

Visual art exhibition correspondence guide

Box 51 contains files on the following artists: Harvey Breverman; Hans Burkhardt; Anselm Kiefer; Janet Mackaig; John O’Brien; Adrienne Rich; Charlotte Salomon; Frank Smith; Beth Ames Swarts. Box 52 contains files on the following artists: Tamarind Lithography Workshop; June Wayne; Jerome Witkin. Boxes 53 and 54 contains unsorted exhibition announcements, catalogs, photographs, and ephemera.

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Art Writing

A Short Guide to Writing About Art “guides students through every aspect of writing about art, (including) how to analyze . (drawings, paintings, photographs), sculptures and architecture. (as well as) essential writing assignments (including) formal analysis, comparison, research paper, review of an exhibition, and essay examination, (and also) a chapter on “Virtual Exhibitions: Writing Text Panels and Other Materials” in the 11th edition.

For QUICK GUIDES to writing about art see:

  • Swarthmore College’s Art History Writing Guide
  • The Writing Center at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Art History handout

CRITICISM: See The Writing Center at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Art History handout quick guide

Evaluating Sources

Evaluate information sources using CRAAP:

  • Currency: is the information timely for my purposes? when was it published? has the information been revised or updated?
  • Relevance: is the information directly relatable to my research question? does it support my argument?
  • Authority: who wrote or published the information? what are their credentials?
  • Accuracy: is the information corroborated by other sources?
  • Purpose: is the information unbiased? consider the author/publisher’s purpose: is the information intended to educate or inform you, to persuade you, to sell you something, or for another reason?

When evaluating information on the open web, use CRAAP and also:

  • maintain a healthy sense of skepticism:
    • check your biases (are you finding the information you think you want to find?)
    • ask yourself if the information is a joke or satire

    Visual art exhibition correspondence guide

    This is a high-level summary of managing an art exhibition. Depending on the type of show, some of these steps can be skipped. Please note that some of the activities within a phase occur simultaneously. This guide is written with the assumption that the exhibition coordinator will have mid- level administration ability.


    These exhibition guidelines were written by Karen Gutfreund, Sherri Cornett and Priscilla Otani in 2013. These guidelines are put on the website and made available to WCA members who volunteer to be exhibition administrators.


    • All budgets must be developed as either cost neutral or as a profit-based budget
    • Entrythingy.com is used to set up Calls for Art, manage entries and collect juror decisions
    • Creating an Exhibition Team
    • Writing the Prospectus/Theme
    • Creating a Budget
    • Finding the Gallery
    • Securing a Juror
    • Posting the Call for Art
    • Show Entry Administration
    • Catalog Production
    • Marketing & Promotions
    • Show Installation
    • Reception
    • De-installation of Exhibition


