

How to create a landscape design in Canva

Now, you could do this just by remembering the two values and swapping them, but there’s an easier trick.

How Do I Create a Landscape Template in Canva?

When it comes to creating a landscape design, the first step is to come up with a template. This will help you determine the size and shape of your garden beds, as well as where to put features like pathways, ponds, and gazebos.

There are a few different ways to create a landscape template. One option is to use graph paper.

This can be helpful if you want to get a sense of the proportions of your yard and garden beds. You can also use online tools like Canva.

Canva is a great option for creating landscape templates because it’s easy to use and you can experiment with different design elements without having to redraw your template every time. Plus, there’s a huge library of templates and graphics that you can use to make your design unique.

To create a landscape template in Canva, start by creating a new project. Then, select the “Landscape” template from the list of options.

Once you’ve chosen your template, you can start adding in your own images, text, and graphics. Experiment with different elements until you have something that you’re happy with. When you’re finished, you can download your template as an image file or PDF.

Creating a landscape template is a great way to get started on your landscaping project. With Canva, you can easily experiment with different design elements to find what works best for your yard. Plus, there’s no need to worry about redrawing your template every time you make a change- simply make the changes in Canva and download your new version when you’re done.

PRO TIP: This article contains instructions on how to create a landscape template in Canva. However, it is important to note that this process requires the use of a paid Canva account. Therefore, if you do not have a paid account, you will not be able to follow the steps in this article.

Creating a landscape template is the first step in any landscaping project. Canva is an easy-to-use online tool that allows users to experiment with different design elements without having to redraw their templates each time. Plus, there’s no need to worry about redrawing your template every time you make a change – simply make the changes in Canva and download your new version when you’re done.

Designing a template in Canva is easy! Just follow these simple steps: First, log in to your Canva account and click on the “Create a design” button. Next, select “Use custom dimensions” and enter the dimensions you need for your template.

There are a lot of reasons why you might want to create a planner template in Canva. Maybe you’re a teacher who wants to make a lesson plan template to share with other teachers. Maybe you’re a student who wants to make a study schedule to help you plan out your studying.

How Do I Create a Brand Template in Canva?

Creating a brand template in Canva is easy! First, you’ll need to create a new design. To do this, click on the “Create a design” button on the left-hand side of the screen.

To create a blog template in Canva, first sign up for a free account at www.canva.com. Once you’re logged in, click the “Create a design” button in the top left-hand corner of the homepage. On the next page, select “Blog Header” from the list of design types.

How to Rotate a Page in Canva to Landscape

  1. Click “resize” towards the top left of the screen.
  2. Then, swap the currently listed width and height dimensions. Meaning, if you have an 8.5×11 canvas, you’ll make the width 11 inches and the height 8 inches.
  3. Last, click “resize” to resize your current design, or, click “copy and resize” to keep your original as is while creating a new design with the new dimensions.

As you can see, you must resize your design completely. Meaning, there isn’t a way to click a button and flip your canvas into a landscape orientation or into a vertical orientation.

Here is an example—let’s say I had this vertical, standard 8.5×11 eBook that I wanted to “rotate” to a landscape orientation.

I’d go up to “resize” and enter 11 for the width (inches) and then 8.5 for the height. Of course, you can use any dimensions you’d like, and Canva also provides a number of sized options for you to transform designs into presentations, social media graphics, and more.

After doing so, I’d be left with the output below. As you can see, you’d need to clean things up a little in order to get your previously perfectly-fitting elements stacked up the way you’d like in the new landscape orientatio,

The easiest way I’ve found of doing so is to just select all and then drag it all together to make larger. Some elements, like the binding in this case need to be moved to the left edge, etc.

After a quick minute of rearranging, I’m left with the product below. Depending on the amount of elements you have, this step is could be a breeze or could require a bit of tinkering.

Meaning, if it was just a photo and a headline, it would be pretty easy, but a full page out of an eBook might take some time.

Same thing to rotate to A4 or other pre-set dimensions. Just go to “resize” and then search for the type of document you need. In this case, if I search “A4” I’ll see these options.

Don’t let the “cm” throw you off—once selected, you can toggle to inches and see the A4 dimensions of 8.268×11.693.

All in all, rotating a page in Canva isn’t as easy as you might be used to doing in other programs, but I’m sure there is good reason for it.

