

Tips for depicting a sinister cat

Which begs the question, can cats see ghosts? How about angels? Or even demons?

Give a black cat a forever home at Halloween.

Give a black cat a forever home at Halloween.

It doesn’t help negate such attitudes when you see Halloween décor depicting devilish-looking black cats or cats in dark partnerships with witches, which only seems to reinforce these unfair prejudices. With so many people under the influence of such negative perceptions, it’s no surprise then that black cats have the lowest adoption rate and the highest euthanasia rate in animal shelters across the nation. They are typically the last to find forever homes, and some never even make it out of the shelter.

If you put aside the superstitions and supernatural lore that have been unfairly attached to the black cat, you end up with just a cat with a coat of a different color. What does the color of hair really matter at the end of the day? These felines are still lovable, cuddly, desperate for attention, and capable of integrating easily in any home no matter the dynamics.

If you’ve been weighing whether to rescue a cat, Halloween is a good time to adopt. Need a few good reasons to pick out a black cat? Let us dispel some of the myths and help you provide a black kitty with a forever home.

  • They can improve your love life ! In other parts of the world, black cats are believed to improve a woman’s love life. In Japan, if a single woman owns a black cat, she’s likely to attract more suitors. And in Great Britain, black cats are given as a wedding gift as a gesture of prosperity and good fortune. Bring one home and you’ll discover how easy it is to fall in love with your new furry friend.
  • They are symbols of good fortune ! Across the big pond, black cats are considered good luck, not bad luck. British sailors welcomed black cats on board to not only keep down the mice population but to serve as a token for a safe return to port. Welcome a black cat into your home and you’ll find yourself feeling lucky to have this cuddly bundle of fur.
  • They can effectively fight disease ! Black cats have strong immune systems . Researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that the gene that causes cats to have black fur may offer protection against diseases, making these cats more fortunate than their colorful cousins. Nice to know you’ll be cohabitating with a valiant warrior.
  • They are highly affectionate, energetic, and loving ! Black cats are playful, vocal, and companionable . They are highly perceptive and can sense when you’re having a bad day or leaving for a vacation. Black cat breeds enjoy playing fetch and tag and are acutely responsive to their surroundings. What’s not to love about these intelligent and amazing little guys!

Halloween makes a fitting time to adopt a black cat. The holiday is fun and magical, much like the behavior of these feline friends. You can even honor the holiday and your new member of the family by naming her after something associated with Halloween.

To find the perfect name for your kitty, observe him or her for interesting or quirky personality traits. Does your new cat like to sneak around at night and scare the living daylights out of you? Then “Spooky” or “Midnight” might be a good name for your cat. Other great Halloween names to consider, depending on how your cat behaves, include Ghost, Jack, Franky, Smokey, and Stitches.

We would be remiss if we didn’t also include some reminders about how to keep your new kitty safe during the holiday, which can be a stressful experience and equally as dangerous for your new buddy.

  • Fireworks and scary music can frighten your kitty into running away or darting into a busy street . Keep your cat safe indoors during this time and provide her with a quiet environment until after the festivities have ended.
  • The flickering light of a burning candle can be attractive to a curious kitty. Minimize their risk of being burnt or of knocking over a burning candle by using non-flameless or electric candles in your jack-o-lanterns.
  • Kids love to fiddle with glow sticks or decorate their wrists and costumes with them. Just like kids, cats are also intrigued by these vibrantly colorful accessories and could easily bite through one of them. The liquid has a highly unpleasant taste and can cause your cat to froth and foam at the mouth, become hyperactive, and show aggression. If your cat displays such behavior after puncturing one, use milk, tuna juice, or another liquid to dilute the chemical and provide your cat with a more pleasurable taste. Wash your cat’s fur with water if any liquid spills onto his coat.
  • Keep Halloween decorations well out of reach of your black cat. Decorations with strings can prove harmful to your cat if ingested.
  • Chocolate is a popular treat in your kid’s trick-or-treat bags. While safe for humans, chocolate contains a compound called theobromine, which is highly toxic to animals. Even a small amount can cause poisoning, which often shows up as vomiting, diarrhea, and hyperactivity. Keep chocolate shut away from your cat’s curious paws.

Are you the parent of a black cat? What do you call your little buddy and how did he get his name?

Cats and Paranormal Activity

cat Paranormal Activity

Some feline observers have found their cat stares continuously at a particular spot, a spot that was later involved in strange activity. Other examples include cats that stare at the stairway like someone is walking up and down or a cat staring at wall ghost. After staring a while, it looks like they are trying to fight something off their face.

The logical explanation might be that the cat is simply playing, while others might just think this is the way cats behave. But is that really true?

In one story, a cat lover reported that his cat was constantly staring into an unoccupied room. He later reported that he could hear usual sounds coming from the room, despite the fact that it was empty.

Did the cat see something that was not visible to the human eye?

It has been predicted that cats can see things from the spiritual world which normal people usually cannot. According to some studies, cats genuinely know more than humans. They feel certain vibrations, and that seems to be the reason they despise people who are not fond of cats.

Can cats sense evil in a person?

well, It is quite shocking, but they can sense negativity coming from certain people, and they tend to either stay away from such people or hiss at them.

They even know when their owners are going to arrive and who loves them the most. They are even capable of realizing danger when it threatens them or their owners.

Another well-known trait they possess, is understanding when their caretaker is sad or hurt. Such telepathic traits make it more believable that our feline friends are completely capable of sensing things that we humans may often not notice. This is why some cat owner believe can cats see guardian angels.

Cat Mythology

Cat Mythology

In ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped, and Egyptian culture is famous for its devotion to cats. Killing a cat was considered a crime and anyone who did was severely punished. If a pet cat died, everybody in the owning family had to shave their eyebrows.

Bastet or Bast was an ancient Egyptian goddess of protection and cats. She was the daughter of Ra and his defender – she was also the protector of women’s secrets and a guardian against evil spirits and diseases.

Not only did ancient Egyptians worship the cat, but they considered it a way to communicate with the realm of spirits. if Egyptian mythology is to be believed, cats can communicate with spirits, and it tracks that they might also be able to clearly identify one.

In fact, ancient Egyptian mythology claims cats are mediators between the human and spirit realms. Could that really be true?

Are Cats Protectors From Spirits?

Cute gray cat lying on the street

Ancient Egyptian mythology claims that cats are blessed with the power to ward away evil spirits while Buddhists believe that cats are the souls of the dead who live in the bodies of cats before they get a new life. Many folklore tales claim that dogs bark in the night to ward away any evil spirits. The same is said for felines as well.

It has been observed that cats behave strangely when they sense an unusual presence around them. It is even said that they do not like a place if they sense any psychic presence there.
Cats are also believed to see any aura or evil presence around human beings.

Many believe that cats can easily predict future as they get to ‘know’ their owner, or that they can easily sense feelings. They certainly may not be able to completely protect you from evil spirits, but they may warn you if anything bad is about to happen, according to popular belief.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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