

Family art night with a twist

**PAID Activity $5 each (Fundraiser)
Supplies Needed: Bisque Pendants, Acrylic Craft paint, brushes, water cups, paper towels, yarn/string

Art Festival and Family Art Night

Art Festival Family Art Night

This year, in addition to our annual Art Festival (PreK-12 Art show & competition), I decided to add a Family Art Night. My goal was to increase attendance and promote our art department with engaging art activities. Mission Success! We provided 11 art stations that were all free except one (Paint a Pendant Fundraiser). We had a wonderful response from families and the administration! Adding in the Family Art Night was A LOT of work and took A LOT of planning, but TOTALLY worth every effort.

To get started, I researched and learned from those who have done successful Family Art Nights! I have been pinning like crazy on my Pinterest board Art Festival Ideas-lots of great ideas collected here. These are just a couple to the wonderful resources on the web!

  • Deep Space Sparkle has great resources on hosting an art night including fantastic display boards with step by step instructions.
  • Mrs. Knight’s Smartest Artists-Best Fine Arts Night ever! has creative stations like a “graffiti stitching station” and “recycled monsters”. That Little Art Teacher had a great layout and instructions for her art night.
  • Shari Carter says in her article How to Host a Family Art Night, “The key to success is plenty of advance notice and clear instructions for the teachers and their art helpers.

In this post, I will share with you how we did our Family Art Night with free resources and tips we learned to make it run more smoothly.

Preparation for Family Art Night

Family Art Night


SPACE-We anticipated a large crowd since we normally have a great turnout for our Art Festival. We would need even more space to include the Family Art Night. You need plenty of room for people movement (so people don’t feel crowded), tables with seating seating, creating artwork, and drying artwork (on the floor or hanging up)!

At the beginning of the school year (YES that early!), I spoke with our athletic director & facilities manager about using the gym and not planning any other events or practices in the gym for the two days we would need to set up, have the event, and tear down. Setting this up EARLY in the year makes for good relations between the departments. It shows you respect their space and desire to work with them in a positive manner-we want to honor all the programs at our schools!

Art Festival Family Art Night

Art Festival Family Art Night

Art Festival Family Art Night

Enlist Volunteers Early

Set up an online SignUp Genius event with specific volunteer opportunities. It takes a while to set it up, but its totally worth it! This is sent out to parents and students about 3 weeks prior to the event. My students and parents are aware of the event from the beginning of school.

My 6th-12 grade students are required to attend the art festival. It is for a grade. For the last several years, I have had them do two written critique worksheets that night-one for an elementary student and one for a secondary student. This year if they signed up for a volunteer spot at a station they did not have to do the written critique. We had two helpers at most stations for 30 minute time slots. Drawing stations only needed one helper per time slot. We could not have done this event without so many helpers!


We started promotion for the event about a month out with large signs all over campus, school website, emails to art elective students parents and students, newsletters-school and elementary teachers weekly newsletters. If you are making this a community event, then consider promoting on local radio stations and newspapers. Next year, I will also be making yard signs to put up around campus.

Signs & Table Instructions

I made table station signs on ledger size paper and had them printed at Office Max on 110lb glossy paper. I also made 3-4 table instructions at every station to display on the tables. This put the instructions directly in front of people as worked. I mounted them on foamboard that I cut into 2″ strips that formed triangular shape. I could put 2 table instruction sheets on each display.

Download the Table Instructions for FREE: Table Tents for Stations – Family Art Night 2020

Download the Ledger size (11×17″) Station Signs for FREE: Family Art Night – Station Signs 2020

I printed them at a local office supply store for about $1.10 each.

Download the Ledger size (11×17″) Station Signs for FREE: Family Art Night – Station Signs Compressed

I printed them at a local office supply store for about $1.10 each.

