

Fusing which colors fabricate purple

Authority and elegance

Colors In Email Marketing: A Complete Guide

In an email campaign, every single detail affects email’s performance. And nothing has a bigger impact on the subconscious of a lead than color combinations. With each color holding a specific strong message, every marketer needs to be proficient in the psychology of colors to present their product better and convert leads easier.

So exactly how many colors should you use in an email? How do you match colors? Should you make the CTA button green or red? We’ll answer these (and even more!) questions in this complete guide to colors in email marketing. Read on and you’ll be using marketig colors in email marketing like a pro in no time.

  • Color psychology in email marketing
  • Choosing the right color combination
  • Colors and color combinations to try in your email
    • Pantone Colors of the Year
    • Pretty Colors Tumblr
    • Color combinations

    Color psychology in email marketing

    Color is often the untapped leverage that decides whether an email campaign succeeds or fails. The colors’ psychological effect on people has already been studied for decades, and still, new things are discovered every year.

    However, in the context of marketing colors, data is ever-changing. For example, 93% of consumers place color in the first place when making a purchase, with 85% naming it the primary reason for buying a product.

    Color psychology in email marketing

    At the same time, corporate colors create certain boundaries on which colors one can use in their email campaign. Therefore it’s best to keep your options open to target specific clients with specific colors.

    Color psychology in email marketing

    According to the aforementioned study, some colors are used for a definite type of buyer: red, orange, black, and royal blue for impulse shoppers; navy blue and teal for shoppers on a budget; pink, rose, and sky blue for traditional buyers.

    Choosing the right color combination

    To use the right colors in your emails, you must know what each of them means, and which ones are better to combine. Then your emails, using marketing colors, will turn into a powerful tool for increasing lead generation.


    Colors In Email Marketing

    Purity and independence

    Unlike black, white pretty much always has a positive meaning and is associated with purity, cleanliness, and innocence. For many people, it is associated with new beginnings as it is a symbol of starting from a blank slate. If the color is used correctly, you can easily create a feeling of simplicity and safety.

    However, overuse can imbue a sense of emptiness, coldness, unimaginativeness, boredom, and incompleteness. Which is why plaintext emails, while effective, are often labeled boring and unimaginative.

    Tip: A white background can be combined with any color, so a bright spot of text will always grab the customers’ attention. White is not the best idea for the text itself: in a white or light grey background, it blends and looks like spam to ESP, and reading it is difficult and tiring for the eyes.


    Colors In Email Marketing

    Authority and elegance

    Black symbolizes power, authority, luxury, and elegance, which is why the color is often associated with prestigious items, such as cars. But if there’s too much of it, it may evoke a sense of the unknown and translate negative meanings. So use it sparingly so as not to overwhelm the recipient. Use it to accentuate the elegance, prestigiousness, or power of your product.

    Tip: This color, just like white, is cross-functional and looks clear with contrast colors. However, don’t use a black background – it makes the contrast-color text in the deep field unreadable.


    Colors In Email Marketing

    CTA and urgency

    Opinions on the connotations of red are split. Its positive connotations are energy, power, and determination, the negative – blood, danger, and aggression. That’s why red is widely used for road signs and (nearly) always used for the Buy now or Click here buttons. This bright color has great visibility and is perfect for creating accents in plain texts and backgrounds to stimulate people to make quick decisions.

    According to a Hubspot A/B test, red increases conversions by 21%. However, it should only be used to highlight text in the general email color scheme. If all your email text is in red, it won’t help your CTA. Don’t forget to A/B test your colors too.

    Tip: Use red to make your CTA stand out among other colors in your email color scheme. Red works best when combined with the most basic colors like white and shades of gray.


    Colors In Email Marketing

    Security and reliability

    Blue provides a calming effect. It mostly expresses a sense of serenity, security, reliability, confidence, and stability. Depending on your business, however, using blue can backfire. For example, blue isn’t used in the food industry, because it curbs appetite. But it is a great solution for high-tech products and anything associated with intellect.

    Besides that, blue has been proven to be the most popular color among both women and men. So, don’t hesitate to use it in your email – everyone will be happy to see it.

    Tip: Use blue if you want to calm your customers and persuade them you’re trustworthy and dependable. But use it sparingly – an overabundance of blue can evoke a sense of coldness and unfriendliness.


    Colors In Email Marketing

    Tranquility and peace

    Like many colors in email marketing, green, alongside blue and white, expresses tranquility and calmness. It also conveys relaxation and protection, freshness and improvement. As a rule, this color is used to promote health-related and so-called “green” products.

    Green, being the color of nature, has a soothing effect, creates positive associations, and even affects depression. In a slightly less environmental meaning, green is the color of money, so it is often used to express financial wealth and growth.

    Tip: Be mindful of color gradation as a minimal variation in color shade or tint can create a completely new meaning. For example, yellowish green is associated with sickness and confusion; dark green indicates greed and frustration. If you are eager to make your clients and prospects wake up, relax and make a decision, use green in your email marketing planning.

    Yellow & orange

    Happiness and savings
    Happiness and economy

    I’ve decided to present these colors together because they are similarly sunny, both create a positive mood and can be used for the same purposes. They provide a sense of warmth and cheerfulness, creativity and enthusiasm, fascination and energy. Those colors are bright and work well on dark backgrounds, which is why many road signs are designed in these colors. They will concentrate your readers’ attention on the most important things in your message.

