

Brown and blue blend to create which color?

Just with these examples, you could create some interesting pictures. For instance, maybe you could have a bright blue ocean with dark brown rocks jutting out of it.

Blue and Brown Mixed! What Color Do Blue and Brown Make (Updated 2023)

You might already be familiar with the colors blue and brown. However, in this article, we are going to explore the combination of these colors.

Are you wondering, “What color does blue and brown make?” Well, you’re in luck because we are here to answer this very question.

When you hear the word blue what usually comes to mind are the deep seas and oceans we are blessed with and the endless skies on the horizon. This might even evoke feelings of peace and calmness.

On the other hand, brown can symbolize many other things. This particular shade reminds us of the earth, the ground we stand on, and even the nearby woods and nature in general.

This color also reminds us of strength, reliance, and stability, as well as a sense of warmth because of its hue.

But what do you get when both of these colors are combined? What does this combination symbolize? More importantly, is the outcome something you can use in your daily life?

Learn more about this by reading on.

Color Mixing and Color Theory

As a child, you were taught the basics of color theory. You likely familiarized yourself with the color wheel throughout your teacher’s lessons.

This shows the relationship between colors and where each shade lies on the spectrum.

The color wheel is mainly divided into three parts, namely primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Primary colors are made up of the most basic colors such as red, blue, and yellow.

Color Wheel

Diagram of the Color Wheel of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Colors

Secondary colors, on the other hand, are comprised of green, orange, and violet. Secondary tones come from the combination of two primary shades.

Lastly, tertiary colors stem from the mixture of one primary color and another secondary color. The hues that belong in this group are red-violet, red-orange, blue-green, blue-violet, yellow-green, and yellow-orange.

Primary Colors, Secondary Colors, and Tertiary Colors Wheel Chart

Now that you understand the workings of these colors via color theory and the color wheel, you might have a deeper grasp on blending one or more colors.

In fact, you may even have an idea about the possible outcomes of mixing brown and blue.

Neutral Tones

If you are looking for brown, you’ll find that this particular shade does not fall anywhere between the primary, secondary, or tertiary categories.

This is because brown is a neutral shade.

This color is achieved by combining basic colors. Yes, you read that right.

To make this, you only need red, yellow, and blue.

Red Yellow and Blue make Brown

How you can mix brown and blue?

As we mentioned in the opening of this guide, brown and blue are two colors that we see a lot in our everyday lives.

But while these colors aren’t as flashy, they can both come in some pretty varied forms.

When it comes to mixing brown and blue, you will need to consider the tones that you use. It will depend on the kinds of colors you’re trying to make for whatever it is you are working on.

You can also consider the mediums you are using to create your colors. If you have a sketchbook to mess around in, you can try out different color combinations with your chosen medium.

Throughout this guide, we will be using color hex codes to help show you some color examples. Each of these codes can be searched online so that you can easily see what we’re talking about.

You can use the colors from these codes and try to match them with the medium you are using.

The steps of this guide will help you to anticipate what colors you can create, but some experimentation will take you a long way.

Brown and blue can be used together in many ways whether they are mixed or just used in the same picture. It’s important to pick shades of these colors that will complement the other.

It can take some practice and a bit of trial and error, but once you know what you’re doing you will find it much easier!

This is something we will cover in greater detail as we move through the guide. Next, we will look at whether the combination of brown and blue is even one that is advisable for you to use.

Are brown and blue a good combination to mix together?

So now, the question is whether brown and blue are good colors to mix together. The answer to that could be either yes or no depending on what you need.

You can land up with a wide array of colors when you mix brown and blue, but you will typically get a darker blue color when you mix them.

Before we dive deeper, let’s look a bit closer at each color. First, we have blue. Blue is what is known as a primary color, as it is a base color.

It can be dark and navy, bright and neon or anything in between. Then we have brown, and this is where things get more complicated.

Brown is what is known as a composite color, and is typically made by mixing yellow, red and blue. There are other ways that you can arrive at a brown color, though.

You’ll notice that we mentioned that our other color, blue, is usually a part of the mix. That is why when you mix brown and blue, you will often get a darker shade of blue.

In the next few steps we will demonstrate this along with a few examples where you get different results.

There are loads of images that you could use brown, blue and the many combinations you can make with them.

You’re only limited by your creativity when it comes to mixing the colors. There are definitely some combinations of brown and blue that may not work as well, however.

These are a bit rarer, and you will probably find that more often than not these colors will go nicely together. This is especially true when the brown you’re using has blue undertones.

Now that we know that brown and blue can be a good combination, let’s look at a few of the ways that you can anticipate the results you may get from mixing them together.

What results you can expect?

In this step, we will look not only at some of the results you can expect but also provide some examples.

This is where you will want to have a search engine open so you can follow along and look up the hex codes we provide.

First, we will make a dark mix of brown and blue. For brown, we will use #533f23 and for blue we will go with #002080. This combination will give you the color #2a3052.

If you look up that result, you will see it is a really dark blue with brown undertones. This is a result that would be pretty safe to assume, as we used some really dark base colors.

Next, let’s try a much lighter combination. For brown, this time we will use #aa8046 and for blue we have #7a9cff. Together, these give us the color of #928ea3.

This is quite a different result from the first combination! You will see that this time we have a muted blue color that is close to being grey.

For the final example, we’ll have a mixture of light and dark. We will use the same light brown of #aa8046 and then use a beautiful dark blue with #1600bd.

This combination gives us the color of #604082, which is a rich purple color. As you can see from these examples, there are quite a few results that we can get from these two colors.

Also remember that these examples assume you used equal amounts of each color. When you start changing up the quantities, these colors could change drastically.

The mediums you use will also dictate the colors feeling. Just remember that mixing dark colors will result in dark colors and the same with light.

It can become a bit less certain when you start mixing light with dark colors, so that’s where you may need to experiment a bit to see what happens.

Now that we know how versatile the combination of brown and blue can be, it’s time for us to look at some of the ways that you can use these colors together in your art.

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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