

What to create for your boyfriend

For more artistic or reflective boyfriends, you could make them a journal for keeping track of their thoughts or sketches, or make a book of the lovely times you’ve had together.

31 Cute Things To Do For Your Boyfriend

Make him feel so special with your cute gestures and help your bond grow strong.

Reviewed by Hemali Adhiya, ICF Certified Relationship Coach

Hemali Adhiya ICF Certified Relationship Coach

Expertise: Relationships, Marriage, Couples, Grief, Life Coaching

Experience: 3 years

Hemali is an ICF-Certified ACC Level Life Coach with 3 years of experience in relationship, marriage, and grief coaching. Her sessions aim to bring about transformation in her clients’ lives, perspectives, and relationships. She works wit. more

Hemali Adhiya ICF Certified Relationship Coach

Expertise: Relationships, Marriage, Couples, Grief, Life Coaching

Experience: 3 years

Hemali is an ICF-Certified ACC Level Life Coach with 3 years of experience in relationship, marriage, and grief coaching. Her sessions aim to bring about transformation in her clients’ lives, perspectives, and relationships. She works wit. more

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Sneha Tete Certified Relationship Coach

Expertise: Relationships

Experience: 4 years

Sneha has a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relations. more

Sneha Tete Certified Relationship Coach

Expertise: Relationships

Experience: 4 years

Sneha has a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hyderabad, a professional Relationship Coach diploma, and over four years of experience in writing. She writes about relations. more

Sneha Tete , Certified Relationship Coach
Edited by Subhrojyoti Mukherjee

Expertise: Beauty & Lifestyle

Experience: 4 years

Subhrojyoti is an associate editor at StyleCraze with four years of experience. He has a master’s degree in English from Presidency University, Kolkata, and has also done a post-graduate certificate. more

Expertise: Beauty & Lifestyle

Experience: 4 years

Subhrojyoti is an associate editor at StyleCraze with four years of experience. He has a master’s degree in English from Presidency University, Kolkata, and has also done a post-graduate certificate. more

Fact-checked by Gazala Firdos Ansari

Expertise: Relationships

Experience: 2 years

Gazala Ansari is a beauty and lifestyle writer with two years of experience. She writes on relationships and lifestyle and has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English literature from the Central Un. more

Expertise: Relationships

Experience: 2 years

Gazala Ansari is a beauty and lifestyle writer with two years of experience. She writes on relationships and lifestyle and has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English literature from the Central Un. more

• Nov 9, 2023

31 Cute Things To Do For Your Boyfriend

It is a blessing to have someone that adores you to the moon and back. So, you look for some cute things to do for your boyfriend to give back some of that love! The best approach is to do things that show them how much they mean to you. You don’t have to spend a fortune on the gesture. All it takes are sincere attempts to develop a solid and affectionate relationship. Here is a list of 31 creative and sweet things to do for your charming boyfriend that will put them in a good mood and make them feel fortunate to have you in their life. Keep scrolling.

In This Article

31 Cute Things To Do For Your Boyfriend

1. Hold His Hand

Holding his hand is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Reaching over to grab his hand in a crowd is one of the best ways to make your boyfriend feel loved and wanted. If you are in the beginning stages of your relationship, holding hands means a great deal. Simple actions like pulling him close to you make him feel secure in the relationship.

2. Take Him To Your Favorite Place

We all have a happy place where we could spend hours alone and be at peace. Sharing this place with him and taking him there indicates that you trust him. You could spend some intimate time there, making memories that would last forever. A small gesture like this would make him feel welcome and special.

Related: 27 Cute Summer Date Ideas To Explore With Your Loved One

3. Steal Some Kisses

Steal some kisses

Image: Shutterstock

Sneaking in a quick peck on his cheeks while no one is looking is one of the cutest signs to show him that he means a lot to you. Be playful and flirty, making him feel desired and appreciated. It shows him that you are proud to have him around and are not afraid to demonstrate your love.

4. Draw For Him

Make a cute card for him or doodle the things you do together to create wonderful memories of you both. The next time you think of going to the gift shop to buy him the perfect card, stop! Consider making it yourself – it will bring a smile on his face, for sure.

5. Commit To Him

Commiting to him is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Not every guy runs away from commitment. If he likes to keep things traditional in love, he might like your dedication. There is no gift greater than loyalty. Give him all your trust, and you will notice the commitment and security reflected right back.