Art Stations


  • Limit the number of stations to 5-8 and add more space for people to work. Don’t kill yourself trying to provide tons of activities. Choose only the ones that will work best with your budget, space and resources (including volunteers).
  • Limit the wet media stations. You will need more space to dry the artwork and have more volunteers to help!
  • Limit labor intensive or super complex stations. These require more helpers and expertise to run them. Remember KISS (Keep It Simple Silly)!
  • Have clearly written instructions in multiple locations at every station.
  • Print out instructions for volunteers preferably with pictures of processes (I am working on this for next year).

1. Photo Booth of Famous Paintings

Supplies Needed: Foam Board with famous portrait paintings and holes cut out for heads, Sign with #hashtags

My co-teacher Rebecca painted these in ONE day-she is AMAZING!!

Art Festival Family Art Night

• Offer to take the pictures for people.
• Remind them to hashtag# if sharing on social media!

2. Drawing Table with Frames

http://thomaselementaryart.blogspot.com/2014/04/art-show-2014-is-in-books.html Supplies Needed: Markers, colored pencils, white butcher paper, pre-draw various frames on butcher paper

My 6th grade students made two rolls of frames. We only used one, so I have some for next year.

Art Festival Family Art Night

1. Choose any frame (up to 3 frames).
2. Draw a picture inside the frame using either markers or colored pencils.
3. Sign your name in the bottom right hand corner or by the frame.

3. Tempera Collaborative Paintings

Supplies Needed: Poster Boards, Tempera Cake Trays, Water Cups, Paint Brushes, Paper, pre-draw non-objective designs on poster board

My 6th grade students made 6 poster boards with non-objective designs. We only used 3, so I have some for next year.

Art Festival Family Art Night


  • Get clean water and wash paint brushes as needed
  • Replace poster board with fresh design when it is full

4. Styrofoam Printmaking

Supplies Needed: 3×4″ Styrofoam printing plates (cut), 5×7″ paper, ink or tempera paint, brayers, plexiglass

Art Festival Family Art Night

**Prints will be mirror image, so designs and words must be backwards!
**Everything that is pressed down with the pencil will be WHITE. All RAISED surfaces will have ink.
1. Use a pencil to draw a picture onto the Styrofoam.
2. Roll out a thin layer of paint over the Styrofoam.
3. Write your name & grade in the bottom RIGHT hand CORNER of a piece of paper.
4. Carefully lay a piece of paper on top of your inked design.
5. Use your fingertips to firmly rub in circles over the whole design.
6. Lift a small portion of the paper to check your design.
7. Take your paper off of the Styrofoam and give to volunteer to dry.
8. Come back in about 15 minutes to get your print & Styrofoam.

• Remind people to write names on paper.
• Remind them the design will come out MIRROR image from the plate. WORDS must be written BACKWARDS (see example image).
• Help roll ink out if they are having a hard time. Too much ink will fill in the grooves!

• Wash plexiglass and brayers at the end of the event

• Remind them to take their plate and print home.

5. Marble Rolling Painting

Supplies Needed: minimum 9×12″ plastic trays, marbles (I prefer the “shooter” size) optional: texture/spike balls, tempera paint, spoons, 6×9″ paper

Art Festival Family Art NightArt Festival Family Art Night


1. Write your name & grade in the bottom RIGHT-hand CORNER of a piece of paper.
2. Place the paper in the yellow tray.
3. Use the spoons to pick up the marbles covered in different colors of paint.
4. Place the marbles on the paper.
5. Gently tilt the sides of the box so the marbles roll all over the paper.
6. Give your paper to a volunteer to dry.
7. Come back in about 15 minutes to get your paper.

• Refill paint containers as needed.
• Remind students that the marbles stay at school.

•Wash marbles and trays at end of the event

6. Pendulum Painting

Supplies Needed: PVC Pipe frame (2’x2’x3′), Watered down tempera paint (2 to 1), 2 Clear Plastic Bottle Twist Top Cap , 12×18″ or 18×24″ 90lb. paper, Plastic shower curtain to go under the station, LOTS of newsprint to also go under the station, paper towels

Art Festival Family Art NightArt Festival Family Art Night


1. Get a piece of paper.
2. Write your name & grade on the BACK of the paper.
3. Wait for your turn.
4. Place the paper under the pendulum. Gently swing the pendulum to release paint all over the paper. Try swinging the second color in another direction.
5. Give your paper to a volunteer to dry.
6. Come back in about 30 minutes to get your paper.

