

How to illustrate a starfish

That brings us to the end of this step-by-step guide on how to draw a starfish! We hope that you had an amazing time working alongside us to create this wonderful little sea creature.

How to draw a starfish with a pencil step-by-step tutorial.

Another amazing animal that is hidden from human eyes as it lives on the seabed is the starfish. Let’s learn how to draw it because it’s not always possible to take a camera underwater.

There are a great variety of shapes and colors of starfish. We will draw the one that best matches the geometric shape of a star. You can choose any other, but first, try to repeat the following starfish drawing step by step.

How to draw a starfish with a pencil step-by-step tutorial.

Step 1. Outline the star shape of the starfish body.

Use five curved lines that mark the base of the starfish’s body. Then outline it to show the shape. Notice how it looks like five connected human languages.

How to draw a starfish. Step 1. Outline the star shape of the starfish body.

Step 2. Draw starfish rays in more detail.

In our starfish, each of the five rays of the star is not just flat, they are divided into four more segments. The two central ones are decorated with paired spikes.

How to draw a starfish. Step 2. Draw starfish rays in more detail.

How to Draw A Starfish – Let’s Get Started!

To get this guide on how to draw a starfish started, we will be beginning with the two arms of the starfish.

To draw each arm, you can use a line with a curved point, as if you were drawing a triangle without a base. Once you have drawn this line, you can then connect another to it as shown in our reference image.

Getting the angle right can be the trickiest part of this drawing, but if you take it slowly and follow the reference image then you’ll definitely be able to do it!

Once you have these arms drawn, then it’s on to step 2!

Step 2 – Add two more arms to the starfish in this next step

For this part of your starfish drawing, we will be adding two more arms.

You will be drawing these so that they will look similar to the first two that you drew, however they will be in a different position than the first were.

These new ones will go at the bottom left of the starfish drawing. Once you have these two then there’s only one more arm to add!

Step 3 – Now, draw the final arm of your starfish

You’ve been doing a great job drawing these arms for this guide on how to draw a starfish! For that reason, you should have no problems adding the final arm in this third step.

Simply use the process that you’ve been using for the previous few steps to add this final arm. Then, you’re ready to add some final details and touches!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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