

Violet on the color wheel

I wish they would only take me as I am. Vincent Van Gogh

Blue-violet (color wheel) / #4d1a7f Hex Color Code

The color blue-violet (color wheel) with hexadecimal color code #4d1a7f is a medium dark shade of blue-magenta. In the RGB color model #4d1a7f is comprised of 30.2% red, 10.2% green and 49.8% blue. In the HSL color space #4d1a7f has a hue of 270° (degrees), 66% saturation and 30% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 565.81 nm.

  • Inverted
  • 25% saturated
  • Grayscale
  • 25% lighter
  • Original
  • 25% darker
  • Web safe: purple
  • 25% desaturated
  • HTML: indigo
  1. Insect screen (Mushiao)
  2. Manatee
  3. Windsor tan
  4. Light coral
  5. Charleston green

#4d1a7f to white

#4d1a7f to black


Pantone / PMS

★ 3583 C
#511e84 ΔE = 1.620 / LRV ≈ 4.3%


★ 3477
#561885 ΔE = 2.060 / LRV ≈ 4.3%



★ HKS 37
#4c0f7b ΔE = 2.216 / LRV ≈ 3.3%

Toyo Ink

  • Achromatopsia
  • Achromatomaly

Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse

There’s no retirement for an artist, it’s your way of living so there’s no end to it. Henry Moore

I wish they would only take me as I am. Vincent Van Gogh

Violet (color wheel) / #7f00ff Hex Color Code

The color violet (color wheel) with hexadecimal color code #7f00ff is a shade of blue-magenta. In the RGB color model #7f00ff is comprised of 49.8% red, 0% green and 100% blue. In the HSL color space #7f00ff has a hue of 270° (degrees), 100% saturation and 50% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 440.2 nm.

  • Inverted
  • 25% saturated
  • Grayscale
  • 25% lighter
  • Original
  • 25% darker
  • Web safe: blue
    #0000ff / #00f
  • 25% desaturated
  • HTML: blueviolet
  1. Clove-dyed (Chōjizome)
  2. Golden brown (Kincha)
  3. Windsor tan
  4. Safety orange
  5. Dark salmon

#7f00ff to white

#7f00ff to black

There’s no retirement for an artist, it’s your way of living so there’s no end to it. Henry Moore

I wish they would only take me as I am. Vincent Van Gogh

Decimal 8323327 Binary 01111111, 00000000, 11111111 Hexadecimal #7f00ff LRV ≈ 11.7% Closest short hex #71f ΔE = 0.881 RGB rgb(127, 0, 255) RGBA rgba(127, 0, 255, 1.0) rg chromaticity r: 0.332, g: 0.000, b: 0.668 RYB red: 49.804%, yellow: 0.000%, blue: 100.000% Android / android.graphics.Color -8453889 / 0xff7f00ff HSL hsl(270, 100%, 50%) HSLA hsla(270, 100%, 50%, 1.0) HSV / HSB hue: 270° (269.882), saturation: 100% (1.000), value: 100% (1.000) HSP hue: 269.882, saturation: 100.000%, perceived brightness: 43.378% HSLuv (HUSL) H: 274.828, S: 100.001, L: 40.785 Cubehelix H: -96.253, S: 2.135, L: 0.259 TSL T: -4.181, S: 0.447, L: 0.263 CMYK cyan: 50% (0.502), magenta: 100% (1.000), yellow: 0% (0.000), key: 0% (0.000) CMY cyan: 50% (0.502), magenta: 100% (1.000), yellow: 0% (0.000) XYZ X: 26.797, Y: 11.731, Z: 95.441 xyY x: 0.200, y: 0.088, Y: 11.731 CIELab L: 40.785, a: 83.095, b: -93.500 CIELuv L: 40.785, u: 11.306, v: -133.860 CIELCH / LCHab L: 40.785, C: 125.087, H: 311.628 CIELUV / LCHuv L: 40.785, C: 134.336, H: 274.828 Hunter-Lab L: 34.251, a: 79.718, b: -141.238 CIECAM02 J: 31.108, C: 85.071, h: 288.426, Q: 109.887, M: 74.393, s: 82.280, H: 327.005 OSA-UCS lightness: -10.867, jaune: -17.677, green: -5.080 LMS L: 9.177, M: 1.641, S: 94.096 YCbCr Y: 73.629, Cb: 221.149, Cr: 165.648 YCoCg Y: 95.500, Cg: -95.500, Co: -0.250 YDbDr Y: 67.043, Db: 282.765, Dr: -113.956 YPbPr Y: 45.411, Pb: 112.895, Pr: 51.770 xvYCC Y: 55.000, Cb: 227.171, Cr: 173.476 YIQ Y: 67.043, I: -6.266, Q: 106.194 YUV Y: 67.043, U: 92.494, V: 52.602 Okhsl h: 293.610, s: 1.000, l: 0.455 Okhsv h: 293.610. s: 1.000, v: 1.000 Okhwb h: 293.610, w: 0.000, b: 0.000 Oklab l: 0.529, a: 0.117, b: -0.269 Oklch l: 0.529, c: 0.293, h: 293.610 Munsell Color System 7.5P 4/12 ΔE = 25.979 Brand Color Behance ΔE = 8.198

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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