

Will acrylic paint adhere to wooden surfaces?

If your painted project is sealed and displayed indoors, it should last for a very long time

Tempera Paint on Wood – Can You Use it? A Quick Guide

Tempera paint is an inexpensive, non-toxic paint that can be used for many fun creative projects. It’s a great paint for children to use, as it is safe and easy to clean up.

Tempera can be used to paint a variety of wood craft projects. However, since tempera paint is water-based, you’ll need to prepare the unfinished wood and seal your final painted projects.

What Is Tempera Paint?

If you or your children have ever painted in school art classes, or if you or your children have ever played with finger paints, then you’ve probably used tempera paint.

Tempera is a water-based, non-toxic, allergen-free paint that is popular for craft projects and children’s art classes. You can find it in craft stores, art supply stores, and even toy stores. Sometimes you’ll find it labeled as “poster paint”.

It is known for having bright colors that don’t fade and it is very easy to clean up. Because it is water-based, it can be used like watercolor paint or just painted in solid hues.

You can also buy tempera paint in the form of powdered pigment, and paint sticks. The powdered pigments can be mixed with water to create a liquid tempera paint.

The tempera paint sticks resemble glue sticks and are used to draw or write on any surface instead of using a paintbrush.

There is also another type of paint known as egg tempera paint.

This isn’t the same as the tempera paint that is commonly found in stores. Egg tempera is used only by professional fine artists. It is created with artist-grade pigments with egg yolk acting as a binder.

Can You Use Tempera Paint on Wood?

Yes. You can use tempera paint on wood. However, there are a few things you need to know about it. I’ll show you how to use tempera paint on wood in the rest of this post.

Tempera paint is easy to use on any surface. It applies smoothly, and the colors stay bright with very little fading. It dries to a nice matte finish.

However, if you want to paint anything made of wood with tempera paint there are a few things that you will want to consider.

First, keep in mind that tempera paint is water-based. This means that it will wash away, partially or completely, if it gets wet. For this reason, you shouldn’t use tempera paint on any wood surface that will be displayed outside, or that will be frequently touched.

You can apply a sealant, but even that will offer limited protection.

Another thing to be mindful of is that tempera paint isn’t as strong as other types of paint, such as acrylic paint. Tempera paint will crack or flake after drying if it is applied too thickly or if the painted surface is very flexible.

If you’ve decided to use tempera paint on wood, here are a few basic steps that will help you get the best possible results:

  • Tempera will work best on clean, unfinished, smooth wood. If the wood you want to paint is a little rough, usually a light sanding can be done quickly and easily. It doesn’t have to be perfectly smooth, but any noticeable rough or splintery areas should be sanded out. Tempera paint is very liquid, and it won’t apply evenly to rough surfaces.

    If the wood surface has any kind of varnish or sealant on it, the tempera paint won’t stick to it. Varnishes, shellacs, and sealants are all made to repel moisture. Since tempera paint is water-based, it won’t adhere to those surfaces.

  • If you want to paint your wooden piece a solid color or have a background color, you might want to use a light primer coat first. Gesso is an inexpensive primer product that is used to treat canvases, wood, and paper before painting. You could also apply a very light wash of acrylic paint as a primer.

    Because tempera is water-based, it can soak into unfinished wood and might look a little bit blotchy when it dries. Sometimes a second coat of paint will make it look more even, but a primer coat is the best choice.

  • Now for the fun part! Once your wood is sanded and primed (if using primer), it’s time to paint! Tempera applies very smoothly with any type of paintbrush. It will look best if you don’t apply a very thick coat of paint. If the paint is too thick, it might crack or flake once it is dry.

    Tempera paint dries very quickly. The colors typically don’t change once the paint is dry. If you’re careful not to apply the paint too thick, it’s easy to layer colors on top of each other.

    It’s also very easy to mix tempera paint to create new colors. Because tempera colors are very vibrant, they combine easily and the new color is unlikely to turn out “muddy” or dull.

  • If you want a watercolor appearance, it’s easy to achieve with tempera paint! Like traditional watercolor paint, tempera can be thinned with water to get a more washed-out or transparent look. Layering transparent washes of color can add a lot of depth to any painted piece.
  • After your tempera paint has dried, you might notice a few spots on the wood where the paint has soaked in more than the surrounding area. You can fix this easily enough just by painting a thin coat over any place that needs a little more coverage.
  • The final step you might want to take for your tempera-painted wood piece is to seal it. This will protect your painted surface from moisture or humidity, and keep the paint looking clean and bright.
  • Cleaning up is easy when using tempera paint! You can use soap and water to clean your paint brushes and any other areas. Tempera paint should wash out of clothes easily, although it might leave a stain if the paint dries on clothing.

