

Canva instructional videos on YouTube

  1. Download the YouTube app on your smartphone or tablet or go to YouTube.com.
  2. Log in to YouTube using your ASUrite ID; only enter your email (do not enter the password) and click “Sign In.” If you are already logged into Canvas you may already be logged into your ASU YouTube account too (skip to step 4)!
  3. This will prompt a web login window to appear. Type your ASUrite and password to gain access to your ASU YouTube account.
  4. Record your video using your camera on your smartphone.
  5. Upload your video to YouTube; title your video, choose a category, mark it “unlisted” and then click “publish.”

How to create and share your video on YouTube:

  1. Download the YouTube app on your smartphone or tablet or go to YouTube.com.
  2. Log in to YouTube using your ASUrite ID; only enter your email (do not enter the password) and click “Sign In.” If you are already logged into Canvas you may already be logged into your ASU YouTube account too (skip to step 4)!
  3. This will prompt a web login window to appear. Type your ASUrite and password to gain access to your ASU YouTube account.
  4. Record your video using your camera on your smartphone.
  5. Upload your video to YouTube; title your video, choose a category, mark it “unlisted” and then click “publish.”

The next steps can be completed through your smartphone or through your computer. The screenshots are from the computer view:

  1. Log into your YouTube account using the steps above when you are ready to post your video to Canvas. If you are already logged into Canvas you may already be logged into your ASU YouTube account too!
  2. In your main menu, click on YouTube Studio.
  3. Then click on “Videos” in your studio menu. You should see your uploaded video in your “Videos.”
  4. Ensure your sharing permissions are set to “public” or “unlisted” to ensure others can see your video after posting. When your videos are set to “unlisted” on YouTube they will not be visible on your channel, someone needs to have the link to access the video in “unlisted” status (whew…).
  5. Click on the options menu, as shown below.
  6. Click “Get shareable link” and the link will be automatically copied to your clipboard.
  7. Paste the link to your video into your assignment textbox or discussion post.
  8. Hit your spacebar; you will notice that the video embeds itself in Canvas… nifty.
  9. Submit.

It’s an easy process. If you have questions about how to use videos for dynamic interaction points in your Canvas course, feel free to leave a comment.

Kena Ray contributed to this article. Graphics created by Mary Loder and Bianca Olivas.

Canvas: How to Embed YouTube Video

In Canvas, you can embed YouTube videos on a course page, discussion post, or assignment using the Rich Content Editor (RCE.) One option is to search and embed YouTube videos in RCE directly. The other is copying the embedded codes from a YouTube video and pasting the codes to RCE.

Option I: Searching and Embedding in RCE

  1. Select a Canvas page where you want to embed the video
  2. Select Edit .
  3. In the RCE editor, select the Tools menu > Apps > YouTube. Note:If this is the first time you have embedded with YouTube, chooseView All.
  4. Type the video name in the Search box.
  5. Locate your video and select Embed or click the down arrow for more options on the embedded video size.
  6. Click Save .

This image is for the tutorial option I steps 1-3..
This image is for the tutorial option I steps 4-5.
This image is for the tutorial option I step 6..

Option II: Copying Embed Codes from YouTube Video

  1. In YouTube, select the Share link under the title.
  2. Select Embed .
  3. Copy the embed code from the pop-up window.
  4. In Canvas, select the Canvas page where you want to embed the video.
  5. Select Edit .
  6. In the RCE editor, click the 3 vertical dots at the end of the toolbar.
  7. Select Cloud icon
  8. Paste the Embed code that you copied from YouTube.
  9. Click Submit .
  10. Click Save .

This image is for the tutorial option II step 1.
This image is for the tutorial option II step 2-4..
This image is for the tutorial option II steps 5-9.
This image is for the tutorial option II step 10.

Need more help?

Faculty Learning Opportunities

  • New Course Template
  • How to copy individual quiz that has questions linked to Question Banks
  • How to View Student CougarNet IDs in the Canvas Gradebook
  • How to Submit Assignment on Behalf of Student as An Instructor
  • How to Grade a Quiz by Question
  • How to Create a PointSolution Account & Registration Subscription (COM)
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Instruction @ UH

About Instruction

Instruction is devoted to offering UH instructors the latest in educational technology and instructional design thinking and showcases much of the fine work of the UH faculty in these areas. We have also put together quick tutorials to help you get started with the supported tools we have on campus.

We welcome you to read, share your thoughts, share with your colleagues, and most importantly share what you learn with your students. Enjoy!

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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