

Ways to draw a snowy landscape

Use the white ink to draw the second layer of the pine trees. Use the Silver Black Velvet NO.2 brush.

Winter Landscape

Winter Landscape entered the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection in 1977, shortly after Landscape with a Storm, the other work by the artist in this collection. The canvas was acquired on the Italian art market in late 1977 and was previously in the collection of Alessandro Morandotti. While in that collection it was the subject of an article of 1956 by Pallucchini, who was the first to publish the painting along with others by the artist in various private collections. In his text Pallucchini confirmed the attribution to Ricci and dated the painting to the last years of the artist’s life. Despite his interesting article, the canvas has not been discussed in subsequent studies in which Ricci’s oeuvre has been more precisely defined.

This type of snowy landscape with an emphasis on harsh meteorological conditions was one of Marco Ricci’s most popular subjects along with storms, views of woods with travellers, ports and pastoral scenes. Art historians have pointed to his possible knowledge of the long tradition of 17 th -century Dutch paintings of snowy landscapes, which formed a sub-genre in themselves. It has been suggested that Ricci directly studied such works on his trips to England, or alternatively that he may have been introduced to them during his years of training.

Despite the large format of the canvas, the artist opted for a simple composition in which the almost monochromatic palette is a striking feature. Pallucchini suggested that the view depicts the Piave valley and drew attention to the narrow colour range with its emphasis on greys and blues, with browns and earth tones only used for the limited amount of vegetation that emerges from the thick layer of snow covering the ground. In Pallucchini’s opinion Ricci’s view depicts the solitary landscape of the Alps, barely affected by the presence of some peasants with their cattle and travellers on mules. The artist depicts a large sweep of land defined by a series of planes constructed from low banks, hills and mountains that lead the viewer’s eye into the distance. On the left in the foreground Ricci locates the tall, bare trunks of some trees that are balanced in the middle distance by a grove of trees with leafy branches. The sense of a harsh, cold winter is emphasised by a suggestion of a light wind that bends the grasses and branches, but the figures do not seem to be suffering from the effects of the cold, in contrast to those depicted in Dutch scenes of this type.

Contini dated the canvas to the late 1720s, basing his opinion on a series of works of the early 1720s that are comparable to this one. He also bore in mind Ricci’s two trips to England, during which time he may have gained first-hand knowledge of Dutch art.

How to draw winter snowing forest landscape tutorial step by step

Watercolor landscape paintings are mostly rendered and depicted from far to near, from shallow to deep, from virtual to reality so that it is easy to grasp the dryness and wetness and the color and light and dark levels. The transition of the color scale is more natural and softer than that of beginners. It is easier to master. However, you must pay attention to the time, otherwise, the time difference between the front and the back is too large, the color tone and the light and dark will be unified, and it is easy to get out of balance. Especially in the morning and evening scenes, when the sun rises and the sun disappears, you must first determine the contrast and position of the bright and dark light, otherwise, it will be difficult to accurately express the specific effect. In this method of division, you cannot look at one point and draw one point.

2. Draw in layers from near to far

In some special circumstances, such as time is not too fast, or sooner or later, orange-red sunlight shines on steep cliffs and ancient temples, and a mysterious and wonderful color and composition appear. Of course, you should grasp the fleeting moment with your brush. For the scene, first determine the position of light perception and color on the scene, the contrast intensity and the relationship between cold and warm, and then adjust the shape, and then go from the middle scene to the distant scene and the sky. Obviously, this method has a strong sketch, and it must be mastered after a certain drawing foundation. And this or other arbitrary methods, grabbing shots, and coloring is imperative. Otherwise, if you paint step by step, the occasional landscape will be completely gone.

How to draw winter snowing forest landscape tutorial step by step

3. Fully rolled out and adjusted to details.

This kind of painting method first seeks “commonality” and then image. It requires a strong overall concept and foresight. In the process, the picture seems to be a little messy, but in fact, the steps are the strongest and the most scientific. Only a certain ability and experience can be mastered.

Step 1. paint a layer of water on the paper before painting. It makes the color mix nature with the water.

It is the magic of watercolor. paint the picture with water. This is to make the coloring more uniform. Because the pigments dry quickly, it is easy to leave traces of water, so that it is impossible to express the natural connection between the colors.

Tips:Because the branches are mainly composed of pine trees. So try to Nature, It is necessary to look at pine, or watching photo pine, As a reference to draw.

After a good picture pine, make minor adjustments. Make the picture appear balanced.

Step 2. Draw the background sky and Snowy ground with some water in blue color. Draw the sky colors nature.

The second color of the sky. It makes the background sky darker blue color. Draw the sky colors nature.

Draw the background sky and Snowy ground with some water in blue color. Draw the sky colors nature.

The second color of the sky. It makes the background sky darker blue color. Draw the sky colors nature.

Step 3. Draw the first layer of the trees.

Use the light green to draw the trees. Use the big brush with more water add green pigment draw the leaves, easy and nice.

Step 4. Draw the first layer of the pine trees. Use the black color to draw the pine trees.
Use a brush or toothbrush to dip white ink on the paper.

Step 5. Draw the shadow of the snowy ground with dark blue and black color.

Step 6. Draw the second layer of the trees with white ink.

Use the white ink to draw the second layer of the pine trees. Use the Silver Black Velvet NO.2 brush.

Tips: When painting nature, it is necessary to look at pictures as a reference for painting.

Now, in front of me is a beautiful landscape painting. You can use it to make greeting cards for family and friends. You can also hang your work on the wall to make you happy every day.

Tips: because there are more details, you must wait until the previous pigment is dry before proceeding to the next step. Otherwise, it is easy to confuse the color of the picture.

How to draw winter snowing forest landscape tutorial step by step

At the same time, you can paint when you are in a bad mood because this painting has magical power. When you finish painting, the bad mood suddenly disappears, so come and paint!

Finally, adjust all the details. Ok, now a simple and beautiful, the pink color sunset landscape view is right in front of your eyes.

You can use the same ways to draw the bookMark,It’s easy and cute.

At the same time, you can draw when you are in a bad mood because the painting has magical power. Watercolor Pink city sunset. landscape sunsets are amazingly beautiful, so many photographers and painters like to draw landscapes at sunset. Of course, I also like this scenery very much.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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