Quick Tip

You can demonstrate your commitment to your boyfriend and the relationship by doing simple things such as taking down your profile from online dating sites and apps, posting pictures of the two of you on your social accounts, and changing your relationship status to “committed” on social media.

6. Gift Him Something Special

When it comes to guys, finding the right gift might be challenging. It is best if you stick to things that he can connect or relate to – be it a watch from his favorite brand or a tie he will wear to work. You can also try making unique crafty gifts and customize them with your personal pictures. These are the gifts that will make him feel wanted and special.

Chanelle Hayley, a blogger, planned 25 gifts for her boyfriend’s 25th birthday. “I combined sentimental handmade gifts, with humorous ones as well as some of his favourite sweet treats. The gifts are unique and not what you’d automatically think to buy (i).”

Quick Tip

You can also ask him if there’s something he has been wanting to get but hasn’t got around to buying yet and whether you can get that for him. Alternatively, focus on his hobbies and passions and get him gifts related to those fields.

7. Plan A Shower With Him

Planning a shower with him is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Although it requires a decent level of trust and intimacy, taking a shower together brings you both closer emotionally and makes you more confident about your body. Try a romantic setting of a bubble bath with scented candles and petals.

Related: 59 Romantic Gestures For Him

8. Go for A Long Walk

If you are contemplating spending time indoors with your boyfriend instead of going out, you might want to reconsider it. A romantic walk can ease out the regular stress of your lives and help you discover new things about each other as well. What’s more, the two of you get to spend quality time with each other!

9. Be Funny

Being funny with him is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Laughter is the best medicine. It not only relieves stress but also releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones, which make you feel great. Find ways to make him laugh. Share a joke, have a playful banter, and make funny faces. The ability to laugh with your partner is important because it shows you can take on anything that life throws at you, without getting bogged down.

10. Write Small Notes For Him

Sometimes, you may think that he might not appreciate gestures like a card or a special love note. Well, he might probably be collecting all your good morning notes and keeping it in his diary to show off to his family and friends. To make his day, leave small notes beside his pillow appreciating him for being caring, kind, and loving.

11. Notice Him Closely

Noticing him closely is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

You might think that this is the weirdest and creepiest thing to do to your boyfriend, but try to follow every little movement of him. The way he tucks his shirt, the way he brushes his hair away from his face, the way he smiles, etc. When he sees you staring, he might blush, but he will surely love the attention and feel closer to you emotionally.

12. Dress Up For Him

With time, we start taking things for granted and get too comfortable to make an effort to dress up. Don’t let that happen. Every once in a while, give him a surprise by dressing up for him. This will keep the sparks alive.

13. Hug Him Close

Hugging him close is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

What could be a better way to convey your love than pulling him close, so you can feel his heart beating? Never underestimate the power of a hug! It can bring you and your boyfriend closer than you could imagine. Hugs are not only warm and comforting, but they also relieve stress and increase happiness and social bonding.

14. Tell Him You Love Him

“I Love You” – these three magical words are very powerful. Every time he says or does something for you, remind him that you love him, and you will see him melt like ice cream.

15. Dance With Him

Dancing is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

You may or may not be the perfect dancer – it does not matter. Pull him up for a duet when you are alone with him. Decorate your room with dim lights, play his favorite music, and lead him to a dance that you both will remember forever.

16. Remind Him That You Are Lucky To Have Him

Even though you feel he knows that he is the one for you and you would never get tired of loving him, sometimes, telling him might make his day. Tell him that he means the world to you and you want him to be your forever love, and see the twinkle in his eyes.

17. Spend Quality Time With Him

Spending quality time is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

The secret to a good relationship is the time you spend understanding each other. Spend time talking about your future, try to understand his perception of life, and remember all that he tells you. These cute little things you do for him will make him feel like the luckiest man on earth.

18. Share Your Secrets With Him

The best way to strengthen a relationship is by opening up to each other. Telling him your secrets will make him feel close to you and indicates that you are comfortable sharing your deepest thoughts with him. He will open up soon enough, and you must remember to be careful not to be judgmental.

19. Fall Asleep On Him

Falling asleep on him is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Men are naturally inclined to play the role of a protector. Rest your head on his shoulder or lap and fall asleep. It will make him happy and feel powerful as it shows you are extremely comfortable with him and trust him completely.