    But be careful with their shades: they can induce feelings of deceit and sickness. Besides, sometimes yellow is considered a childish and unstable color, so be careful when using this color to advertise luxurious products.

    Tip: Use both bright yellow and orange colors as they are believed to be attention-grabbing and represent affordability, attracting impulsive buyers.


    Luxury and creativity

    Purple is an artificial color. It has been used for kings’ robes to underline their superiority, which is why it usually stands for luxury and royalty, beauty and wealth. Another connotation is creativity. If your brand is a creative one, you should definitely try using this as your corporate color. If you make purple your brand color, all your emails will become easily identifiable.

    To emphasize the superiority and the prestige of your brand, combine purple with yellow or golden brown – this has traditionally been the color combination of the royalty.

    Tip: Use purple to soothe and calm your readers, and to provide the illusion of royal service. Avoid using dark purple as it evokes frustration, nostalgic feelings, and sadness.

    Fusing which colors fabricate purple

    Purple Solder Mask PCB: Why Choose the Color for your PCB?

    By:PCBBUY 12/08/2021 09:20

    If you are up for selecting the printed boards, some parameters require to be taken into consideration. One of them is choosing the color of the PCB solder mask. Though green is the most traditional color being used, other colors like yellow, white, and black, which are also available, do not require any extra charges. As there is a wide range of colors available for the PCB solder mask, the problem is which color needs to be selected. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to choosing any color other than green?

    Given below is the small guide who is going to help you in choosing different solder mask color other than the standard green color: If you are curious about the advantages of purple PCB , please check and read the content below in this passage for more information.

    What is the basic information of purple PCB?

    The solder mask of the circuit species the color of the circuit. So the purple solder mask will offer the purple PCB. Usually, the general workability increases with purple color but different people have different preferences. And your preference will depend on the purpose you want to achieve from your PCB . As this color is not standard so you may have to place a separate order to your manufacturer to have purple PCB supplied. Manufacturers will charge differently according to your order. So in this sense, you may be asked to pay a premium for purple color PCB.

    Why to choose purple PCB?

    Even though it is essential to note that there is always a difference between solder masks used in special situations, for instance, in high impedance circuits, specific colors may be chosen to reduce leakage, characterized by impedances. Also, there are cases where colors must be avoided. For instance, there are cases where a transparent PCB is required. In such a case, it may be necessary that you choose one that can serve your needs.

    It is also possible to work with a PCB with mixed colors. However, you need to make a particular order from the manufacturer. Such PCBs may be costly and may require that you dig deeper into your pocket.

    The other benefit of using colored PCBs is using solder mask colors such as red and purple to test your PCB’s functionality. Using boards with different colors may be critical if you don’t want to get confused.

    Some of the differences between a standard purple PCB and a heavy copper PCB are given below:

    · There is a lesser amount of copper used in standard purple PCBs which is approximately 1 oz having a very thin size. On the other hand, heavy copper PCBs are thick in diameter because there is a large amount of copper in them.

    · By standard, we mean the thickness of the PCB. So the standard thickness offered by manufacturers is 0.063 in or 1.57 mm which is true so far. However, nowadays, there is a range of sizes available depending on your choice for PCB fabrication which is 0.093 in and 0.031 in. while a heavy copper PCB is made with copper ranging from 4 oz per ft2 to 20 oz per ft2.

    · Heavy copper PCBs are designed to deal with heavy activities. On the contrary, standard PCBs can only offer lighter activities.

    · Mechanical strength in heavy copper PCBs is high because of the high use of copper in them; on the other hand, standard PCBs have lesser mechanical strength.

    · Standard PCBs do not offer good conduction for the current. But heavy copper PCBs offer good conduction for the current because of the copper used in them.

    · Thermal distribution is efficient in heavy copper PCBs which improves their performance as compared to standard PCBs.

    Why to choose purple PCB from PCBBUY?

    The launch of purple ink shows PCBBUY ‘s full sincerity. While launching new products, it also launches preferential activities to strive for more benefits for users. It is worth noting that high quality is still the highlight of PCBBUY, in terms of raw materials, PCBBUY still uses Taiyo and Guangxin ink, beautiful products and fully guarantee the excellent performance of the circuit board.

    PCBBUY Technology Co. Ltd is a smart factory specialized in quick turn PCB prototyping. PCBBUY service center is located in the beautiful city – Hangzhou, China, and its factory is located in the southern gate of China – Zhuhai, Guangdong. There are production lines of Single PCB,2 layers PCB,4 layers PCB,6 layers PCB,8 layers PCB and 1000mm PCB. We has passed the SGS, RoHS, UL and other authority certification, the fastest can achieve 24 hours of delivery.

    PCBBUY that relies on Internet plus and Industry 4.0 technology, has fully realized online and offline collaborative office and reconstructed traditional PCB factory production management mode by utilizing new technologies such as big data, cloud computing and “the Internet of Thing”. We have developed our own MES (Manufacturing Execution system), that connects and monitors machines and work centers on the factory floor, the MES is to ensure the effective execution of manufacturing operations and improve production efficiency which greatly shorten the traditional delivery time. We offer 24H rapid service for 1-8 layer prototype PCB, online quoting, online ordering, uploading files, and real-time tracking etc.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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