    • Who’s going to be on your team
    • Identify the skillsets of those involved
    • Defining Roles and responsibilities
    • Determining if team members are eligible to apply to the show or participate as artist
    • Create all terms and conditions for artists to follow
    • Create call for art on Entry thingy or other similar online service
    • Consider type of show: juried, members, curatorial, emerging curator, solo, retrospective of famous artist(s), combination of juried & featured artists, etc
    • Determining eligibility: members only, members and non-members, Bay area/local artists only, National, International
    • Determining entry fee
    • Determining media – some venues cannot accommodate all types of media, some venues censor some types of subject matter
    • Insurance – who covers it, how much would be covered, if venue doesn’t offer insurance, write in prospectus
    • Art handling and shipping information (who pays for shipping?)
    • Sales information – tax, legal considerations, percentages (gallery/artist),
    • Is there/will there be a curator, juror? Will the curator/juror be paid?
    • Identify any grant, funding or sponsorship opportunities
    • Advertisements in Gallery Guide, Art Slant, calendars
    • Banners
    • Catalog design and cover design
    • Catalog printing for sales during opening
    • Catalog shipment
    • Design costs for catalog, postcard, poster
    • Documentation (video, photographs)
    • Entry tokens for Entrythingy
    • Gallery rental
    • Insurance
    • ISBN number for catalog
    • Labor for installation and de-installation
    • Lulu.com catalog setup
    • Juror(s) fee
    • Mailers (padded envelopes or cardboard sleeves) for catalog
    • Paypal fees for entries through Entrythingy
    • Postcards design
    • Posters/printing costs
    • Posting call for art in on “pay-for” sites like Art Deadlines or Art Calendar Rental of space for exhibition
    • Press release cost
    • Reception (food, drink, glasses, plates, music, etc.)
    • Shipping & Crates (if central collection and shipping as a whole)
    • Solicitation package for donations/grants/sponsors (printing & materials)
    • Storage
    • Shipping documentation (international)
    • Vinyl lettering for gallery wall
    • Wall labels
    • Web page for exhibition
    • Entry fees through Entrythingy for members and for non-members
    • Catalog sales – artists in exhibition and general sales
    • Donations
    • Grants
    • Hanging fee (charged to accepted artists in exhibition)
    • Prepaid postage for catalogs from artists
    • Raffles
    • Shipping fees from artists (if collecting and shipping as a whole)
    • Sponsors
    • Event fees
    • Researching Potential Venues
    • Items to consider: Gallery sitter, rental fee, storage, reception, wall labels, intake installation, de-installation, insurance, insurance riders
    • Choose dates for exhibition
      • Create the MOU memo of understanding with the gallery
      • Gallery attendant schedule (if necessary)
      • Create pricelist and bio book of artists, and/or artist statements
      • Utilize call for art websites (paid and free sites)
      • Develop mailing list and WCA membership
      • Use social media
      • Create MOU with the juror of what is expected (timing for jury process, essay for the catalog and attendance at events such as opening reception or artist panels
      • Sending Submissions to the Juror/Setting up Entrythingy for the Juror
      • Work with juror to choose final works (Size constrictions and gallery size)
      • Work with artists to get their information uploaded and answering questions
      • Monitor and fund the entry tokens
        • Creating database from Entrythingy for catalog input
        • Reviewing Entries Before Giving Submissions to the Juror(s) to ensure it falls within prospectus guidelines
        • Organizing shipping to and from the gallery
        • Organizing hand-delivery to and from gallery
        • Notifying purchasers of art re pickup dates & times
        • Shipping artwork to purchasers
        • Create catalog (see guidelines on WCA website)
        • Work with artists to get correct information (info on work and statements)
        • Requesting articles for the catalog (Who should write them, what should they contain)
          • Inputting data, photographs, text in catalog layout
          • After initial catalog order place on Kindle Direct Publishing
          • Develop PR/marketing plan
          • Create show website
          • Write Press Release
          • Social Media
            • Short articles for website, newsletters, blurbs for Facebook, Instagram, art calendars, emails to members
            • Online gallery
            • Get artists to participate in promotion through newsletters, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
            • Promotions information – catalogs, postcards, business cards, posters, social media, who is responsible for what, anticipated costs
            • Determining who will unpack the work
            • Make arrangements for receipt of art works and delivery to the gallery
              • Layout of show (WCA member or Gallery director)
              • Return shipping labels
              • Create Evite for reception
              • Nametags for artist/dignitaries/jurors
              • Determine what Gallery and WCA is responsible for (food/drinks, sales, catalog sales and distribution, clean-up)
              • Hire staff for de-installation if necessary
              • Manage volunteers
              • Send checks to artists
              • Final Budget report to Treasurer and Board