• Make sure they have NAME & GRADE written on the BACK of the paper before starting.
• ****Hold your finger over the bottle opening to keep it closed until the student is ready to swing the bottle.
• ****Put the cap on while waiting for the next person’s turn!
• *Tell them to swing it GENTLY in circular motion.
• Refill the bottle of paint with the paint in the bottles. ONLY fill it ¾ full! (This paint has been diluted with water).

•At end of the event: throw way all newsprint, put paint back in the bottles

7. Straw & Pipe Sculpture (PreK-Kinder)

Supplies Needed: Pipe cleaners, colorful straws, beads, styrofoam bases (Cut up insulation foam sheets), bendy straws optional

Art Festival Family Art Night


  1. Get a BASE. Write your NAME & GRADE on the bottom.
  2. Pipe cleaners can be bent in any direction. They can be curled, zig-zagged, looped, and twisted.
  3. Add straws and beads to the pipe cleaners as desired.
  4. Press at least one side of the pipe cleaner into the foam. Both can be pressed in to hold the sculpture more firmly.
  5. Take your sculpture with you when you are finished.

8. Straw & Pipe Sculpture (1st + Up)

Supplies Needed: Pipe cleaners, straws, bendy straws

Art Festival Family Art Night

• Holding a pipe cleaner, slip a straw so it fits over the pipe with a little of the straw sticking out on both sides.
• Pipe cleaners can be bent to do in any direction. Bend pipes or add straws to create sculptures.
• Twist pipe cleaners together to add length to the sculptures.
• Loops or other formed shapes can be added for decoration.
• Write name/grade with Sharpie on one of the straws.
• People will take the sculpture with them when they are finished.

• Make sure they have NAME & GRADE written on a straw before starting.
• Demonstrate how to bend and twist pipe cleaners. also how to attach by twisting pipe cleaner together.

•Remind them to take sculpture with them.

9. Lego Printing

Supplies Needed: Legos of Various sizes, thin sponges, black tempera paint (slightly diluted & added a small amount of India Ink to make it darker), plastic trays/containers for sponges, construction paper- various colors

Art Festival Family Art Night


1. Choose a colored sheet of construction paper.
2. Write your NAME & GRADE on the bottom.
3. Think of something real or fantasy to create.
4. Use the LEGOS to print the shapes.
5. Gently press the LEGO on the ink filled sponge to “load” it.
6. Press the LEGO on your paper. Re-load each time you print the LEGO
7. Let dry (should dry pretty quickly-about 5 minutes).
8. Color design with colored pencils.
9. Take your drawing with you when you are finished.

• Make sure they have NAME & GRADE written on a straw before starting.
• Demonstrate how to bend and twist pipe cleaners. also how to attach by twisting pipe cleaner together.

•Remind them to take sculpture with them.

10. Crayon Resist Painting

Supplies Needed: Crayons, Watercolors, 9×9” 90lb+ paper, water cups, paint brushes

Art Festival Family Art Night

1. Get a piece of “LOVE” paper. Cardstock with LOVE printed on it.
2. Write your name & grade on the BACK of the paper.
3. Use CRAYONS to trace the letters in different colors.
4. Use the crayons to make patterns INSIDE or BEHIND the letters.
5. Use WATERCOLORS to paint the letters and background.
SCIENCE Connection: Oil & Water don’t mix!
6. Give your paper to a volunteer to dry.
7. Come back in about 15 minutes to get your paper.

• Remind students to press firmly with crayons (but not so hard they break).
• Resist works best with watery paint!
• Clean brushes if they get too dirty.
• Get clean water OFTEN from the concession stand sink.

