

Drawing a hummingbird: a beginner’s guide

Good erasers to have on hand include:

How to Draw a Hummingbird Art Hub: Simple Steps!

Drawing a hummingbird art hub involves breaking down the complex features of the bird into simpler shapes and adding details as you progress.

By following a logical sequence of steps, you can create an accurate and visually appealing illustration of a hummingbird.

Start with basic shapes: Draw a small circle for the head, a larger oval for the body, and elongated triangles for the wings and tail.

Refine the details: Sketch the beak, eyes, and outline of the wings and tail, making sure to capture the unique characteristics of a hummingbird.

Add feathers and patterns: Draw individual feathers on the wings and tail, and include distinctive markings, such as the iridescent throat patch (also known as a gorget).

Color the bird: Use a combination of colored pencils, markers, or watercolors to bring your hummingbird to life, emphasizing its vibrant and iridescent colors.

Drawing a hummingbird art hub allows artists to capture the beauty and grace of these tiny birds in their illustrations.

By breaking the process down into manageable steps, even beginners can create a stunning representation of a hummingbird.

Remember to pay attention to details such as the bird’s unique markings and iridescent colors, as these will make your drawing stand out and look more realistic.

10 Step-by-step Guide to Draw a Hummingbird Art Hub

Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds, with some species measuring only 3-5 inches in length (Source: National Geographic)

They are known for their incredible agility, capable of hovering in place and rapidly changing direction while in flight (Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

Hummingbirds have specialized, long bills and tongues that allow them to feed on the nectar of flowers, which makes up the majority of their diet (Source: San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance)

Many hummingbird species are known for their vibrant, iridescent colors, which are created by microscopic platelets on their feathers that reflect and refract light (Source: Audubon Society)

There are over 300 species of hummingbirds, making them the second-largest bird family in the Americas (Source: Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

Understanding The Anatomy Of A Hummingbird

Identifying Key Features Of A Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are among the smallest birds and are exceptionally beautiful creations of nature. Identifying key features of these birds is crucial for drawing them.

  • Long, thin and pointed beak
  • Tiny feet with sharp claws that help them hold onto branches and flowers
  • Large, spherical eyes located on the sides of the head
  • Four main feather groups: Head, back, wings, and tail

Understanding The Body Proportions

To draw an accurate hummingbird, it is essential to understand its body proportions. Like most birds, hummingbirds have a streamlined body that allows them to move quickly and efficiently, making them challenging to draw.

Here are some tips to help you draw a hummingbird’s proportions accurately:

  • The beak and tail of a hummingbird are usually the same length, and the beak is usually slightly longer than the head.
  • The wings of a hummingbird are relatively short and broad in comparison to their body size.
  • Hummingbirds typically have a small, rounded body shape with the head appearing disproportionately large.

Observing The Details Of A Hummingbird

Observation is the key to drawing a hummingbird accurately.

Hummingbirds are small but have intricate markings and details that must be carefully observed:

  • The feathers on a hummingbird’s back have an iridescent quality that reflects light and creates a bright, almost metallic shimmer.
  • Observe the tiny, delicate feet wrapping around a branch or flower stem.
  • A hummingbird’s eyes are large and spherical, with a distinctive dark stripe running through them.

Drawing a hummingbird can be a challenging yet exciting task with detailed observations. Follow these steps carefully to create a beautiful and accurate hummingbird drawing.

How to draw a hummingbird

hummingbird drawing

Learn how to draw a hummingbird outline drawing sketch step by step tutorial guide for beginners.

What You Will Need

  • An A4 size plain white paper.
  • A pencil.
  • An eraser.

Please note: use a light HB pencil to draw all these basic rough hummingbird sketches in light colour, which we will erase at the end. For this tutorial purpose, I’m using the dark outline.

Step 1: Compose the hummingbird anatomy and position with an outline sketch-like in the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 2: Draw the hummingbird body outline shape with rough outlines like the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 3: Draw the hummingbird nose outline like in the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 4: Draw the hummingbird neck body outline as shown in the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 5: Draw the hummingbird eye outline like in the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 6: Draw the hummingbird body outline structure like in the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 7: Draw the hummingbird-wings outline sketch structure shape like in the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 8: Draw the hummingbird tail outline shape as shown in the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 9: Draw the hummingbird-legs rough outline shape as shown in the image below.

hummingbird drawing

Step 10: Erase all the rough outline shapes, finally draw a thick outline to the final sketch.

hummingbird drawing

Your Hummingbird Drawing is Complete!

Congratulations, You have successfully drawn this image. You can also keep expressing your creativity for this drawing, and you can do this by adding some extra details and additions. Be sure to have fun and experiment with painting colours on it as you finish the picture!

There are plenty more guides like this one for you to enjoy on our website, with more on the way soon. You’ll want to keep checking in so that you never miss out!

I would love to see your final drawings of this hummingbird.

Please share it on our Facebook and Pinterest pages for us to admire!

I hope you like this tutorial. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments section below.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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