              1. Promotions: Introduce yourself as a member of NCWCAand give history.
              2. Provide people with the NCWCA website, and links to significant NCWCA projects
              • “Bound” juried by Cora Rosevear, Associate Curator Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art, shown at the Phoenix Gallery in NYC, February 2013.
              • “Honoring Women’s Rights: Echoing Visual Voices Together”, juried by Dr. Joyce Aiken, Dr. Ruth Weisberg, Patricia Rodriguez, shown at the Steinbeck Museum, Salinas California (2012)
              • “Petroleum Paradox: For Better or For Worse”, juried by Eleanor Heartney, shown at Denise Bibro Fine Art, NYC (2012) and traveling to the Narrows Center in MA (2013)
              • “Momentum” juried by Rita Gonzalez, Associate Curator, LACMA, shown at Gallery 825 in LA, February 2012.
              • “Man as Object: Reversing the Gaze”, juried by Tanya Augsburg, shown at SOMArts Cultural Center in San Francisco and Kinsey Institute Gallery at Univ. of Indiana (2011, 2012)
              • “Hidden Cities”, juried by Lisa Phillips, Director of the New Museum, shown at New Century Artists Gallery, NYC, February 2011
              • “CONTROL” juried by the Guerrilla Girls West, shown at SOMArts Cultural Center in San Francisco and Ceres Gallery in NYC (2009, 2011)
              1. Prospectus (terms and conditions for artists/call for art)
              2. Exhibition Budget Template
              3. Draft Exhibition Time-line

              EXAMPLE PROSPECTUS: “Bound”:

              ‘Bound’ — We are seeking multiple expressions of Bound, which can range from literal to poetic, abstract to representational, and psychological to social & political commentary. Show work that explores the concepts of bound and borders–be they internal, external, constructed, imagined, imposed, or embraced and how boundaries define and shape our identities, relationships, ideas and politics. Artists are encouraged to interpret this theme broadly; submit works that have resonance and meaning to you.
              JUROR: Cora Rosevear, Curator, Painting and Sculpture Department, Museum of Modern Art, NY. EXHIBITION VENUE:
              Phoenix Gallery
              210 Eleventh Avenue @25th Street, Suite 902 New York, New York 10001

              January 30 to February 23, 2013

              ARTIST RECEPTION
              Saturday, February 16th, 2013, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

              Open to all self-identified women artists in the USA.

              Artists may submit up to three works per entry. All media is accepted except giclees of original work.

              ENTRY FEES
              Payment of $35 per entry for WCA members, $45 for Non-members through PayPal.

              Must complete submission by Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 11:59 PM in your time zone.

              SALES OF ART
              A 25% commission will go to the Phoenix Gallery and a 15% will go to WCA, 60% will to go the artist. All works sold must remain in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition.

              SHIPPED artwork should arrive at the Phoenix Gallery Tuesday to Friday, January 22-25, 2013. HAND-DELIVERED work can be brought to the Gallery Tuesday to Saturday, January 22-26, 2013 from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. only.

              Shipped works will be boxed and returned on Tuesday, February 26th. Hand delivered works must be picked up by noon on February 26, 2013.

              All exhibited works must be self-insured by the artist during shipping or delivery. The Gallery carries only fire and liability insurance and cannot be liable for any theft or damage to works of art. All exhibited works must be self-insured by the artist.

              AGREEMENT & RELEASE
              By submitting this application the Artist confirms they read and agree to the conditions set forth in this prospectus for Bound. Permission is granted to WCA and the Phoenix Gallery to use images of artwork accepted into the exhibition for publicity purposes. One or more artworks may be chosen for the cover design of invitation for the exhibition. They also may be featured on www.nationalwca.org. Artists agree to allow reproduction of their digital files and/or photographs taken of their art for educational, publicity, and archival purposes. The Artist hereby releases and discharges representatives, employees and volunteers of National Women’s Caucus for Art and the Phoenix Gallery from any and all claims occasioned by loss or damages of said work while in the possession of the Phoenix Gallery.

              All information you type into this online system will go into a database. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information you submit is correct. Please double check for typos.

              Your entry is not complete until you have made your payment through PayPal. You do not have to have an account with PayPal to pay your entry fee. You can use your credit or debit card instead.

