

Which colors are necessary to produce red?

Now, let’s come to the most essential part and learn the colors as well as what they typically symbolize in English-speaking countries:

Which colors are necessary to produce red?

This is always a “loaded” question. Primary colors are the well-known red, yellow, and blue – except they’re not, exactly. Because our pigments aren’t perfect, the ACTUAL primary colors for printing at least are cyan, magenta, yellow, and black – CMYK. the definition of primary colors is mostly determined by practical reasons. NCS[/URL] has green as a primary color because the human eye is particularly sensitive to green shades. Printers use black because the other colors aren’t dark enough. I don’t care. For my needs, a mixing triad is sufficient to define the primaries. That is, any combination of a red, blue and yellow will be considered the primary colours used to then mix secondary and tertiary colours. It’s just not important to me to slavishly adhere to a colour nomenclature that will not help me advance my colour harmony in my paintings. Thanks for the link Jan. You always find the most interesting articles! John Muir didn’t take the “bias” of our colours into his discussion. Paying attention to them helps to prevent his definition of mud.

Char — CharMing Art — “Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.” Leonardo DaVinci

February 11, 2020 at 10:42 am #946104

John Muir Laws has an interesting blog post about why red and blue are not prinary colors: [URL]https://johnmuirlaws.com/color-theory/[/URL] Jan

From the article on John Muir’s laws “…Red is not a Primary Color….the color red-mised from yellow and magenta I often see red and blue included in paint sets and on color wheels as a primary color. A bright fire engine red is usually shown as the red and some form of navy blue such as ultramarine stands in for the blue. Neither of these colors are primaries. A few quick tests will prove it. First, let’s mix red from other colors. You will need a clear magenta and a bright yellow. As you start to add magenta to yellow you will see the mixture turn orange, then red. If you can mix red, it is not a primary color for pigment. …” So lets use this example in “old” color theory. Magenta is a bluish to red violet like Quinacridone violet(PV19). Under the “old” color theory to get a “clear magenta” like PV19 I would mix red and blue to give me that clear magenta. Then if I mix again with a bright yellow I would see this yellow neutralize the blue in the magenta (blue and yellow make a grey) and turn the magenta back into a red. So what am I missing?

Eliminate timidity. Failure is only experience to get us to the next level.
February 11, 2020 at 2:41 pm #946102

The way I figure it, and assuming you have black and white, if you buy red, yellow, and blue, you won’t be able to make cyan or magenta, so you’ll either need to fudge it and come close with whatever mixtures you can come up with or go out and buy those to add to your collection. If you buy cyan, magenta, and yellow, you can make every color. I’ve been using the red, yellow, and blue combination in my (Liquitex Heavy Body) acrylics and the cyan, magenta, and yellow combination in my (Caran D’Ache) gouache and I much prefer the color range of the gouache set.

February 11, 2020 at 5:53 pm #946105

primary color is define as “color that cant be mix from other color” so red and blue arent primary in painting because you can mix them from other color. (yellow + magenta = red) (magenta + cyan = blue) but cyan and magenta on the other hand is an impossible color, so they cant be mix from other colors, making them a primary color. yellow is also a primary color because you also cant mix yellow

February 11, 2020 at 8:46 pm #946093

If i want 3 primaries according to yellow, magenta & cyan, which color should i pick for this limited palette. Thanks Kim

February 11, 2020 at 10:41 pm #946106

If i want 3 primaries according to yellow, magenta & cyan, which color should i pick for this limited palette. Thanks Kim

if you want a true CMYK palette, then I would recommend Imidazolone Yellow (PY154)
Quinacridone Magenta (PR122)
Manganese Blue Hue (PB15) or Cobalt Turquoise Light (PB28) you might also want to include a darkener like Raw Umber (PBr7), Phthalo Green Blue Shade (PG7), Indanthrone Blue (PB60), Dioxazine Purple (PV23), Perylene Green (PBk31), Payne’s Grey or Neutral Tint… personally I would recommend Indanthrone Blue or Perylene Green as a darkener.

February 12, 2020 at 1:14 am #946100

primary color is define as “color that cant be mix from other color” so red and blue arent primary in painting because you can mix them from other color. (yellow + magenta = red) (magenta + cyan = blue) but cyan and magenta on the other hand is an impossible color, so they cant be mix from other colors, making them a primary color.
yellow is also a primary color because you also cant mix yellow

Yup, this is what I was going to say
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February 12, 2020 at 7:12 am #946108

primary color is define as “color that cant be mix from other color” so red and blue arent primary in painting because you can mix them from other color. (yellow + magenta = red) (magenta + cyan = blue) but cyan and magenta on the other hand is an impossible color, so they cant be mix from other colors, making them a primary color. yellow is also a primary color because you also cant mix yellow

So, then why do so many art books refer to them as primary colors? Really seems misleading and confusing for beginners.

