

Suggestions for illustrating a street light

by ChrisDonohue__G ISP

Street Light Layers

Recently I have been assigned to work on a street light layer for the town I am interning for. The town planner office received a spread sheet from a electrical company that has most of the data. This data lacks accuracy compared to the GIS data attribute table for the street light layer.

Throughout my internship, I have looked at other examples of street light layers and have wondered how the towns had accomplished their layers. When I try to join data, the transaction becomes difficult because the data does not cross over with accuracy. There become many “nulls” and I am left to try again.

Currently we are considering marking down each individual light in question and returning to GIS to remake the map.

My question is, have any of you worked on a layer similar to what I am talking about? If so, how did you accomplish this layer so that the layer was accurate enough to depict the street lights in your local municipality?

If you have any tips, I would very much appreciate them.

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by ChrisDonohue__G ISP

MVP Frequent Contributor
‎12-15-2015 02:39 PM

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Can you elaborate on some of the issues you encountered? This will help folks looking at this to provide suggested solutions. Here’s some questions:

  • Can you describe the data you have from the Electric company. Is the Electric company data in GIS? Or is it a spreadsheet with coordinates? What format is it in?
  • Can you elaborate on the comment This data lacks accuracy compared to the GIS data attribute table for the street light layer. Is the accuracy issue spatial or attribute? Or both? Can you provide more detail? For example, “many of the ID’s don’t match between the Town data and the Electric data.”
  • Which software and what version of the software are you using?
  • Are you working in an enterprise geodatabase (SDE)? File Geodatabase? Personal Geodatabase? Shapefile?
  • What is the accuracy desired?

Also, if you have screenshots of the data that you can post here, both in terms of attributes and how it looks spatially, that would be of great help.

Chris Donohue, GISP

New Contributor II
‎12-15-2015 04:28 PM

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Thank you Chris for your helpful words. I was distracted by a busy office, thus did not go into detail. I apologize for the lack in detail.

I am currently using ARCMAP 10.3 with a personal database. Accuracy desired: I would like for the map to know exactly where each street light is with X,Y coordinates, a matching street name, and the street lights to have accurate pole numbers.

So when I was first introduced to this project, I was handed a spread sheet from the local electric company. This spread sheet held the information for the street lights that I was to use for my mapping. This spread sheet held information such as: “route and route prefix” (route and then the pole within the specified route), “account number” ( which is used for who pays for the light to be on), “Street name” (which is the name of the street and was accompanied by other arbitrary numbers i was not informed about), “light fixture type”, “TD” (also arbitrary to the planning office’s knowledge), and the last one i should mention is “Town Name” (just the initials). This spread sheet did not include elevation or an X,Y coordinate system for the light poles.

The GIS attribute table is different. This includes FID, LAYER, HANDLE, ELEVATION, X,Y COORDINATE (when clicked on with the information tool), the rest of the attribute table either has information such as that the street lights are a “point” data and other un-useful data because there are at least 10 fields covered in nothing but zeros.

It became difficult using the information from the spread sheet to use for the GIS layer because the two data sets are very inconsistent with each other. When I join the data I had previously made through MS EXCEL with a current layer such as town roads or the street light layer, the information does not fully join (many of the fields read “NULL”).

Please allow a delay for photos of the databases since I am out of the office until Thursday.

Thank you again, Geonet users!

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