20. Leave The Past In The Past

You might be curious about his past and wonder if your love is enough for him. But asking him about his ex will only bring back bitter memories. The best thing to do is to give your boyfriend new memories to make, which will make him forget the past and help him move on.

21. Sing To Him

Singing to him is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

The best part is you don’t need to have a beautiful voice to do this. Just plug in the mike or strum your guitar and sing! You can make a list of all the songs he likes and surprise him by singing them. If you are nervous about putting up a live performance, you can record it for him and play.

22. Take Him Out To Dinner

Just because he is the guy, it doesn’t mean that he has to ask you out always. Turn the tables on him. Take him out to his favorite restaurant and order his favorite dish. You can surprise him further by taking him to his favorite game night and supporting his team.

23. Spend Time Under the Stars

Spending time under the stars is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

There is something beautiful about a starlit sky. Watching the stars puts things in perspective. It makes you philosophical and helps you focus on the things that actually matter – like your love and future together.

24. Talk To Your Parents About Him

Telling your parents about your boyfriend is taking your relationship to the next level. If you are blessed with less conservative parents, making him a part of your fun family gang will help him be even more comfortable with you and the people who actually matter to you.

Related: 21 Ways To Surprise Your Boyfriend

25. Cook For Him

Cooking for him is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Yes! The way to his heart goes through his stomach. Try learning his favorite dishes and surprise him with a refreshing breakfast or a candlelight dinner. Whenever he is having a tough day, be considerate, offer him support, and make his favorite dish.

26. Throw Him A Surprise Birthday Party

Birthdays are always special, no matter how old they are. Throw a surprise birthday party by inviting all his friends over. You can also plan a romantic trip and surprise him with the tickets a week before his birthday. He is bound to love this cute gesture.

27. Give Him A Massage

Giving him a massage is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

If your boyfriend comes home all tired after work, give him a nice massage. It will not only ease out his tiredness and stress but also help you spend quality time together. You might want to keep the ambiance romantic.

28. Compliment Him

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we tend to take things for granted and do not appreciate and acknowledge our partner’s efforts. Take time out and compliment him for the little things he does for you. It might be how he helps you carry the bags while you are out shopping or how he knows what to order when you are feeling really low. Give him thoughtful and sincere compliments and watch his face light up.

29. Make It His Day

Making it his day is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Mark a date in the calendar as his day, when you do anything and everything he says. It can be as simple as waking him up with breakfast in bed or going paragliding. It will surely boost your relationship and make your boyfriend feel like the luckiest man on earth.

30. Read To Him

Spending time together does not always mean you have to go outdoors. You can simply relax on the couch, pick his favorite book, and read it to him. Doing the little endearing things will bring you closer than you ever imagined.

31. Call Him Often

Calling him often is a cute thing to do with your boyfriend

Image: Shutterstock

Though work might keep you both busy, try to sneak in calls during your breaks to tell him that you love him. If he’s having a hard time at work, your call will cheer him up and keep him recharged for the rest of the day. You can also send him links to your favorite songs and videos.

Infographic: Cute Gifts For Your Boyfriend That Do Not Burn Your Pocket

cute gifts for your boyfriend that do not cost a dime (infographic)

We know you want to spoil your boyfriend with love and can’t wait to try out the options above to pamper him. But you can never have too many of those options, can you? And most importantly, if you can plan something sweet and simple without spending much money, it’s only better. So, with this thought in mind, we have compiled a list of adorable gifts for your man that wouldn’t let you burn a hole in your pocket. So, please scroll down to find them in the infographic below.

Save the high-quality PDF version on your device now.

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Apart from following all the tips discussed in the article, make sure that whatever you do for him, you do it with all your heart. Putting up a show or making grand gestures without your heart in them will not serve your purpose. So, take hints from our compilation of cute things to do for your boyfriend and create beautiful memories. Of course, you can always customize them to suit your individual needs. So, let your creativity do its magic and make the guy melt in happiness.

Crafty Gifts

If you’re a crafter, these gifts will help you exercise a little creativity and show your flair for all things crafty. Most of these gifts do not require advanced crafting skills, so anyone can complete them.