              Be sure to upload all of your images and information before going to PayPal as you cannot return to add more information. Click the button ‘Jurors View’ to double check your complete entry before you go to PayPal.

              Open to all self-identified women artists in the United States.

              ARTIST STATEMENT
              Provide one statement (530 characters only including spaces) for all the pieces you are submitting and its relevance to the concept of ‘Bound’. This statement will go with your work in the exhibition catalog, please edit it carefully.

              Work may not exceed 40 inches wide and installations may not exceed 5 square feet. Provide dimension of each piece as follows: Height x Width x Depth, example 16 x 20 x 3 inches. If your work is framed, please include the framed size.

              Enter in .mov or mp4 format up to 200 mb. Video artists, if accepted must supply ALL their own equipment.

              All images must be submitted in RGB color mode.

              Submit JPG images sized approximately 4 inches wide x 6 inches long at 300 dpi resolution. In order to upload successfully, your image must be at least 900 pixels wide.

              NAME YOUR FILE
              Your name_Title of Work

              High resolution images are requested for print publicity of accepted works. Any works displayed online will be reduced to web-standard low resolution by WCA.

              If you have three-dimensional work and would like to submit more than one view of that piece, you may either submit one image that combines multiple views or submit up to three different views of your work. Each view counts as a submission so remember to identify multiple views of an entry in your description of work.

              Make sure you are satisfied with the information and images you have entered before logging out. This exact information is what will be used for the exhibition catalog, wall labels and publicity materials if you are accepted into the exhibition.

              TERMS OF ENTRY:
              SALES OF ART
              A 25% commission will go to the Phoenix Gallery and a 15% will go to WCA, 60% will to go the artist. All works sold must remain in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition.

              SHIPPED artwork should arrive at the Phoenix Gallery Tuesday ? Friday, January 22-25, 2013. HAND-DELIVERED work can be brought to the Gallery Tuesday ? Saturday, January 22-26, 2013 from 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. only.

              Shipped works will be boxed and returned on Tuesday, February 26th. Hand delivered works must be picked up by noon on February 26, 2013.

              All exhibited works must be self-insured by the artist during shipping or delivery. The Gallery carries only fire and liability insurance and cannot be liable for any theft or damage to works of art. All exhibited works must be self-insured by the artist.

              AGREEMENT & RELEASE
              By submitting this application the Artist confirms they read and agree to the conditions set forth in this prospectus for Bound. Permission is granted to WCA and the Phoenix Gallery to use images of artwork accepted into the exhibition for publicity purposes. One or more artworks may be chosen for the cover design of invitation for the exhibition. They also may be featured on www.nationalwca.org. Artists agree to allow reproduction of their digital files and/or photographs taken of their art for educational, publicity, and archival purposes. The Artist hereby releases and discharges representatives, employees and volunteers of National Women’s Caucus for Art and the Phoenix Gallery from any and all claims occasioned by loss or damages of said work while in the possession of the Phoenix Gallery.
              ABOUT WOMEN’S CAUCUS FOR ART (WCA)WCA was founded in 1972 in connection with the College Art Association (CAA). WCA is a national member organization unique in its multidisciplinary, multicultural membership of artists, art historians, students, educators, and museum professionals.

              The mission of WCA is to create community through art, education and social activism. WCA is committed to recognizing the contribution of women in the arts, providing women with leadership opportunities and professional development, expanding networking and exhibition opportunities for women, supporting local, national and global art activism and advocating for equity in the arts for all.


              Exhibition Timeline/Tasks

              Local shows could follow the shorter time frames; national shows somewhere in the middle with international shows needed the longest time frame.