What’s the Best Water-Based Paint for Wood Furniture?

Wooden furniture can benefit from using water-based paints because the product dries quickly and the color doesn’t easily crack. There are three types of water-based paint you can use for wooden furniture, such as:

  • Latex paint: If you have wooden furniture that’s going to be used for a long time, use latex paint with a gloss or semi-gloss finish. This allows the wood to be cleaned easier and makes the surface last longer. However, if you’re working with decorative wooden furniture, latex paint with a flat finish may be your best bet.
  • Acrylic paint: This is best suited for furniture that’s not used as much, or for console tables, frames, and other decors that are quite small. It’s easy to work with and clean up, dries fast, and can resist chipping or cracking because it has more elasticity.
  • Milk paint: This contains ingredients like clay, milk protein, lime, and pigments. It can be used on wood and make it seem like the surface is “worn out.” As such, it can be a good option if you want the furniture to have that vintage look.
  • Chalk paint: This water-based paint is made with calcium carbonate, talc, and pigments. This can be applied on wooden surfaces to give it a matte finish or even make outdated wooden furniture look good as new. What’s great about using chalk paint is that it can adhere well, and work on already painted and stained surfaces.

How to Prepare Wood for Painting

Before painting on wooden surfaces, especially unfinished wood, you need to ensure that the surface is smooth enough for the product to stick to it. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Take 60- or 80-grit sandpaper and sand the unfinished or bare wood. Ensure that you do this by following the direction of the wood’s grain.
  2. Once done, clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner with a bristle brush attachment.
  3. Remove the debris using a damp or tack cloth.

However, if you’re working on previously painted wooden surfaces and just want to give them an upgrade, take note of these tips:

  1. Check for the current condition of the surface. Remove or scrape already peeling paint.
  2. Once peeling paint has been removed, use 180-grit sandpaper to smoothen the surface.
  3. Clean any debris that’s left.

Don’t forget to sand glossy wooden furniture too if you’re planning to apply matte or chalk paints on them, especially if you’re not using a primer.

Once you’re done thoroughly cleaning the surface, you can apply a water-based sealer for wood furniture before applying primer. A sealer’s main purposes include:

  • Preparing wooden surfaces for primers and additional paint coats
  • Assisting with paint adhesion and quicker drying time
  • Turning porous surfaces into non-porous surfaces, avoiding unwanted absorption of paint and other products
  • Covering knots and mildew so they won’t be visible
  • Preventing the appearance of raised wood grain
  • Repelling contaminants from other substances or sources

After applying the sealer, you can then apply a good layer of primer to ensure that the surface will feel even and smooth. The amount of primer you’ll need to use will depend on the type of wood you’re already working with. In particular, dark and tannin-rich wood tends to require more primer.

Other Tips When Painting Wood Furniture

Here are other tips to remember when using water-based paint (or any other type of paint to begin with) for wooden furniture:

  • Don’t paint over wooden surfaces that haven’t been prepared thoroughly. Doing so won’t allow the paint to adhere well, and may even lead to peeling, especially when the initial surface has a glossy finish.
  • Use the ideal paintbrushes to prevent shedding or leaving marks of brushstrokes. Nylon or polyester angled bristle brushes are best for latex paints, while you can count on rollers with rounded ends if you’re working on a large area. When using them, brush or roll them against the wood grain for best results.
  • Make sure to paint in multiple thin layers instead of thick ones so the paint job looks smoother.
  • Consider using a polyacrylic topcoat on heavily used or exposed wooden surfaces that have been painted on with latex, chalk, or milk paint. The topcoat will dry to a clear finish and is easier to clean up as well.

To know more about the best water-based paints to use on wooden surfaces, you can talk to a professional who can guide you on the process and help you choose the right paint to use.

It may be just the right time for your wooden furniture to get a new coat of paint. And with Island Premium Paints, you can! As the first local brand whose paints come with a Product Satisfaction Guarantee, you won’t find it hard to look for a product that’s suited for your wooden furniture. Discover more home improvement and decoration tips by heading to our website today!

Colin Wynn
the authorColin Wynn

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