

Why are my canva projects coming out pixelated?

Pro Tip: Regardless of what you’re creating your Procreate project for, I recommend always staying between 125 and 300 DPI unless you specifically require otherwise.

How to Fix Pixelated Lines in Procreate

The most common cause of pixelated lines in Procreate is having a canvas that is too small. To fix this, increase the DPI of your canvas by tapping on the Actions tool (wrench icon). Open the Canvas menu and adjust the DPI to a higher value.

I’m Carolyn and I’ve been using Procreate for over three years to run my digital illustration business so I am very familiar with all of the awful technical issues that can occur when creating artwork in the app. But don’t worry, I have found a solution for almost everything.

Pixelated lines showing when you draw on your canvas in Procreate can not only be frustrating but can lead to major setbacks if you’re completing a project for a client. Today, I’ll explain a little bit about why it happens and some solutions to help you fix it.

Table of Contents

  • Key Takeaways
  • How to Fix Pixelated Lines in Procreate – Step by Step
  • Things to Note
  • DPI Values
  • FAQs
    • How to avoid pixelation when resizing in Procreate?
    • How to get better lines in Procreate?
    • How to get crisp lines in Procreate?
    • What’s a non-pixelated brush in Procreate?

    Key Takeaways

    • The main cause of pixelated lines in Procreate is having the DPI of your canvas set too low.
    • Using the wrong brush can also cause pixelated lines when drawing.
    • Your canvas should always remain between 125 and 300 DPI for best results.
    • It’s best to start every project with a bigger canvas to avoid the chances of having pixelation issues.
    • Adjusting the Streamline in your brush settings can help with pixelation if that is the root cause.

    If the cause of your pixelated lines is due to your canvas being too small, you can follow the method below to increase your DPI.

    Step 1: Tap on the Actions tool (wrench icon) in the top left-hand corner of your canvas. Scroll over to the Canvas menu. Tap on where it says Crop & Resize.

    Step 2: Tap on the Settings button which should be in the top right of the canvas. In the DPI box, type in your desired DPI value. Make sure the Resample Canvas toggle is on, this will prevent your artwork dimensions from changing.

    Step 3: Tap Done.

    Things to Note

    You should always set the DPI of your canvas before you start drawing. Changing the DPI of a canvas can sometimes have grave negative effects that cannot be saved or undone.

    If you are changing the DPI of an already existing artwork, always make a duplicate of your project so that you can preserve the original in case you make any serious errors.

    Another common cause of pixelated lines is using the wrong brush type. If you are using a pencil or charcoal brush and you’re having issues with pixelated lines, I suggest switching to a smoother brush like Studio Pen or Round Brush.

    In your Brush Studio, you can also adjust the Streamline setting of any brush you are using. This may increase the smoothness of your lines and it’s worth trying before changing your DPI.

    You can manually clean up your lines by using a smooth eraser brush to clean up the edges. This is a very time-consuming method but it’s a great option if you have gone too far or cannot change the DPI of your canvas.

    If nothing you try works, you may need to consider upgrading your device to an iPad with bigger RAM capabilities. Your device might not be fit to support the quality of work you need on Procreate.

    300 DPI in Canva

    300 DPI in Canva can only be set in one very specific way and that is by downloading your images and pictures in PDF Print format. Every image in the PDF print document will have the DPI set at 300. Use a free online PDF to JPG/PNG converter to get back from the PDF file to just your images.

    To download with 300 DPI in Canva, follow these steps:

    1. Click on “Share” in the upper-right corner of the screen
    2. Click on “Download”
    3. As the file type, select “PDF print”
    4. Hit the Download button

    Step 1: Click on “Share”

    Step 2: Click on “Download”

    Step 3: Choose “PDF Print” for the file type

    Step 4: Hit the “Download” button

    After the downloading process, you can now view the said image as a PDF file. However, since PDF files aren’t web-friendly, you’ll need to do the next phase to render the photo usable.

