

Pictures of dusk to illustrate

Dusk is a beautiful time of the day but is notoriously hard to photograph, especially for an amateur. Our team of editing professionals will take your property photo from day to dusk with advanced editing techniques. We can turn any daytime or gloomy sky into a breathtaking sunset to really make your listing stand out from the rest.

Day to Dusk

Day to dusk enhancement of an image can greatly enhance the visual impact of a photograph, making it more atmospheric and engaging. By adjusting the lighting and color tones, a professional photo editor can create a more dramatic and artistic effect, bringing out the beauty and mood of the original image.

Let our team take your photo of a home’s exterior from drab to fab with the click of a few buttons and let your listing stand out with a beautiful dusk hero shot.


Homes presented at dusk are beautiful, romantic and eye- catching. Attract more buyers with a stunning photo of your listing at dusk and show just how beautiful the home can be.

Booking a photographer to capture the exact moment the setting sun looks stunning can be difficult, especially if that day’s sunset is unremarkable. Take the hassle out of capturing the photo and let us edit it for you.


Turning a photo from day to dusk will not only enhance your listing but will help it stand out from the crowd. An eye-catching sunset will draw everyone’s attention.

In addition to improving the overall look of your image with our Image Enhancement process our editors will use advanced editing techniques to replace your daytime sky with beautiful dusk or sunset colors and turn on lighting to give the overall image a consistent and realistic look, making your listing standout from the rest.

  • 1. Dusk Sky Replacement
  • 2. Turn on Lighting
  • 3. White Balancing
  • 4. Image Sharpening
  • 5. Vertical & Horizontal Straightening
  • 6. Remove Minor Blemishes
  • 7.Lens Distortion Removal
  • 8.Brightness & Contrast Adjustment
  • 9. Lawn Enhancement – Repair or Replace
  • 10. Ocean/River Water Enhancement
  • 11.Remove Pool Cleaners from Water
  • 12. Tone Adjustment
  • 13. TV Screen Replacement
  • 14.Dust Spot Removal
  • 15. Flash Reflection Removal
  • 16. Add Fire to Fireplaces
  • 17. HDR Bracketing with Indoor Window Replacement
  • 18. Remove Photographer’s Reflection

Tricky Light: How to Photograph at Dusk and Dawn

Chasing the perfect light is a game all photographers play — but sometimes, you just need a break from lugging around an umbrella and strapping a giant flash onto your camera. In times like those, it’s best to take advantage of the gorgeous hues of twilight and let Mother Nature do the work for you, especially if you’re trying your hand at outdoor and nature photography.

Dawn and dusk are optimal times to shoot just about anything — from landscapes, to portraits, to wedding parties. Not only does soft, dewy light radiate on your subject, but you also don’t have to worry about shadows or highlights, and everything is evenly lit in a luminous pastel glow. And since it’s almost impossible to replicate such flawless tonality in the studio, it’s definitely worth it to haul yourself out of bed at 5:00am and chase that magical light.

So, how do you take advantage of this unique lighting opportunity? Check out some tips from Outdoor Photographer below!

RSVP and join acclaimed photographer Mike Hagen on Tuesday, June 6 for his Intro to Outdoor Flash Photography.

Timing Is Everything

You want to shoot your twilight photos when the sky is at its peak of picturesque. Colors are vivid and bleeding together, the light is warm, and everything looks radiant. But how do you know when you’ll hit the sweet spot? Determine what time the sun sets and rises in your area, and time your shoot accordingly. Your best bet is generally 20 minutes before the sun comes up and 20 minutes after the sun sets.

Look Over Your Shoulder

Shooting toward the sun’s horizon seems pretty obvious (and makes for a gorgeous picture), but check out what’s happening over your shoulder. The opposite horizon will also be a soft pastel-toned pink or yellow, which can lend itself to a beautiful diffused background for your subject. Yep, shooting at twilight gives you two lighting options for the price of one!

Photo via James Jordan on Flickr.

Prepare In Advance

Since you have limited time to shoot, you should prepare in advance as much as possible. Make sure to bring a flashlight to illuminate your camera, or — even better — memorize the camera’s control panel so that you can make quick adjustments in the dark. It’s also wise to have extra batteries on hand since you’ll be shooting with long exposures. Meanwhile, a tripod will go a long way to keep your images sharp.

Shooting at sunrise and sunset requires a flexible schedule, long exposures, and lots of preparation, but the extra effort is well worth the magnificent results. Let’s just say you’ll be proudly using the “no filter” hashtag when you post your pictures to social media!

RSVP and join acclaimed photographer Mike Hagen on Tuesday, June 6 for his Intro to Outdoor Flash Photography.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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