needed!

Now, how to embed a hyperlink in an image? Well, you can embed a hyperlink address in your Image icon by HTML coding in a text editor or using ready-made and easy-to-use platform like WordPress.

Don’t worry if you are new to this. Here, we’ll discuss both of them in detail. Let’s start with HTML coding first.

How to Embed a Hyperlink in an Image

Things You Need to Start With

  • Access to Your Control Panel.
  • An HTML Editor.
  • Basic HTML knowledge.
  • An Image.

If you want to add hyperlinks by HTML coding, the first thing you need is access to your Control Panel. Because, if you don’t have it, you’ll not be able to enter your doc file.

Secondly, you’ll need a text editor on your PC to embed a code for a hyperlink. In most cases, web hosting companies provide it.

But if they don’t, you must make sure you have it on your PC. In this case, you may use Notepad, TextEdit, etc., to edit your file.

Thirdly, you will need to have basic knowledge of HTML coding. It’ll not be possible to embed a hyperlink using HTML if you don’t have a basic knowledge of it, right? So make sure you have it.

Finally, not to mention, though, you will need to have an image in which you are going to embed.

If you make sure you have all of them just mentioned, you are ready to go. Now you need to follow some steps below here:

Also, always use customize images for websites. To make customize images for your website, you can use Hyperise editor or any other tools.

Adding links to a PDF online serves multiple functions. Links can help readers navigate the document internally and jump from one location in the text to another. External links take readers to other content, either on your site or elsewhere on the web. You can use links to drive traffic to your own blog posts or landing pages, link to sources and further reading, and connect multimedia content. For businesses, the main purpose of links is to get readers to take action and engage. Links allow you to connect your offer or call to action (CTA) directly to your PDF. This means purchases and signups are just a click away. Adding links with Issuu also provides the opportunity for tracking and analytics functions to help you better understand your customers.

PDF magazine shows how to add links to your content

  1. If there are links in the PDF document you uploaded to Issuu, we will automatically detect them and activate them when your PDF is turned into a flipbook.
  2. You can also add any link you want after having uploaded your PDF through the “Add Links” feature. Just copy and paste the link you want to connect.

Links are a key ingredient for eCommerce. When you add a link to your PDF online, you connect your store right in the document so that customers can navigate to your products from within your content. At Issuu, we’ve taken this a step further with shoppable links that turn your Issuu publication into a digital product catalog.

Increase engagement with your content

Call your readers to action. Spark their interest by linking your current publication to past content or current social media or blog posts. Drive signups, or add a simple link to your website to boost your traffic. Connect with your readers, take them on a journey and show them all your content and resources.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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