              6 months -•‐ 2 Years in Advance
              *Select Exhibition Director(s) *Research potential venues *Research potential connections with collaborators *Develop theme/title Research jurors/curators *Research funding options *Set up exhibition committees *Get commitments from exhibitions team If collaboration, define funding & task responsibilities *Create initial budget and proposal *Choose dates for exhibition *Develop
              timeline* Research shipping options if necessary *Research shipping documentation if
              necessary *Research import/export requirements if international show *Submit exhibition & budget proposal to WCA board/ Chapter Exec. Committee *Develop package for grants/sponsors/donors
              *Once approved, begin fundraising, find seed money for entrythingy tokens

              5 months -•‐ 1 Year in Advance
              *Obtain contract with venue *Negotiate split on sales *Get gallery dimensions for juror *Secure insurance *Review contract, then send to President for signature *Begin securing funding *Proof of funding *Choose juror/curator *Send MOU to juror/curator *Signed MOU from juror/curator

              3-•‐ 9 Months in Advance
              *Determine how many art pieces fit into gallery *Determine # of additional artworks to be included in catalog only *Determine # of artworks to be included for online only *Determine dimension/media restrictions *Provide contact info for questions by submitters *Write Call for Art *Set up Entrythingy or entry management system *Add tokens to Entrythingy to pay for entries *Develop P.R & Marketing plan

              2-•‐8 Months in Advance
              *Research list of posting sites -•‐ free & fee sites Identify mailing list (include prior submitter emails)
              *Check Entrythingy to see how submissions are developing *Re‐post call for art if necessary *Post Calls for Art on Entrythingy or entry management system *Begin web presence -•‐ social media, web page *Post Calls for Art on art calendars *Post Calls on WCA outlets

              1-•‐6 Months in Advance
              *Deadline for entries *Review entries for data issues *Set up Entrythingy for juror(s) *Notify juror, provide jurying instructions Juror(s) reviews entries (two weeks) J *Juror writes juror statement
              *Write acceptance and rejection letters *Send acceptance/contract and rejection letters *Receive contracts and verify all necessary information *Confirm participation & shipping with every artist in show * Follow up with missing artist information *Provide artist information to Catalog committee
              *Contract with printer if using *Design Catalog *Request essays from juror(s)/directors/president
              *Set up Lulu.com for catalog *Keep web presence up to date *Develop postcard & poster *Plan for artists’ talks or other events during exhibition *Write press releases Begin planning for reception
              *Contact potential speakers/dignitaries for reception *Request ISBN number

              1-•‐3 Months in Advance
              *Layout of catalog/setup Lulu.com template *Order catalogs for sale at opening, in gallery *Input data/photos/articles into catalog *Begin sending out press releases to magazines *Arrange for artwork storage & insurance for storage/transporting *Receive artworks if shipping collectively *Have crates built if shipping collectively *Ship artworks if shipping collectively *Send press releases to periodicals

              2 Weeks -•‐ 1 Month in Advance
              *Arrange for food/beverage for reception *Nametags for artist/dignitaries/jurors *Send out press releases to other media outlets *Gallery signage -•‐ banners, vinyl lettering, artwork info cards
              *Arrange for gallery attendants/security if necessary

              1 Week in Advance
              *Send out press releases *Set gallery attendant schedule if necessary *Receive artworks *Store packing materials for duration of show *Create price list Install exhibition *Affix labels to walls
              *Affix vinyl lettering to walls *Create artist bio notebook for gallery *Pick up catalogs

              *Greet artists/jurors/dignitaries *Create check-•‐in sheet to collect guest emails for future shoes *Sell artwork Handle catalog sales *Oversee food/beverages *Setup Cleanup *Pay juror(s) when requirements are filled * Consider giving juror(s) complimentary copy of catalog

              Upon Closing of Exhibition
              *Send out press releases *Budget report to WCA Operations Director *Send checks to WCA Operations Director *De‐install exhibition *Return/ship artwork to artists *Collect email addresses from Entrythingy for future calls for art *Mail checks to artists whose works sold *Evaluate artist demographics from Entrythingy report

              Final Exhibition Tasks
              *Create summary report for WCA board *Continued catalog sales *Delete show from Entrythingy
              *Pay final bills *Final accounting -•‐ show profit, loss

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Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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