

Ways to enhance an image for print

Keep in mind when you’re cropping images for print that you may lose some of it due to the aspect ratio. You should always crop the image to the correct aspect ratio before sending it to the printer since a lot of print labs automatically crop without taking the image and composition into consideration. Ergo, it might not turn out the way you would like it.

How to Enhance Images for Print Media using Upscale.media?

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Images are the most critical part of online content. But when it comes to print media, the image is often your first impression, so you must take care when editing or adding images to your content piece. Print media can be enhanced with the use of Upscale.media. This application can enhance images to make them look more high-end, increasing their chances of being selected for publication.

Upscale.media is an easy-to-use application that can be downloaded from Google Store. It requires no special skills or knowledge and can be used by anyone to improve the appearance of their images. This article will discuss how Upscale.media can help you enhance your images for print media with a few easy steps!

Why are high-quality printed images important?

Print is the most impactful way to share your message with the broadest audience. People first see and remember images when they think of your brand. Print media can be expensive to produce, so ensuring your high-quality images is crucial to ensuring that you’re getting your money’s worth. There are many ways to enhance images for print media, but we recommend using Upscale.media because it’s affordable and easy to use.

Here are some of the benefits of high-quality printed images

1. High-Quality Images Make the Content More Interesting

Images play a significant role in print media. Whether it’s a magazine, brochure or flyer, images are the instant and visual content people relate to and connect with. Images have the power to make the content more exciting and relatable. However, low-resolution images look fuzzy and unclear. But with the help of an online image-enhancing app, you can quickly improve your image quality.

2. High-Quality Images Help Sell Your Product

High-quality images help your clients build trust in your brands. Using high-quality images for your print media will lead to a positive outlook toward your product/ service and help you retain more customers.

With the high quality and enhanced pictures, your customers will relate to your brand and have a higher impact, helping them purchase from you. Also, high-quality images boost your brand value, effectively publicize your products on several print media platforms, and bring continuity to your sales campaigns.

3. High-Quality Images Help to Convert Leads

With better resolution and a clear image, you can show your product/ service to your prospects through various print media. It will encourage your prospective clients to visit your website. With high-quality images and content, your visitors will remain longer on your website, thereby helping you get more sales. High-quality and high-resolution images help you tell your brand story. You can increase user engagement and boost your presence by using clear and crisp photographs.

Regarding print media, the higher the photo’s resolution, the better the image for higher lead conversion. With Upscale.media, you can get a higher resolution (up to 4X) and sharper images to get the perfect professional look for your images.

How can you get upscaled images for printing using Upscale.media app?

Upscale.media is an AI-powered app that helps you automatically upscale your images for printing beautiful, high-quality photos. It has valuable features that make it easy to use, with a simple and elegant UI.

Upscale.media can automatically detect the resolution of your image and offer images with an increased resolution of up to 4X. By doing this, you can get high-quality prints (up to 4X the resolution of the original setting) without having to spend hours tweaking the settings manually.

Another great feature of Upscale.media is its ability to create clear and crisp versions of images suitable for printing. If you toggle the button to enhance the quality of the source image, it will automatically and effectively balance the sharpness in the photo, preserving its natural aspects.

That means you can save money by using the app to produce prints just as good as those produced by more expensive methods like hiring professionals or using paid software like Photoshop. Improving the image resolution of your printed images will help you stay competitive and attract customers interested in high-quality products.

#1 Calibrate the monitor

When did you last calibrate your monitor? Have you ever done it before? If not, do you know what it means?

Having a correctly calibrated monitor is the most important factor when you want to prepare images for printing. Without a calibrated monitor you won’t know what the image actually looks like.

Calibrating the monitor means balancing and correcting its colors, typically done by using a spectrometer and calibration software. This is something everyone should do even if they don’t plan on printing an image. If the colors of your monitor are off, it means that all your images look different on other devices.

Datacolor Spyder X Elite

Regularly calibrating the monitor ensures that the colors you’re seeing on the screen are balanced properly and closely match the colors in the print.

I recommend calibrating your monitor at least once a month. However, the older your monitor is the more often you may have to calibrate it.

There are various tools out there that you can use to calibrate the monitor. Personally, I’ve been using Datacolor products for the past several years and have had excellent results with them. I’m currently using the SpyderX Pro model (don’t worry, these are super easy to use and don’t require any more than following a few basic steps).

Ask to view your photo on the printshop’s monitor before printing if you don’t have a calibrator yourself. You might be surprised how much the colors may vary quite if you haven’t calibrated your monitor.

#2 Save your print file in sRGB or Adobe RGB

I know it might sound tempting to save your print files in ProPhoto as it’s a much larger color space but the fact is that most monitors and printers can’t show that wide range of colors.

Printing an image that’s saved in a larger color space than the printer can handle can lead to dull-looking images as the printer is out of gamut (meaning the colors aren’t able to be reproduced on the printer).

Most print labs will ask for your files in sRGB but certain high-end locations might be able to print on Adobe RGB. This is something you should check with them.

#3 Save images as 8-bit

You may have heard of the terms 8-bit and 16-bit but you probably don’t know their meaning or how they affect your photo.

Simply put, a bit is the number of tones available to each color; an 8-bit image holds 16,000,000 colors compared to a 16-bit image that holds 28,000,000,000 colors.

So why should you save it as 8-bit if there are so many more colors in 16-bit? Wouldn’t you want all that extra information? Well yes, I suggest editing your images as a 16-bit file but when saving them for printing, you should opt for 8-bit.

The truth is that there is no difference in the print quality whether you save as 8-bit or 16-bit. Most printers aren’t quite able to print 16-bit files and automatically switch them to 8-bit; meaning saving images as 8-bit files makes them slightly smaller and quicker to transfer to a printer.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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