My thinking is, you’re typically creating with a specific goal in mind with Canva. So, while having the option to flip my vertical eBook to be more landscape, Canva is guessing that you’re doing so in order to turn it into a presentation or a social media graphic, etc., so why not provide that option of choosing the output upfront.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or need any additional help!

Are you on Canva Pro, or simply the free version? If Canva is in fact a tool you’re loving, Canva Pro gives you even more reasons for such love, with the ability to magically resize designs, upload custom fonts, and so much more.

Or, just pay $5 or so for someone on Fiverr (or find someone on Upwork) to create whatever it is you need for you. I’ve definitely swallowed my pride a few times and just hired a freelancer on Fiverr for quick turnaround, and often receiving something better than I could have done myself.

About Rent My Words 81 Articles

Rent My Words is a website and blog dedicated to helping everyday people become more successful in freelance marketing and writing.

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Resizing Canva Designs Using Presets

If you’re looking to resize your design to a specific size quickly, you should try resizing your design using a dimension preset.

This process is very similar to the process explained above, but instead of inputting a custom number, you choose from a list of preset sizes.

To do this, click on Resize and then scroll down until you find the list of preset sizes.

So if you know that you need your design to fit a Facebook Cover or Instagram Post, then you can simply check the box next to that format.

The list of premade sizes available is extensive. You can find sizes for basically every big social media site. You will also find preset sizes for print products, such as business cards and resumes.

Once you’ve chosen the size you need, select Copy & Resize or Resize.

Select the background and click on the Lock icon to lock it. You can now select multiple elements at a time and rearrange your elements much faster. You can also add any other elements you need to in order to complete your design.

How To Resize Your Design Without Canva Pro

The Resize button is only available for Canva users who pay for Canva Pro. What if you don’t have Canva Pro?

You can still reorient your design manually, here’s how.

Step 1: Copy The Elements Of Your Original Design

The easiest way to copy all of the elements of your original image is first to select your background and then click the Lock icon to lock it in place.

You can now easily drag your mouse over all the elements of your design. Press Control + C (Win) or Command + C (Mac) to copy all of your elements.

Step 2: Create A New Canvas At The Size You Need

With your elements copied to your clipboard, create a new canvas by clicking the Plus button at the top of the page next to the tab of your project.

You can create your new canvas using one of the many preset sizes in the list or by clicking Custom Size. Click Create New Design when you’re ready.

Step 3: Paste Your Elements On Your New Canvas

You can add your copied elements to your blank canvas by pressing Control + V (Win) or Command + V (Mac). Your elements will be placed in the middle of your canvas and will need to be rearranged.

Step 4: Rearrange Your Elements On Your New Canvas

With your elements now on your Canvas, make it easier for yourself by selecting your background element and clicking on the Lock icon.

From here, you can rearrange your elements to fit your new Canvas.

Can You Resize A Single Page In Canva?

No, you can’t resize an individual page within a project, but you can use a workaround to get a single page resized.

Step 1: Duplicate Your Project

In the left side panel on the homepage, click on Projects. Locate your project and click on the Three Dots in the right corner of the project.

In the options that pop up, click on Make A Copy.

After you make a copy, scroll down the homepage until you find the Designs section. You should now have the original project, as well as a copy of the project, right next to it. The thumbnail for the copy of the project may be missing, but don’t worry.

Step 2: Resize Your Project

With your project duplicated, you can now resize your copied project as you normally would.

Click on Resize, choose Custom Size or a premade template, then click on Copy & Resize or Resize.

Step 3: Rearrange Your Elements

Now that your canvas is the size that you need it to be, you can rearrange your elements on a single page to cover up all of the unwanted blank space. The unwanted designs won’t need to have their elements repositioned.

Don’t forget to select the background and lock it with the Lock icon to make this job easier.

The main thing to remember when resizing a single page is that all of the pages of your project will be resized too.

This is why it’s so important to make sure you duplicate your project first. You will end up with two separate projects, but at least you won’t lose anything important. You can now delete the extra pages that you don’t need from the duplicated project.

Ultimately the process of changing a designs orientation in Canva is much easier with Canva Pro. However, it is still possible with the free version of Canva by simply creating a copy of your original design. To see more differences between Canva Pro and Canva Free, I share an in-depth comparison here.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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