  • 39 Gifts Guys Actually Want for Valentine’s Day
  • 19 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Your Boyfriend He Will Love
  • 18 Sweet One-Year Anniversary Gift Ideas for Your Boyfriend


Chronicle your love for your special guy by scrapbooking your relationship. Decorate each page with pictures, stickers, ticket stubs, and maps of your favorite destinations together. You can also journal each page with how you felt at certain points in your relationship. Leave several pages blank for future events and activities.

Memory Box

Purchase a plain memory box from a craft store; a shoebox would also work. Use your creativity to decorate the box, including stickers, scrapbooking die cuts, or even decoupage. On the outside, write a love poem or quotes, or paste on your favorite picture of the both of you. Inside, place mementos of your time together such as pictures or ticket stubs. He can add new items to the box in the future.


Take your favorite pictures as a couple, and create a collage on heavy cardstock paper. Frame your collage, or add a cardboard backing and picture hanger. This gift will remind him of the good times you have spent together.

Other Creative Gifts

Couple sharing music

Don’t have a crafty bone in your body? That’s okay, these gifts just require a little creativity and a romantic soul.

Post Your Love

Combine several packs of Post-It notes together to make a tall stack. On the first page, write instructions for him to peel one Post-It off each day. On each page after that, write a memory, love quote, poem, or even a short, ‘I Love You.’ Post-It notes make the process of creating this gift easier as the sheets stick together easily, but you could also make a desk calendar with note cards or smaller pieces of paper.

Make a Movie

It’s easy to make a movie for someone you love, and this can be done at minimal cost. Sites that offer video services include Animoto and Masher. On these sites, you can upload your own videos and pictures, and download your favorite music to create a slideshow or mashup of your favorite memories. Tools you will need include a computer, Internet access, digital pictures and downloaded music. These sites are very self-explanatory, and walk you through the process of making a movie one step at a time.

Create a Playlist

Put together a thoughtful playlist of love songs that will remind him of time you spent together and places you have been, and it makes an especially good gift for a teenage boyfriend. If you use iTunes, you’ll be able to add pictures to your playlists. Once a playlist is put together, you need to borrow or sneak his iPod or other music player away from him and download it. If he uses an iPhone and you cannot steal it away, you can make him a homemade certificate for the download, and do it at a later time.

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Picture frame

Couple frame

Make a copy of your favorite picture of you two. Purchase a frame, keeping in mind his personality. Simple wood or silver frames are often the best choice for men. Frame the picture, and wrap the gift in sturdy paper so the glass does not shatter.

Treasure hunt

Treasure hunts are fun and creative, and you can make them as big or small as you like. Start by hiding small treasures around your home or town. The treasures should be something meaningful to you as a couple, such as a favorite picture placed at the spot you met, or a CD of a concert at the venue where you saw it. Make sure to notify workers in the area if you venture beyond your home, so the treasure is not thrown away. Each spot should have a clue to the next spot, and you can include a map as well. The final treasure should be you!

Romantic Evening

A romantic evening is a wonderful way to reconnect with your boyfriend. You can make (or order in) his favorite meal, light some candles, turn on some relaxing music, and meet him at the door with a smile. You can also turn your bathroom into a spa, with scented candles and a bubble bath.

Homemade From the Heart

Making a gift for your boyfriend is a loving and thoughtful gesture that shows him how much he means to you. Keep in mind, you can also buy him the latest gadget or other gift that he wants, and combine that with a homemade gift that you created yourself. He will appreciate the effort and wonderful memories that your gift brings.

  • 39 Gifts Guys Actually Want for Valentine’s Day
  • 19 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Your Boyfriend He Will Love
  • 18 Sweet One-Year Anniversary Gift Ideas for Your Boyfriend

“Perfect Pairs” Poster

Create your own personalized poster listing your relationship alongside all the other “pairs” of things you like or admire. From food pairs to characters from fiction, it’s a lot of fun to think up the pairs that mean to most to you.

printable perfect pairs poster wedding anniversary gift

Want to write a romantic card message?

These pages will help you write the perfect romantic note to go with your homemade boyfriend gift.

  • Boyfriend Quotes & Love Poems
  • Valentine Card Sayings
  • Cute Funny Love Quotes
  • Good Morning Messages for Him
  • Anniversary Wishes & Messages

Other pages you might like.

Looking for more homemade boyfriend gift ideas? Check out our Christmas gifts for Boyfriend for lots of festive suggestions.

Or our anniversary gifts page with lots of anniversary gift ideas and inspiration too!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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