

Creative art ideas for young children

In make-believe play, young children are actively engaged with peers and are in control: it is the children—not an adult—who make decisions during play.

Toddler Art Activities

Can we do art with toddlers? What is an appropriate art activity for toddlers? In the post we’re sharing some of our favorite easy to set up toddler art activities that kids love!

Nine photos of kids doing art activities using paint, shaving cream, water, Q-tips, cotton balls, and fly swatters.

Why are art activities good for toddlers?

Art activities are so important for toddlers!

Here are five reasons why I think art is good for toddlers:

  1. Art is FUN and helps kids develop their creative skills!
  2. Art helps toddlers build their fine motor skills.
  3. Art is a great way for toddlers to connect and build positive relationships with friends, caregivers, and teachers.
  4. Art allows kids to explore new sensory experiences and materials.
  5. Art helps kids experiment and problem solve!

My formula for an awesome toddler art activity

  • Inexpensive materials
  • Easy to set up
  • Fun to repeat
  • Painting
  • 3-D Art and sculpture
  • Printmaking
  • Tape resist art
  • Crayon resist art
  • Collage art
  • Fizzy Art
  • And so much more!

What Will We Make? Using Process Art to Spark Preschoolers’ Development

This article shares ways in which process art can help children grow in their expressive language, nurture social and emotional development, and encourage thinking skills.

Authored by:
Loretta Fernando-Smith
Members Only

a child admiring her own artwork

Teaching Young Children
January 3, 2023

Message in a Backpack™ Encouraging Process Art at Home: Reaping the Benefits of Joy and Making

People often think about art as creating something beautiful—a replica Starry Night collage or a seasonal craft to serve as a gift. But when children engage in process art, they explore and experience materials without working toward a particular goal.

Authored by:
Loretta Fernando-Smith
Members Only

A child draws on a piece of paper.

Teaching Young Children
January 3, 2023

A Scribble Is Never Just a Scribble: Art, Story, and Process

The following DAP snapshot and reflection touches on how one teacher responded to children’s marks on paper, encouraging creativity and integrated learning, particularly around drawing, writing, and storytelling.

Authored by:
Ron Grady
Members Only

a make believe veterinarian playset with stuffed animals

Teaching Young Children
January 3, 2023

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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