

Depicting the ripples and reflections of water


If you’re an avid painter, you might know that the skill of painting water is one of the most sought after in the art kingdom. In order to do that, you must consider and understand the different conditions of water that nature provides. Here they are:

  • Still water, which is water that is undisturbed by the wind and often found in small lakes and ponds.
  • Water moving lazily, the best to use when you want to paint water reflections.
  • Water ripples with more motions, which are mostly found in rivers and streams.
  • Water so disturbed that you can’t see reflections, like the sea and large lakes, which is usually caused by the wind.

Many times, artists make the choice of using water that moves lazily in their paintings, so they can avoid having to mirror the images of the surroundings onto the water (as in paintings of still water). Mirrored images seem to compete or clash with the rest of the painting.

In other paintings, in which the water is so disturbed that you are unable to see reflections, it may be quite boring. It is advised that you use special effects (like sunlight hitting the water or bloats and other objects on the water) to add a little interest to the image.

You should use these basic guiding principles to help you paint the best water reflections you can.

  • The lighter the object is on land, the darker its reflection will be in the water.
  • The darker the object is on land, the lighter its reflection will be in the water.
  • Don’t add details to reflections, just use basic smudge of colors to depict them.
  • Avoid hard edges on water reflections.
  • Saturated colors are dulled down in water reflections, (e.g. a white object’s water reflection will look gray instead).
  • Water is denser than air so it will absorb light. In painting, you need to remember that the sky should most definitely be depicted darker on the water’s surface in your work.

Keep these tips in mind and see how your artwork’s end product improves. Get started on those water paintings today! You can get all you art supplies and products from us. We are Canada’s preferred supplier. We’re able to supply you with art and painting supplies, Bob Ross DVDs and more! Check us out and then go get started on that art project!

  • Sep 18, 2019
  • Studio Six

A Reflection on Water in Artwork

Water, the element of life, has been my muse for many of my artworks. It can represent both serenity and turmoil, life, and destruction – resonate deeply within me, infusing my artwork with a dynamic energy. From the tranquil shimmer of lakes to the thunderous crash of ocean waves, I’ve embarked on a journey to capture the ever-changing spirit of water in my creations, resulting in a body of work that encapsulates its beauty in captivating ways.

Translating Movement into Stillness

One of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of depicting water in artwork is capturing its movement. The ripples on a serene pond, the cascading flow of a waterfall, or the rolling waves of an ocean all possess a dynamic quality that fuels my creative spirit. I’ve honed my palette knife techniques and use of colour to convey the sensation of movement, allowing viewers to feel the gentle ripples or the dramatic crashing waves.

Ice Water - Abstract Painting. Capturing its dynamic movement to harnessing its reflective play of light.

The Play of Light and Reflections

I am captivated by the way light dances upon water, conjuring intricate patterns and reflections that transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. This ephemeral quality has become a cornerstone of my artistic expression, enabling me to infuse depth and authenticity into my work. My intimate dance with light and water’s surface has unveiled a profound interplay. This pursuit demands not only technical capabilities but an intimate understanding of light’s nuances, allowing me to capture its fleeting moments onto my canvas, like a memory stamp.

Emotional Resonance and Symbolism

Beyond its physical attributes, water holds deep emotional significance. Its presence can evoke feelings of serenity, nostalgia, or even melancholy. I have discovered that this profound emotional connection with water has led me to explore its symbolic potency as a metaphor for life’s fluidity. Just as waves roll and tides change, life itself is marked by constant shifts and trials. I’ve embraced water as a metaphorical bridge between diverse emotional realms, delving into themes of metamorphosis, rejuvenation, and rebirth that echo the waves of the ocean.

From Classical to Contemporary

As an artist, I stand on the shoulders of a lineage that has revered water’s influence throughout art history. This timeless theme has resonated across periods and cultures, manifesting in a multitude of forms – like the Impressionist painter Claude Monet who sought to capture light’s fleeting kiss on water’s surface.

A Reflection on Water in My Artwork

Water, with its boundless symbolism and captivating dynamism, has become an essential part of my creative journey. Whether it’s the serene tranquillity of a body of water or expressive ocean waves, my work stands as a testament to water’s timeless allure.

Jacqueline is a contributor at Australian Whisky Explorer. She’s a visual arts enthusiast and is on a journey to enrich her Australian Crafty Whisky Wisdom.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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