Living the retired life in NE Florida
February 12, 2020 at 7:36 am #946107

So, then why do so many art books refer to them as primary colors? Really seems misleading and confusing for beginners.

yellow, red and blue was the primary since forever but CYMK only been around recently.. so yellow, red and blue was still consider to be the primary for most artist since that is how they learn it from their mentor and that is how their mentor learn from their mentor and ect ect.. plus CYMK only matter when come to limited palette, most people recommend split primary palette rather than just using RYB or CYMK. so it doesnt really matter for student if the real primary is RYB to CYMK, they arent using it for color mixing.

February 12, 2020 at 7:37 am #946094
Thank you Calvin! Will search my watercolor box for a darkener. Kim
February 12, 2020 at 4:48 pm #946097

I think this is a vastly overstated concern by artists. If we were talking about mixing light, I think we could be more specific, but since we are dealing with the limitations of pigments, I think the subject is very messy and non-definitive. Can I mix the hue of Thalo Yellow-Green (a very bright chartreuse) with Cyan and Yellow? Nope. Does that mean Thalo Yellow-Green is a primary? Not really. But, as CharM pointed out, our eyes are very attuned to Green biologically– shouldn’t that mean something? Can I mix a pure, clean orange with Magenta and Yellow? Nope. Does that mean Orange is a primary? No. Perhaps I should use the colors as they function when light is split with a prism? Why? To what purpose would it help us as painters? Should we use the definitions created by printers,and use CMYK? If so, is Black a primary? We pick and choose as we need, to make things make sense, and to mix what we need. Now, if you wanted to pick only 3 pigments, and wanted to largest gamut possible given those restrictions, perhaps that is a hypothetical conversation worth having because it is based on constraints. But as I see it, there are no primaries– there are only pigments. Its just a concept we’ve invented to have a conversation about light. A similar question is “What’s the warmest color?” It’s very vague, and really mostly philosophical. Most answers worth their salt dispose of the need for things to be super clear, and instead focus on the needs of a painting to read right?

February 12, 2020 at 7:35 pm #946101

One fact that seems to be overlooked, is that in order for cmyk to work, it that the colors need to be transparent. There is a huge range of colors that are not able to be mixed due to the weak blue and magenta. It is all theory and as such, each color theory has weaknesses.

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A list of useful colors in English:

The below list will help expand your vocabulary of colors in English and will also help you communicate easily with a native speaker:

colors in english

Colors of the rainbow in English

A rainbow is an interesting natural phenomenon that you’ll be familiar. Light is divided into a spectrum of seven colors:

Here is an interesting tip to remember the colors of the rainbow in English. The acronym VIBGYOR will help you remember the colors of the rainbow easily.

Now that we have learned the essential colors and the rainbow colors, let’s look at the types of colors.

Types of colors:

  • 3 primary colors: red, yellow and blue
  • 3 secondary colors: orange, green and violet
  • 6 tertiary colors: red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet and red-violet

Primary colors are the three colours that cannot be produced by mixing other colors.

Secondary colors are created by combining two primary colors (example: red [primary color] + yellow [primary color] = orange [secondary color]).

Tertiary colors are formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. For example, red (primary color) + orange (secondary color) = red-orange.

You can experiment and mix different colors to achieve different results.

The Power of Primary Colors

Primary Colors: blue, red, yellow

The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. They are called “primary” because they cannot be created by mixing other colors. Instead, all other colors can be created by mixing these three colors together.

Primary colors are incredibly powerful. They can be used to create a wide range of emotions and effects. Red is often associated with passion, anger, and danger. Yellow is associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. Blue is associated with calmness, peace, and tranquility.

In art, primary colors are often used to create a sense of excitement or drama. They can also be used to create a sense of harmony or unity. For example, a painting that uses only primary colors can be very striking and eye-catching. However, a painting that uses primary colors in a balanced and harmonious way can be very calming and serene.

The primary colors have been used by artists for centuries to create beautiful and effective works of art. Some of the most famous paintings in the world, such as Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” and Henri Matisse’s “The Dance,” use primary colors to great effect.

In recent years, primary colors have also become popular in fashion and design. They are often used to create bold and eye-catching looks. For example, primary colors are often used in sportswear, children’s clothing, and graphic design.

The primary colors are a powerful tool that can be used to create a wide range of emotions and effects. They are a versatile and timeless color palette that can be used to create beautiful and effective works of art.

As an artist, I believe that the primary colors are essential for any artist’s palette. They are the building blocks of color, and they can be used to create a wide range of effects. I encourage artists to experiment with the primary colors and see how they can be used to create their own unique and personal style.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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