

Approaches to illustrating items for Easter

Easter comes at such a hopeful time of year, and that optimism is a great feeling to share in a card or note to so.

Easy Ways to Have an Easter Egg Hunt Focused on JESUS

I’m so happy to share this guest post from author Laura Sassi about simple ways to make Easter egg hunts have a spiritual message for your young kids. It’s perfect timing for Lent and Easter family Bible studies!

In my new board book, Bunny Finds Easter, Bunny is on a quest to find out if Easter is all about chocolate eggs and jelly beans or if it might just be about a little bit more. As the story unfolds, Bunny
encounters many of the fun traditions surrounding Easter, including going on an Easter Egg Hunt, but it’s not until she arrives and church and they sing an Easter song that she realizes JESUS is the reason we celebrate Easter.

Easter basket with eggs and book

Since I imagine your little bunnies might be looking forward to Easter Egg hunts and jelly beans as well, here are seven ideas to make an Easter hunt fun AND focus on Jesus! Church Easter egg hunts aren’t the only ones that should have a spiritual element, and there are lots of SIMPLE ways to have a Christ filled Easter egg hunt.

Seven Ways to Have a FAITH FILLED Easter Egg Hunt

Include simple messages in the plastic eggs that you hide that speak to the meaning of Easter. You could fill the eggs with notes that say things like, “He is risen!” “Jesus loves you!” “Thank you, Jesus.” “Jesus makes all things new.” etc. You could even have your older children brainstorm these and write them.

Have your children help you decorate the plastic eggs with stickers that point to Jesus and Easter. You can find these at your local Christian book or craft store or online. Or if you want the hunt to be a surprise, instead hide stickers in some of the eggs and after the hunt, the children can have fun decorating them and you can talk about how the stickers point to Jesus as the reason we celebrate.

Dye eggs with faith symbols.

If you and your kids are decorating real eggs for the hunt, have them use wax-based crayons (like these) or cheap birthday candles to gently draw on crosses and other symbols of Easter before dipping in dye. The dye won’t stain the egg where the wax was, leaving white space where the crayons are. As you are drawing and dipping, ponder together how even the eggs themselves remind us of our new life in Christ.

Incorporate a story time into the Easter Egg Hunt by sharing your favorite Easter-themed picture book or books with your children. Bunny Finds Easter is a great option because it has Jesus AND an Easter egg hunt!

Easter basket with Christian books

Illustration BA Hons

Colourful floral illustration. BA (Hons) Illustration

Redefine the world with a pencil or stylus on this BA (Hons) Illustration degree course.

You’ll challenge convention in all spheres: from inspecting illustration from new perspectives, to delving into its social, political and historical significance. You’ll discover traditional and contemporary illustration techniques and the business essentials of the art form – and you can gain extra professional experience through a one-year placement, client projects, and entering design competitions. Come explore your individual vision through experimentation and engage with a range of professional applications.

At the end of this course, you’ll become an all-encompassing illustrator that stands out among competitors in the creative industries.

Course highlights

  • Explore a rich array of traditional and digital media—including print, paint, sculpture, 3D printing, laser cutting, spray paint, Cintiqs, VR drawing, and Risograph printing.
  • Raise your professional profile by taking on live projects with local and international clients such as Anglepoise
  • Catch potential employers’ eyes by exhibiting your work at national exhibitions and our annual Graduate Show
  • Have the chance to win eminent awards by entering international competitions like Design & Art Direction (D&AD), The Macmillan Prize, and the V&A Illustration Awards
  • Enrich your practical and industry experience by taking an optional one-year placement – either with a company or by setting up your own
  • Showcase your Adobe expertise to industry peers by gaining Adobe Certified Professional (ACP) qualifications

of graduates in work or further study 15 months after this course

(HESA Graduate Outcomes Survey 2018/19)

Graduate profile: Dani Hackett

Dani Hackett graduated in 2021 with an Illustration degree from the University of Portsmouth. She is now an Illustrator, Print Designer and Fashion Designer. Find out what Dani’s role entails and how she’s applying the skills she learnt during her time at Portsmouth.

View transcript

My name is Dani Hackett and I am an illustrator, print designer and fashion designer.

My love of illustration started literally as soon as I could pick up pen and draw. Since then, I always knew I wanted to be an illustrator. I think it wasn’t really a choice either. I think if I don’t do anything creative, I’m miserable. It’s just purely a necessity for me.

I wanted to study at the University of Portsmouth because the illustration styles are so varied. I think they really catered and nurtured people’s individual styles. I took every opportunity basically that they gave me at Portsmouth. One of these was Adobe accreditations. I also worked on film sets. I entered competitions with Anglepoise. They gave us the opportunity to do ‘New Designers’ in final year. This is an exhibition where loads of industry professionals come and find the newest talent. That is actually how I got my first job in fashion. I got scouted by River Island when I was there. I think about two weeks after I finished uni, I ended up working full time for them. It was an amazing opportunity and a really good insight into how the fashion industry works. It’s insane, but it was definitely eye opening.

I wanted to go freelance purely because I wanted to drive my work into the direction that I really wanted to take. I came up with the brand name Eyeland Paradise when I was at River Island, actually, because I was doing a lot of cutesy designs and very clean designs, I just wanted to come up with something completely different. It mixes elements of my interest in horror and cult. It’s sustainable, we use vintage items and people’s own clothes that we customise. Basically, I just make stuff that I want to wear and people seem to like

I think my time at university changed my perception of how good I was, actually. The beautiful thing about illustration is you can create a world that doesn’t exist, and I think that’s really magical. It’s kind of like playing God, but with a canvas.

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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