

What two colors make light blue

I repeat. The precise wall color is irrelevant. What IS relevant is how a color looks in your space and with the other givens surrounding it.

Light Blue Color: Hex Code, Shades & Design Ideas

Light Blue Color: Hex Code, Shades & Design Ideas

Blue is a lot of people’s favorite color. If you take the time to admire its many shades, it’s easy to understand why. The light blue shade – as detailed below – is evocative, peaceful, cool, and comforting. Light blue is a versatile color that’s a joy to work with. Let’s explore its myriad uses, color scheme combinations, and alternatives.

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Light Blue Hex Code

Light blue sale

Light blue’s hex code is #add8e6. In the RGB color space, it consists of 67.8% red, 84.7% green, and 90.2% blue. In the CMYK system it’s 24.8% cyan, 6.1% magenta, 0% yellow, and 9.8% black. You can make light blue paint easily, by adding white to blue.

Light blue color can also be described as pastel blue or soft cyan. People often confuse it with blue-gray, cerulean, sky blue, and other similar shades. According to color psychology, light blue represents tranquility, trust, freedom, healing, and cleanliness. It’s an expansive and soothing color that reflects dreamy and contemplative moods. Even logos of popular social media platforms use it. You’ll also find light blue widely used in marketing and branding. Elsewhere, it can be found on the country flag of Argentina, and it’s the color of choice for many universities and sports teams.

How do You Work with Light Blue Color?

Light blue color is a pleasure to work with. Here are some simple design ideas to spark some inspiration:


light blue template

Picsart has such a large collection of templates. No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll find something to work with. Just click Templates and search for ‘light blue’. Alternatively, you can search for ‘blue’ and pick the ones that feature light blue. Click the template you like and customize it with ease.


Light blue is the perfect background color in many cases. To set the background color to light blue, click Color, type in the light blue hex code, #add8e6, and click enter.

light blue commercial


Want to add light blue text to your designs? Just click Text and then Add a body text, type in whatever you want to, click Color from the menu above and add the hex code #add8e6, then click Enter. You can now play with the font and make other adjustments.

light blue font


Click Stickers from the left-hand side menu and search for ‘light blue’. Scroll down to browse the multitude of options. Click on the one you want to add to your canvas and start customizing it.

light blue stickers


Think your design could use a geometric, abstract or decorative shape? Click Elements and then add the one you want. Select Color from the menu above, input the light blue hex code #add8e6 and click enter.

light blue shapes

I chose what I thought was one of the best light blue wall colors I’ve ever seen. It looked amazing on the paint chip.

The painters came. I went to work, and nine hours later, I returned home. And, well, the light blue paint color was a lot more BLUE-BLUE than I was expecting. But, there wasn’t enough time to do anything about it. You see, in three days, my husband’s sister and husband were coming for a visit.
And, I had to ensure that everything was dry and put back. Did I mention that S-I-L is having her first baby in six months?

However, I was so busy mopping up the glass of chocolate milk my four-year-old had just dumped all over the dog, the cat, and himself. The rest of it resided in a splatter radius of eight feet.

Fortunately, my DH arrived home from work an hour early and was there to greet and entertain the inlaws until I could make myself semi-presentable.

I like my S-I-L. But, for some reason, I’ve never felt that I quite measure up as she’s super beautiful and talented. Yes, that’s my problem, I’m sure. However, she looked quite happy to see me.

And, then she said, with a beaming smile in our freshly painted LIVING ROOM, “Betty, this is absolutely the perfect shade of BABY BLUE for our new nursery. I just found out that we’re having a baby boy! Oh, please be a dear and tell me what is this baby blue paint color?”

I tried so hard to smile, but I had a pressing urge to slap that happy grin off her face.

However, God came in to rescue me as, at that very moment, I realized that the roast was burning and ran into the kitchen.

Oh, Laurel, I wouldn’t have slapped her; I was just embarrassed. And, that’s because she’s right.
Even more depressing is that the color is even worse during the day. In fact, my sister-in-law never mentioned wanting to know the color again.

How could this have gone so horribly wrong?

The color looked so beautiful when I saw it online.

And, I worked really hard to find out what it was, too. I asked the designer on HOUZZ and was so thrilled when she let me know the name of the paint color. It was one of the best light blue wall colors- ever. In her room, that is. Maybe she lied? I don’t know.

Oh, just so you don’t think I’m a complete idiot, I did check out the color before bringing the two gallons home. As I said, it looked beautiful on the chip– in the store, that is.

Maybe you could turn this into a blog post if you think there’s a lesson here.

Please tell me that others have made this mistake.

Not only have others made this mistake, I’m sure that I have too, at some point. But, I’ve probably blocked it out. Believe me. I’ve made 100s of mistakes when decorating. If it makes you feel any better, you can read about some of the more hideous ones here. However, that’s how we learn. Hopefully. :]

Okay, this IS a great topic and for numerous reasons.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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