    How to Convert your PDF back to either JPG or PNG Files

    Since you cannot directly convert images in Canva, you’ll need free third-party online converters to get the file type you wish to have.

    To convert your PDF back to either JPG or PNG files, follow these steps:

    Step 1: Head over to the pdfconvertonline.com website.

    Step 2: Head over to the “Convert PDF” option and click it. Once there, tap the “Choose file” button that appears on the form that will show on the screen.

    Step 3: Tap on the “Open” button on the bottom part of the window that appears.

    Step 4: Set the DPI to “300.” You can also change the JPG quality by inputting your desired value.

    Step 5: Click on the red “Convert now” button.

    Step 6: Scroll the page down until you find the “Output Files” box. Click on the newly converted file to view the image in another window.

    Step 7: To save the photo, right-click on it and choose the “Save image As…” option from the dropdown menu that appears.

    Once the downloading process is done, you can go ahead and view the photo on your device.

    However, if you want to verify the image’s DPI, there are two ways you can do this, depending on what OS your device is using.

    On a PC: Right-click on the photo and select the “Properties” option from the dropdown menu that appears. Click on the “Details” tab to peek at the image resolution and other details.

    On a Mac: Right-click on the image and click the “Get Info” option on the dropdown menu. Tap on the “More Info” option on the new window that appears to check the resolution.

    You can also do this in Mac by heading over to the “Tools” section of the preview tool. Click on “Show Inspector” to view the image details.

    Once there, take a look at the Image DPI to see if the 300 DPI you inputted earlier is followed.

    If you’re planning to download the image in PNG format, you can follow the same steps mentioned above. Just tap on the “Free convert PDF to PNG” choice instead.

    The how-to of downloading Canva elements with 300 DPI

    Now that you’ve learned how to download high-resolution photos in Canva, can you also do the same process if you’re planning to use elements instead?

    The answer: A big and resounding YES!

    The process is virtually the same as for “regular” images and pictures.

    The only difference is when you’re now on the download part.

    Do note, though, that for you to download elements without a background, you will be forced to download it as a PNG. If you want to use JPG, the “Transparent background” option won’t be available.

    Also, in order to download Canva elements without a background, you will need to be on a Pro plan, as the Canva Background Remover is a PRO feature only.

    Other than that, proceed as you would when downloading and printing a photo with 300 DPI as outlined above.

    Other ways of converting PDF to PNG or JPG format

    Now, if you find all those processes a hassle, there are other ways for you to save high-resolution pictures in the JPG/PNG formats.

    The first option that you have is to use Photo editing software. Be it Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or InDesign; it doesn’t matter.

    Whichever software works best for you, go ahead with that choice. Just make sure that you can open the image in PDF format and, consequently, export it in PNG or JPG format.

    If you don’t want to learn a whole new photo editing software just for conversion purposes, take advantage of the customization option in Canva.

    Instead of using the usual resolutions you’ve been inputting, double the graphic size of the image itself. To do this, you’ll need to click on the “Resize” button on the upper left side of the Canva toolbar and input the doubled-up dimension.

    Once you’re satisfied with the size, hit on the “Resize” button and carry on with creating your design.

    However, while this method’s nifty, it has one major drawback. An increase in the photo’s dimensions means an increase in file size.

    Most of the time, large image sizes aren’t too friendly for websites and social media. So, you might want to reconsider this option before using it.

    While the second method’s the end of the road for most users, such isn’t the case for Mac users.

    If you’re luckily a Mac user, there is an option for you to convert your PDF as JPG or PNG directly. Simply open the photo in the previewer tool.

    Once you’re in the tool, head over to the “File” menu, click it, and choose the “Export” option in the dropdown menu that appears.

    In the “Format” tab, choose either JPG or PNG on the save box to jumpstart the download process.

    So, have you now decided on what method to use? You don’t have to torment your brains for it. Choose one that will work best for you, and you’re good to go.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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