11. TAG The Art Game

Supplies Needed: Oil Pastels, markers, Watercolors, Tissue paper (or other collage papers), 12×18” 90lb+ paper, glue sticks, water cups, paint brushes

TAG-The Art Game– Play as single or multi-player (great family activity!)
*these directions are altered from the original directions included in the game for this special night.

1. Get one piece of paper for you or your group to play on.
2. Write your name (s) on the BACK of the paper.
3. Roll the Dice:
• If the number is 1-2, choose a PAINT card & follow the directions.
• If the number is 3-4, choose a DRAW card & follow the directions.
• If the number is 5-6, choose a COLLAGE card & follow the directions.
4. Continue until everyone has had 4 opportunities to roll and create on the artwork.

Our Favorite Projects of 2020

For the first month of this new year, we’re putting a fun twist on our Free Family Art Night Virtual Series. Instead of one project, we’ve asked our team to take a look back at all of our #CreateInPlace projects from 2020 and select their favorite.

Which one project did you like best? Be sure to look for our staff picks each night this week!

Pick #1


“The Marbled Paper project was my favorite because art lets you be messy, and the reveal is like magic.” — Susan Richmond, Museum Director

Marbled Paper

Pick #2

“The Botanical Mandalas project was my favorite because I love making art with nature.” — Michelle Davidson, Gallery & Volunteer Coordinator

Pick #3

“The Magazine Drawing & Painting project was my favorite because I love mixed media and it’s fun for all ages and skill levels.” — Amber Green, Manager of Marketing & Online Programs

Pick #4

Coming January 4!

“The Botanical Prints project was my favorite because the natural leaf shapes can be arranged in many ways to create a visually pleasing work of art.” — Janett Taylor, Garden Artisan

Botanical Prints

Pick #5

“The Memory Game project was my favorite because you can be super creative drawing the tiles and then end up with a fun brain game for all ages to enjoy.” — Kristin Heron, Curator of Education, Outreach & Exhibitions

Pick #6

“I have a definitely “not green’’ thumb so the Cardboard Cactus was a natural pick for me, extremely low maintenance!” — Kathy Kelly, Communications Coordinator

Pick #7

“The Printmaking with Sandpaper & Crayons project was my favorite because it is simple for anyone to create (as long as children have an adult do the hot iron part). It is going to look exciting and be a success no matter what you draw!” — Linda King, Weekend Artisan



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Ormond Memorial Art Museum

Ormond Memorial Art Museum & Gardens

78 East Granada Boulevard
Ormond Beach, FL 32176

10am – 4pm Monday-Saturday; 12pm – 4pm Sunday

© Ormond Memorial Art Museum 2023

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Image Credit: @abrakadoodlenwf Instagram

With art classes, camps, and workshops all over the area in Gulf Breeze, Fort Walton, Niceville, Destin, Sandestin, Grayton Beach, Bluewater, WaterColor, Santa Rosa Beach, Panama City Beach, and Navarre, Abrakadoodle is one of the best and most accessible places to take your kids to do art. You and your family will love creating your own masterpieces to commemorate your vacation.

The Shard Shop Destin

Image Credit: @holy.moely Instagram

The Shard Shop is a family-friendly make-your-own art boutique that offers multiple art classes a day. Create your own work of art with glass at The Shard Shop! It’s the perfect activity for date night, girls night, team building, baby showers, and birthday parties. Best of all, all ages are welcome.

Splash Paint Party Studio

Image Credit: @_mariahgirl Instagram

Splash Paint Party Studio is another great paintings studio in the Destin area. Located in Fort Walton Beach, Splash Paint Party Studio is the perfect place to go paint your own masterpiece with your friends while enjoying complimentary wine, soft drinks, and snacks. The studio hosts all sorts of painting events including kid-friendly ones. They even have a “paint your own pet” event, where you send a photo of your dog to the studio and the artists sketch it out for you to paint.

All in all, there are tons of different places to do your arts and crafts activities in the area! Be sure to check out these studios the next time you’re in town!

Cover Photo Credit: @jordanberecz Instagram

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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