

Discover the artist within and paint freely

One of the biggest challenges I see in the journey of creatives is accountability. That’s why the 20 to 1 Art Challenge includes 3 LIVE Q&A Sessions within our beautiful Permission To Paint Community to ensure that you progress smoothly through the challenge.

What You Get

Get access to the beautiful community of creatives that is the ‘Permission to Paint FREE Community’ over on Facebook.

Throughout the challenge, participants support one another and offer encouragement. Constructive feedback is only provided when requested, so your inner critic is 100% safe!

5 Art Prompts

Thoughtful and inspiring art prompts are provided during the 20 to 1 Art Challenge. They are designed specifically to encourage experimentation and PLAY so you can create with joy and make some new discoveries too.

The prompts can be interpreted as you please and are a powerful way to inject more creativity into your art!

5 Mini Artist-Mindset Training Videos

Your time is precious and so is your mindset as a creative.

Through these five pre-recorded training videos, I will help you to discover, unpack and overcome the key barriers to art making – from perfectionism to your inner critic and the practical hurdles of making art as a modern day creative!


In 2014 Stephen Ninnes held a simple Saturday morning art class where people could come together and learn how to paint. Six people came to that first class. That was the beginning of what would become the Art with Love Foundation.

What started in a shed in the Brisbane suburb of Bulimba grew rapidly and soon an extra class was added along with another venue at Teneriffe on the Brisbane River.

On a visit to Florence in 2015, Stephen and Leticia purchased a building and opened up an art class every

White Art Logo


The Art with Love Foundation was created to teach and promote the Renaissance style of painting. The foundation focuses on the arts that are no longer financially viable to learn, teach or produce.

The foundation provides the philanthropic patronage they need in order to survive.

The foundation aims to nurture a rebirth in art created with love to ensure its survival into the future.

The foundation aims to encourage, foster and protect the arts community around the world.


You can help everyone, regardless of age or ability, discover the artist within by supporting
the work of Art with Love Foundation by making a donation.

Your donation will provide essential materials, expert tuition and help us
to keep our classes free of charge and open to all.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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